Eternal Supreme

Chapter 817

"Did the two elders of the Xuan Diao Clan come to discuss marriage with our Yanying Clan?"

After the group of people came in, they also sat down, and the eyes of the man who took the lead also fell on the two elders of the Xuan mink clan, but when he was talking, he couldn't help but look at Ye Qianran, and his expression was also At this time, a look of doubt appeared.

The two elders of the Xuan mink clan glanced at Ye Qianran at the same time and then nodded slightly.

The patriarch also saw the eyes of the two elders, and immediately fell on Ye Qianran's body and frowned slightly: "Who is this!"

In fact, he was still very upset when he saw Ye Qianran. This guy has been sitting there since he came. What do you mean?

"Ah, are you talking to me?"

Ye Qianran was stunned, turned his head and glanced at the patriarch and said, "Good boy, tell me... um, tell me, what's your name!"

After the words fell, everyone present was stunned at the same time, including the two elders of the Black Sable Clan.

But after they came back to their senses, their expressions changed drastically at the same time. The Yanying Clan's temper was very violent. If Ye Qianran angered them, even the Dragon Clan would probably fight tit for tat.


A cold voice sounded, and the patriarch sat up with a gloomy face full of rage, looked at Ye Qianran and said, "What do you mean!"

Ye Qianran was not in a hurry at this time, and looked at the patriarch of the Yanying clan with great interest and said with a smile: "Son, don't be too angry, you should learn to control your emotions, and I call you that, in fact correct!"

"First of all, old man, I've already lived...well, I don't know how long, you can imagine how much younger you are than me!"

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up, and he developed the big flicker to the limit. After sighing immediately, his face showed a vicissitudes of life, and then said again: "Actually, I have been very interested in the Yanying Clan for a long time. I heard Saying that you believe in Tianhuo, it happens that this old man is the spokesperson of Tianhuo!"

"What's the meaning!"

What Ye Qianran said was very mysterious, and the middle-aged man couldn't figure it out at this time, and said immediately: "What kind of spokesperson for Tianhuo, explain the matter clearly, otherwise, you three don't want to leave the Yanying Clan!"

Ye Qianran heard the anger in the patriarch's mouth, and immediately stood up and said: "The spokesperson means that I am one level higher than Tianhuo, if you speak to me in such a tone, I really should use Tianhuo to divide you!" Less, but you are a junior and ignorant, and the old man has seen it after living for so long, so I don't care about you!"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the two elders of the Xuan Diao Clan changed drastically again. Ye Qianran did this, but it was a desecration of what the Yanying Clan believed in.

Just as they expected, the expressions of the patriarch of the Yanying Clan and the elders present also changed greatly at the same time, and the patriarch of the Yanying Clan's face was even more gloomy. While his body was shaking, there was a cold murderous intent It is even more present at this time.

"Damn you!"

The patriarch of the Yanying Clan's voice is full of coldness, and the red glow is surging, and has reached the stage of explosion. Skyfire is the belief of the Yanying Clan, but Ye Qianran is so ruined, which really makes people very uncomfortable, so he really He was angry, very angry, if Ye Qianran didn't say a word, he would definitely let Ye Qianran be smashed here on the spot.

"Damn me?"

Ye Qianran's expression suddenly turned cold, and he looked at the patriarch of the Yanying clan and said, "You should know who you are talking to!"


After the words fell, two fused sky fires flowed on the body, and the body was wrapped up instantly, and the right hand was spread out, and the surging flames shot up into the sky. The patriarch of the Yanying clan looked at him coldly and said: "You want to be killed by me?" Burned? If you say that about me, you are blaspheming the sacredness of Tianhuo, understand?"

All the people present saw the sky fire on Ye Qianran's body, and their faces changed drastically.

The Xuan mink family was shocked, how could Ye Qianran have such a powerful sky fire? How did he do it?

As for the people of the Yanying clan, the word shock can no longer be used, and shock is the most appropriate description. They never imagined that Ye Qianran actually controls the sky fire.

It is cold and indescribably delicate, and it feels full of vastness, giving people an incredible feeling.

"how could be?"

The patriarch of the Yanying Clan was stunned, and after a murmur, his expression changed when he looked at Ye Qianran, showing respect, but it was unclear whether the respect was aimed at Ye Qianran or the sky fire on Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, it seemed that it was in his imagination, and now the flickering mode was turned on again, he sighed and said: "Forget it, your Yanying clan is also a believer in Tianhuo, if I get angry, I really shouldn't, but Remember, I am the spokesperson of Tianhuo!"

As soon as the words fell, the flame knife floated out of the sky fire, and the surrounding temperature suddenly heated up at this time, and the unique breath of the heavenly weapon also swept around, shocking the people present again.

At this time, Ye Qianran said: "This is a flame knife, and it is also an accompaniment of the sky fire!"

"Yes!" The patriarch of the Yanying clan didn't have the slightest doubt at this time, the aura was also full of vastness, shocking and unbelievable.


Ye Qianran waved his hand, the aura on his body subsided, and the sky fire disappeared at this time, and the flame knife circled around and said: "Spokesperson, just as you think, there is a sky fire in the Yanying clan, you are the spokesperson of the sky fire , is obliged to fuse it, and let the Yanying Clan witness your identity!"

The opening of the flame knife surprised the people around again, and this was also arranged by Ye Qianran. It can be regarded as a small trick to increase the degree of convincing...

Ye Qianran didn't know him even if he was pretending to be pretending now. He nodded after pondering, his eyes fell on the Yanying clan and said: "Heaven fire is derived from heaven and earth, and I am the spokesperson of Tianhuo. The reason is that I am also heaven and earth." Son!" As the voice fell, the spiritual power surged, and the surrounding power of heaven and earth frantically mobilized and gathered, and Ye Qianran's whole body was filled with strong power of heaven and earth in an instant.

"As the spokesperson of Tianhuo, the son of heaven and earth, I have the obligation to integrate the Tianhuo of your Yanying clan. I wonder if your Yanying clan can agree?"

Ye Qianran said something simple, and then the corner of his mouth turned up: "In addition, in the name of Tianhuo, I will give you the title of Tianhuo...well, the title of Tianhuo's general manager!"

"General manager of Tianhuo?"

The patriarch of the Yanying clan was stunned for a moment, his face was full of doubts, what kind of title was this, the name had never been heard before.

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