Eternal Supreme

Chapter 818

"That's right, General Manager Tianhuo..."

Ye Qianran raised his mouth and said: "You Yanying clan has guarded Tianhuo for so long, enough to bear this sacred title. As the patriarch of your Yanying clan, you have the title of director of Tianhuo, and it can be passed down from generation to generation..."

Ye Qianran said this to let them know that these two titles are absolutely supreme and exist, absolutely domineering.

And after saying this, his voice paused again: "You Yanying clan made Tianhuo such a feast, and I will also give you a gift on behalf of Tianhuo!"

Under Ye Qianran's powerful deception mode, everyone in the Yanying Clan was full of tremors, or excitement.

First is the supreme title, and then there are gifts... They feel that their beliefs have been recognized spiritually, which is also unspeakable for them.

Ye Qianran naturally noticed everyone's expressions, and now his eyes fluttered: "Okay, I have said what I should say about the rewards, now I want to talk about another thing about our Yanying clan! "

Talking lightly, he said: "This matter is actually about the marriage between our Yanying clan and Xuan Diao clan!"

"Although our Yanying clan should have the dominance we deserve. After all, we are believers of Tianhuo, but since we are believers of Tianhuo, we must also be as tolerant as Tianhuo."

Ye Qianran looked at the patriarch of the Yanying Clan and said: "Although the Xuanying Clan made promises first and violated them later, the Yanying Clan really needs face, but what I said is tolerance is more important, there is no need There is a lot of fanfare about this matter, do you understand what I mean?"

The Yanying Clan nodded, looked at Ye Qianran and said respectfully: "Yes, I understand!"


Ye Qianran looked at the Yanying Clan with admiration and said: "I am also very pleased that you can understand this way. It seems that the title I gave you is also a completely correct choice!"

After hearing this, the patriarch of the Yanying Clan became agitated, and nodded again. After a series of events, the Yanying Clan completely trusted Ye Qianran, a big fool.

"In addition, the Yanying clan and the Xuanying clan have experienced such a thing, and they have a certain relationship. In the future, I hope that the two ancient clans will take care of each other. This will also fully reflect the generosity of our Yanying clan!" Ye Qian Then said again.

The patriarch of the Yanying clan nodded again and agreed, he dare not disobey Ye Qianran's words now.

"Then it's time for me to reward you too!"

Ye Qianran said something simply, then turned her body on her back, turned around after a while, and threw out a pill bottle.

The patriarch of the Yanying Clan reacted very quickly, and directly reached out to take it, and at this time, he felt pure and unbelievable spiritual power from the bottle.

"There is the blood of me, the spokesperson of Skyfire, in this, which has a great influence on the Skyfire clan!"

Ye Qianran said slowly: "The Flame Shadow Clan can bestow one drop for good performance, and the patriarch also has the right to one drop. Cherish it, and hope that our Flame Shadow Clan will develop thoroughly!"

When talking about this, Ye Qianran said with all his might, "Finally, if you still perform well, I will give the Yanying Clan a new name, the Skyfire Clan!"

This name is super straightforward. Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the people of Yanying Clan were stunned at the same time, and then their faces were full of surprises.

"Okay, I don't have much to say. Now the sacred moment is coming. I want to integrate into the sky fire under the witness of your own eyes, and your current Yanying clan has the honor of witnessing!" Ye Qian Then said with a smile.

"Well, please come with me!"

The patriarch of the Yanying clan was really excited when he heard that there was such an honor. The horror of Tianhuo was almost unmatched by anyone.

Ye Qianran blended into Tianhuo and let them watch, which invisibly also represented recognition for them.


Ye Qianran absolutely laughed in his heart at this time, that's it, he personally went to integrate into Tianhuo with him, and he didn't have any complaints, even excited, it seems that he must strengthen his fooling in the future, so that he can fool around in the future It's easy to say.

The two elders of the Xuan mink clan have not come to their senses at this time, what is the situation?

They didn't understand from the beginning to the end, isn't Ye Qianran a dragon? I really don't understand why he became the spokesperson of Tianhuo inexplicably now.

When Ye Qianran followed up, he looked at the two elders of the Black Sable Clan and said, "Just wait here for now!" After speaking, he followed up.

Since there can be no flaws in the present, the honor he gave to the Yanying Clan naturally cannot be shared by the Xuanying Clan, otherwise it will make the Yanying Clan uncomfortable.

And when he merged into Tianhuo, he couldn't be disturbed. If the Yanying clan was very upset, and after guessing something, maybe there would be a big problem?

After following the patriarch and elders of the Yanying clan to the outside, they galloped towards the other direction of the mountain, and Ye Qianran naturally followed closely behind.

Ye Qianran actually knew the direction of Tianhuo from Yandao, and it can be said that there is still a distance from this valley.

Ten minutes later, on a bare mountain with no trees growing, a flame like a red sun was suspended there, and under the flame was a huge seal pattern, which obviously affected the sky fire. limit.

"What a powerful sky fire!"

The voice of Yan Dao resounded in Ye Qianran's heart: "This sky fire is the strongest I have ever seen, and it will be very dangerous for you to merge!" The voice was full of solemnity.

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, but the flame is so powerful, if he can successfully blend in, it will definitely be super powerful for his development.

"Well, today's fire has a very strong melting ability, which can melt everything, tsk tsk, if you go in, it's not that you have merged into him, but he has merged into you!" Yan Dao solemnly said.


Ye Qianran's expression stiffened and he said helplessly: "Don't give up my enthusiasm, okay!" He was really helpless, he has come to this point, is there any chance to retreat, no, so he now You must integrate into this group of heavenly fire, and you must only succeed and not fail...

Because he failed, it would mean that he is a fake as the spokesperson of Tianhuo, and the Xuan mink clan will suffer a lot of embarrassment, and he will end here before the mission he came here is completed.

There are still so many girls waiting for him at home, if he fails, he will not be able to see him in the future, so he can't fail, he can't fail resolutely.

"Then do your best!"

The voice of Yan Dao fluctuated a little: "If you can fuse, this day's fire will indeed help you a lot!"

"now it's right!"

Ye Qianran shrugged, if Yan Dao had done this long ago, it would be unreasonable, because it would be irritating to him.

He now understands his current strength very well. Only by constantly improving can the road here be easier. If he stops, what he can accomplish in the future will become more and more difficult, so he must resist. live.

"Spokesperson, this is it!"

The patriarch of the Yanying Clan looked at Ye Qianran and spoke, and his expression was filled with indescribable excitement.

What kind of concept would it be to witness the fusion of Tianhuo's spokesperson? Definitely very exciting.

"Yeah!" Ye Qianran nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his body rushed forward at this moment.

The seal was directly ignored by him, and Xiao Hei fell directly inside while surging.

People from the Yanying family didn't show anything after watching it, because as the spokesperson of Tianhuo, they must be able to do this.

Ye Qianran is still some distance away from Tianhuo at this time, but he can feel how terrifying and unbelievable the power is.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qianran closed his eyes and began to adjust his emotions. Now he must adjust himself to a calm mood.

If you are afraid from the very beginning, then the solution must be certain.

At this time, Yan Dao said: "Ice and fire should have a certain resistance to this fire. It is too dangerous for you to go up and fuse directly. You can mobilize the ice and fire first, and then slowly integrate into the resistance, so that the safety will be higher." .”

Ye Qianran nodded and chose to agree, but when he agreed, he also mobilized the fusion blood in advance. After mobilizing, he wrapped up the power of heaven and earth around him again, then took a deep breath, and his eyes fell On the floating sky fire, he rushed up directly.

The people of the Yanying Clan watched intently, at this moment they didn't even dare to breathe, as if they were afraid that they might miss something.

When Ye Qianran rushed up, he didn't stop at all, because he couldn't stop now, because the slightest pause would affect his mind.

When rushing out quickly, Ye Qianran felt the slowness of time. He wondered if it was because of the sudden increase in temperature that made him feel very difficult.

And when he rushed into the fire that day, he felt what it means to live like a year...

It was too painful, the moment he entered, all his clothes and hair disappeared, and the ice fire mobilized in his body was extremely unstable at this moment. In comparison, the sky fire he wanted to merge into was even more terrifying .

If he hadn't listened to what Yan Dao said, the ice and fire that melted him spread all over his body, the pain he is suffering now would be even more astonishing.

Forcing the ice and fire in his body not to be suppressed, Ye Qianran worked hard to adapt at this time, if he didn't adapt, then it would be impossible for him to integrate...

Challenge yourself again!

Ye Qianran gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, closed her eyes and immersed herself in it thoroughly, and after a simple adaptation, she began to restrain the suppressed ice and fire...

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