Eternal Supreme

Chapter 819

"What a strong spiritual power!"

While Ye Qianran was enduring the pain, he couldn't help being shocked by the sky fire. The spiritual power it contained was too terrifying, even if he was mentally prepared, he still hadn't thought of it.

But Jindu came in, so he could only grit his teeth and continue.

And because of Ye Qianran's hypothetical, this mass of heavenly fire churned extremely strongly, and the surrounding seals experienced huge turmoil at this time.

The fusion bloodline surged again at the same rapid speed, and the initial fusion stage had already begun, and this stage made Ye Qianran's pain a little deeper.

His brain went blank continuously, he fainted from the pain, and woke up from the pain, the pain was several times higher than what he had endured before...

But the more it was like this, the more it proved the strength of this Tianhuo, and the more it made him firm, so no matter how much pain he suffered at this time, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

The surging flames became more and more restless, and the power of heaven and earth around them also surged. At this time, the seal that restricted the fire of the day also twisted at this time, and it looked extremely unstable.

The Yanying Clan who watched from a distance were full of horror, and retreated one after another. At this time, the fire was very unstable, as if it was about to erupt at any time.

And although they believe in the sky fire, it is also a spiritual belief, and they all understand that the sky fire is not something they can easily touch...

The golden light surged, the sound of dragon chant sounded at this moment, and the extremely terrifying coercion surged out at this moment.

That's right, Ye Qianran couldn't bear it at all, because after the fire entered his body that day, it was still surging, which doubled his pain again.

As a last resort, he mobilized the blood of the dragon clan and tried to suppress it. The flame knife also floated out at this time, assisting him.

Nothing can happen to Ye Qianran, because Ye Qianran has a problem here, it, including several other heavenly weapons, will follow Ye Qianran and disappear.

In addition, it is also extremely looking forward to Ye Qianran's integration. This sky fire is so terrifying, it is also quite terrifying for Ye Qianran's growth...

Fine scales floated out of Ye Qianran's body, and when the whole body was covered, the coercion became even more frightening.

Before Ye Qianran came here, he had practiced the Aolong Jue to the highest level.

At the highest level, his body will be covered with scales, and there are horns on his forehead. He saw it in the water, but it always felt weird, so he never showed it, but now he wants to suppress it. That pain, Aolong had no choice but to raise to the highest level.

While being suppressed by the mighty Longwei, it shocked the people of the Yanying Clan at the same time.

"So strong!"

The patriarch of the Yanying clan couldn't help but say at this time, Ye Qianran is a human being, and he can feel it clearly from the previous breath, but now the coercion of the dragon clan is also very clear.

He didn't know how Ye Qianran did it, he just felt that Ye Qianran became more mysterious, but as the spokesperson of Tianhuo, maybe this would be a better match.

At this time, after Ye Qianran opened the blood of the Dragon Clan, the pain was obviously suppressed, but also because of this, the fire that day surged more intensely at this time, and Ye Qianran at this time seemed to be a fire. people like...


A turbulent sound sounded at this moment, and at this moment, the surrounding seals collapsed completely under the unstable situation, and completely dissipated in a dazzling light.

And when the seal dissipated, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth frantically condensed towards the sky fire at this time, and during this process, the sky fire surged more intensely, but during the surge, the sky fire was also At this time, he began to restrain himself, looking full of weirdness.

The concentration became stronger and stronger, and the contained spiritual power became more and more astonishing. At this time, the originally red flame was completely condensed into gold, and the dazzling light made the Yanying clan dare not look directly at it.


Ye Qianran took a breath at this time, because he felt the absolute suppression at this time, and the suppression made him feel absolute panic...


A crisp sound sounded, and the scales on Ye Qianran's body began to crack during the integration process, and the last pieces were broken...

Ye Qianran's expression froze for a moment, he really underestimated the horror and strength of Tianhuo again.

"Damn it, why is the fire so strong today!"

Yan Dao's voice at this time was also absolutely shocked, and it really underestimated it. It didn't expect that the seal would limit Tianhuo to such a large extent. At this time, after the seal collapsed and disappeared, Tianhuo also completely became stronger.

This change completely overwhelmed them, especially Ye Qianran, who was in his sluggishness and pain, felt that all the scales covering his body were cracked and broken at this time, because it was impossible to suppress the fire belt that day. Come the horror.

"You mobilize your original sky fire now, and then I will help you leave this sky fire!" The voice of the flame knife was trembling and regretful. Qian Ran rashly tried it.

It originally thought that these seals were added by members of the Yanying Clan, but now it seems that the seal that can restrict Skyfire to that kind is definitely ancient...

"Hehe, give up?"

After Ye Qianran heard Yan Dao's words, she also came back to her senses at this time, and was stunned for a while, and after a chuckle, her brows suddenly frowned, how can she give up now?

Is it so easy for him to persist until now?

He fooled around for a long time, is it so easy?

If you give up now, it may arouse the absolute suspicion of the Yanying Clan, and your next opportunity like this will be impossible.

And with the terrifying strength of Tianhuo now, if he let go, it would be almost equivalent to a runaway wild horse. Choose to let go.

Indeed, he really didn't want to die, but he wasn't so selfish.

In addition, he is really angry now, isn't it just a fire from the sky? Still playing tricks on him? Absolute rebellious psychology stirred in his heart.

The powerful mental power surged at this time, he really didn't believe it, a sky fire, he couldn't suppress it anymore...

Forced to endure the unbearable pain, let his blood surge again, and the mental power is wrapped in the surge to suppress the fire in his body. His whole body will be completely melted from the body, and become the 'firewood' of the sky fire...

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