Eternal Supreme

Chapter 822


After hearing Ye Qianran's words, Yan Ruxue's face was dull again, but after recalling Ye Qianran's words, her face immediately flushed red, and her heartbeat also accelerated at this time.

"Qianran, is it really done?" Yan Yichen's voice was also filled with unspeakable excitement.


Ye Qianran nodded slightly at this time and said: "In the future, if the Xuan Diao Clan has something to do, you can also go to the Yanying Clan for help. There should be no problem!"

After hearing this, Yan Yichen couldn't help being stunned again. Could it be that Ye Qianran is about to solve the problem and form an alliance between the two?

Ye Qianran naturally noticed Yan Yichen's surprise, smiled again and said, "Tomorrow I plan to take Ru Bing away, go to Tianfu as soon as possible, and settle her affairs!"

"That's fine!" Yan Yichen nodded after hearing this. The matter of his daughter has always been on his mind. If it is not resolved, he will always be worried.

And after Ye Qianran finished speaking, Yan Ruxue. want. He stopped talking, and finally couldn't help but said: "Can I also go together, so that I... I can also take care of my sister!"

"What does Qianran mean?" Yan Yichen neither agreed nor refused, and finally his eyes fell on Ye Qianran.

"Then let's go together!"

Ye Qianran's strength has improved now, as long as it is not too dangerous, there must be no problem.

What's more, Yan Ruxue's strength is also at the transformation level, so it shouldn't be weak. If you think about it, you can handle some things. After speaking, she blinked at Yan Ruxue, and together, it's best to connect with each other. that's it.

Yan Ruxue naturally noticed Ye Qianran's gaze, and when her face turned red, she quickly turned her head away.

"Alright then, let's go together tomorrow!" Yan Yichen nodded in agreement.


Ye Qianran nodded and agreed after hearing this, but soon he thought of a question: "Ru Bing is still in a transformed state, and it may be inconvenient if she goes on the road. Is there any way to make her return to her original state?" ?”

"You can rest assured about this!"

Yan Yichen smiled and said, "I will arrange this!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran nodded and agreed, "That's fine!"

Yan Yichen nodded, and then chatted with Ye Qianran...

At night, Ye Qianran came to the stone room sealed by Yan Rubing, seeing her peaceful appearance, the previous scene inevitably reappeared in her mind, and an unspeakable feeling emerged from her heart.

Putting his hand on Yan Rubing's cheek, he couldn't help but say again: "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you!" He softened his expression.

After staying for a long time, Ye Qianran left the stone room and walked towards the residence.

After he came there, he found Yan Ruxue and Yao Qianyu chatting, walked over immediately, glanced at Yan Ruxue, and half-jokingly said: "You two future wives, what are you talking about?"

Yao Qianyu didn't show anything when she heard Ye Qianran's name, but Yan Ruxue's face turned red instantly, she suddenly looked really exciting, and finally bit her lower lip and ran out quickly .

"Are you so shy?"

Seeing Yao Qianyu's appearance, Ye Qianran could not help but smile, then his eyes fell on Yao Qianyu and said, "Do you know the way to Tianfu?"


Yao Qianyu nodded and said, "It's just to the northwest of Wan Yao, and the secret realm is right next to it!"

Ye Qianran's expression fluctuated when he heard that, this is not bad, after solving Yan Rubing's matter, he can go to the secret realm again.

In fact, he originally planned to go to the Dragon Clan first since he was in the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters, but the urgent matter at the moment could only make him change his mind.

There is definitely time for the Dragon Clan, and it can be passed before the start of the Longyuan War, and there is still a period of time before the start, so this can be put aside and waited.

After a night of nothing, Ye Qianran got up early the next day. After eating breakfast, he came to the side of the stone room with Yan Yichen and others. At this time, he chose to wait outside. Under his perception, he could feel The strange movement from the stone room did not last long, and Yan Yichen came out.

At this time, Ye Qianran saw Yan Rubing in Yan Ruxue's arms who had turned into a little sable beast. Seeing her peaceful appearance at this time, her heart ached, and she thought of her previous agile appearance in her mind, and instantly became firm. The color appeared more clearly on the face.

He must heal Yan Rubing well, otherwise, he will definitely be extremely unwilling in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing his inner emotions, his eyes fell on Yan Yichen and said: "Then we will leave first!"

"Well, be careful all the way!"

After Yan Yichen finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something again and said: "The doctor's surname was Feng Tianling that day, and his personality was quite weird..." He said with a slightly melancholy expression. He really didn't know that he was going this time. Will Qianran and others run into a wall?

"Do not worry!"

Ye Qianran saw the worry on Yan Yichen's face, and immediately said: "I will definitely let the doctor heal Ru Bing that day!" Rong Silan's figure appeared in his mind, it seems that this time he is going to ask someone else, But it's all human...

"Well, then you go!" Yan Yichen nodded, took a deep breath, glanced at Yan Ruxue and Yan Rubing in her arms, and didn't say anything more at the moment.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Qianran didn't want to waste any more time at this time, so he immediately summoned Xiao Hei, and after getting bigger, he jumped up with Yao Qianyu and Yan Ruxue, said goodbye again, and galloped out towards the northwest.

Yan Yichen looked at the backs of Ye Qianran and the others, who had been disappearing completely, then withdrew his gaze, led the elders and left here, and walked outside.

Four days later at night, Ye Qianran leaned on Yan Ruxue's lap, looked at the ruddy Yan Ruxue and said, "Ru Xue, you are also from the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters, how long will it take to get out? "

That's right, Ye Qianran already thought that he was fast enough, but he never thought that it had been four days and he was so stunned that he didn't leave here, so his face was full of depression.

"It should be soon!"

Yan Ruxue whispered, "If it's about the same, maybe I can go out tomorrow!"


Ye Qianran smiled wryly. Yao Qianyu seemed to be the only real human being from here to now. He was still used to crowded places. It was deserted and deserted for four consecutive days, and he felt really uncomfortable. With a younger sister to accompany him, I'm afraid he is going to go crazy.

Why would he come to such a place where no shit.

Yao Qianyu looked at Ye Qianran from the side, and couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled. She felt pretty good. After she calculated Ye Qian, she kept looking forward to it in her heart, although in the process of searching, there appeared Some misunderstandings, but fortunately Ye Qianran didn't care that much.

For her now, it is enough to follow Ye Qianran... In this way, she can also help if something happens in the future.

"Hey, there's movement..."

Ye Qianran suddenly sat up from Yan Ruxue's body at this time. After raising his head and looking in the direction of Yi, his eyes could not help but float. Under his perception, he found the aura of the four people, but the aura was a bit disordered. After carefully feeling it, he felt the surge of spiritual power, and immediately said: "It seems that someone is entangled by a monster, let's go and have a look!"

Yao Qianyu and Yan Ruxue were taken aback at the same time, then nodded in agreement, and immediately stood up and followed.

Just as he expected, when they came to the location, they found an extremely ferocious monster confronting four people. The leader of the four people was an old man. At this time, some injuries had already appeared on his body, but The other three are all young people, two men and one woman. Judging from the degree of Wu Yuan fluctuations, their strength is actually not bad, but the monster is too strong.

With a simple perception, Ye Qianran found that the monster was an absolute heavenly level...

Ye Qianran has long been used to such an existence. After all, this is the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters. The monsters that can survive here are all at the lowest level of the heavenly rank, extremely powerful...

"The three of you leave quickly, this spirit beast is too fierce..."

At this time, the old man's voice was hurried.

The three of them looked at each other, seeing that the old man who was fighting alone with the spirit beast knew how to choose, at this time one of the men said: "Xiao Wu, take your junior sister and leave first, I will help the master!" Amidst his spiritual power, he gritted his teeth and charged forward again.

"Junior sister, you go first, I'll help too!" Another man also gritted his teeth, and rushed up with red eyes, leaving behind the bewildered girl.

The old man's face changed slightly, and when he was about to say something, his body shook, and he suddenly felt an extremely vicious aura, and his scalp went numb.

And the body of the monster he was fighting with trembled, and there was also a look of fear in his eyes, and at this moment a low growl sounded, and a shadow came up at this time.

The old man turned his head to look at this moment. When he saw a very tall monster with five tails, his face was full of shock. What kind of monster is this?

"Roar!" At this moment, the Void Spirit Beast was even more terrified, took a step back, and quickly escaped.


The huge tail has weird fluctuations, piercing. insert. Like a phantom at the moment, he directly pulled the monster over, and then died instantly under the sharp claws...

The old man was stunned, how can a heaven-ranked beast be handled so easily?

What is the level of the monster in front of him? You must know that although the monster of that day is extremely difficult to fight against, if it continues, it should be easy to escape. That breath is too frightening...

When several people were terrified, a slightly smiling voice sounded: "Are you all right!"

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