Eternal Supreme

Chapter 823

"Who are you!"

When Ye Qianran appeared in front of them, their expressions suddenly changed, and then they were horrified to find that the ferocious monster ran to Ye Qianran's side and squatted down. At this moment, they seemed to understand , it turned out that Ye Qianran helped them.

"Thank you little brother!"

After the old man came back to his senses, Ye Qianran's expression was still shocked and he said: "We belong to Gu Yuezong! I don't know who the little brother is?"

"Oh, we are from the secret realm!" Ye Qianran lied, and then asked curiously: "Is Gu Yuezong a force within the Tianfu?"


When the old man responded, he also glanced at Qiqi who was squatting beside Ye Qianran, and a little shock emerged again.

"Is that day's mansion far from here?"

Ye Qianran said with a smile: "We have something to do when we came to Tianfu, who knows that we went the wrong way..." After his voice fell, Yao Qianyu and Yan Ruxue also fell down, turned their heads to look at them, and raised their heads again When I saw the doubts on the old man's face, I introduced: "Oh, the two of them are my fiancée!"

After the introduction, Yan Ruxue's face became rosy again, and the shyness in her eyes was obvious.

The old man was surprised, and then said: "The area of ​​Tianfu is not far from here, but are the three of you going to the city or the surrounding area?"

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, and at this moment Yao Qianyu said: "We are going to Fucheng!"

"In that case, let's go together, we are going to Fucheng!" said the old man.

"Really? How did you guys come here?" Ye Qianran was full of curiosity.

"I brought them here to find pet beasts, but I encountered such troubles when I came back!"

The old man sighed, and couldn't help but cast a glance at Qiqi again and said: "But thank you, little brother, for saving the siege!" After speaking, he couldn't help being curious again: "What kind of beast is this little brother's beast?" ? Why have I never seen it before? It seems to be at least of the spiritual rank!"

Ye Qianran said with a smile: "It's a little ha beast, it should be of the spiritual rank now!"

In fact, Ye Qianran himself is not sure, after all, it has never competed with a higher level.

"Little Harmony?"

The old man's face was full of surprise when he heard it. He had never heard of this kind of monster. The other name, Xiaoha beast? The corner of his mouth twitched, he saw that Qiqi couldn't talk about Xiao...

And when he just thought of this, Ye Qianran walked up to the dead ethereal beast, and when the blue light surged, he directly broke the head, and then a crystal nucleus was suspended, and at this moment he clearly understood Seeing Qiqi shrunk down in the light, with five little tails shaking, she looked unspeakably cute,

After swallowing the crystal nucleus thrown by Ye Qianran, he was full of excitement, completely out of line with the viciousness before.

It was the first time for the old man to see such an astonishing monster, so he couldn't help but take a second look.

When he thought of this, the old man said: "Little brother, do you have anything to do with Xuanbing Pavilion?"

"Mysterious Ice Pavilion..."

Ye Qianran is very familiar with this, isn't it Zhong Chuchu's sect? And the other party guessed that he must have seen the ice sword on him, and explained immediately: "Ah, I have distant relatives from the Xuanbing Pavilion, so I inherited the blood of Xuanbing..."

After speaking, he spread his right hand, and the power of Xuanbing gathered at this time, and there was another cooling down in the surrounding area invisible.

At this time, the two men and one woman also came up. At this time, Ye Qianran took a look and looked carefully, and found that the three of them were all younger than him, and there was still a little youthfulness in their expressions, showing a little admiration , these few people are so young and powerful, it is really admirable.

During the brief introduction, it turned out that the four of them were master-student relationships. At this time, they had a brief chat, but after the sky completely darkened, they each rested.

After a night of nothing, Ye Qianran woke up early the next day. Seeing that everyone was resting, she didn't bother her. She chose to rest there for a while. After everyone woke up, she chose to stand up and move her body.

At this time, Ye Qianran took out the stored fruit and shared it. After eating briefly, the group of people also set off on the road at this time.

Half a day later, Ye Qianran found that the denseness of the surrounding forests became scarce at this time, and after galloping again for about half an hour, the voice of the old man also sounded at this time: "Well, it has entered the scope of Tianfu now.

"Really?" Ye Qianran's expression suddenly showed a touch of joy after hearing it. It was really not easy to walk out. Thinking about it, he couldn't help but wondered again: "How long will it take to get to Fucheng?"

"That's about three days!"

The old man said with a smile: "This is very close to Tianfu!"

"Three days?"

Ye Qianran felt melancholy. He wanted to use Xiao Hei to gallop out quickly, but in the end he chose to give up. At this time, he should choose to keep a low profile. After all, although he had contact with these people, he was not very familiar with them, so It's better for him to keep some...

Two days passed again, and Ye Qianran found that the forest was even sparser. At noon, he could feel the warm sunshine, and at night, when he raised his head, he could see the extremely bright stars in the sky. The scenery was indescribably beautiful... …

Not long after setting off on the third day, Ye Qianran felt some space fluctuations. Near noon, he found a mountain peak suspended in mid-air. The land of Xuanya is average.

"No surprises, we should be able to arrive this afternoon!"

The old man also looked up, with a smile on his face.

When Ye Qianran heard it, his heart couldn't help but feel agitated. He couldn't help but glance at the little mink in Yan Ruxue's arms. An unspeakable sense of agitation filled his heart. He was about to see the doctor that day. Let's go well together, otherwise he really can use any means... Thinking about it, a cold light flickered in his eyes.

In the afternoon, when Ye Qianran looked at a vast city, his expression showed shock again. This place is really big... If you don't recognize it after entering, you might get lost.

"Hehe, little brother must have never been to Tianfu, right!" The old man noticed Ye Qianran's expression and said with a smile.


Ye Qianran nodded, raised his head and couldn't help looking at the back of the city, and found that there was an extremely high mountain there, and the halfway up the mountain was white, and asked curiously: "What is there?"

"Is there?"

After hearing this, the old man looked at Ye Qianran with surprise on his face and said, "Isn't the little brother's relative the Xuanbing Pavilion?"

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