Eternal Supreme

Chapter 860

"How is this going?"

Ye Qianran's eyes fell on Rong Silan's body at this time, the dish was really weird, so his expression was full of surprise at this time.

Rong Silan knew that Ye Qianran would behave like this and said with a smile: "These dishes all contain a certain amount of spirituality, because his ingredients are made of very precious medicinal materials and some spiritual power of crystal nuclei, and then cooked through special methods The produced one is equivalent to a disguised pill!"

Ye Qianran was a little surprised again, no wonder, no wonder this restaurant is so high-end, if so, the things must be very expensive.

When he just thought of asking here, Rong Silan took the initiative to say: "The ones I ordered need at least one spiritual-level crystal nucleus!"


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched. The strength of the spirit-level monsters is terrifying. He has also experienced it, and it is indeed expensive enough.

"However, you can eat as much as you want here, as long as you have enough!"

Rong Silan pursed her lips and smiled. The dishes here are very beneficial to practitioners. Because of this, she hoped that Ye Qianran would eat more and become stronger and better... After all Which woman doesn't want the man she likes to change for the better?

In her thoughts, Ye Qianran was naturally not being polite, and started eating sullenly, and finally tasted the wine that was served later. He found that although it was not as delicious as flower wine, it also had a different taste .

Moreover, the contained spiritual power is very rich, at least in the process of eating and drinking, his original source has been restless, as if showing a disguised form of cultivation.

However, he finally drank flower wine, because the wine here is good, but it's a pity that he can't perform at this time, because his strength evaluation standard is completely spiritual cultivation, soul cultivation, etc., which is high in this aspect, and his Wuji Gong Fa, the origin that he can mobilize will be stronger...

While he was eating, the five of them simply ate some, and most of the rest were chatting...

"Little brother, the wine is quite fragrant, can you let me taste it?"

At this moment, an old man's voice sounded, Ye Qianran looked up and found that it was an old man with a smile looking at him.

"no problem!"

Ye Qianran went back last time, but he bought a large amount again. He is not short of wine now, so he spread his right hand and threw the whole jar to the old man.

The old man's eyes lit up, he quickly opened them, took a deep breath, and said for a long time, "Tsk tsk, what a delicious wine, full of worldly taste..." After finishing speaking, he took a full gulp of the wine jar, then nodded heavily and said : "Excellent!"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again and said: "The little brother should come from the secular world!"

"Well, how did senior know?" Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, and he felt curious about the old man who appeared inexplicably.

"Hehe, because this kind of wine is made from flowers, it doesn't exist here!" The old man said again with a smile.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly. The old man must be a person who likes to drink, otherwise he would never be able to drink so much.

"Grandpa Jiu!" Seeing the old man, Rong Silan couldn't help saying with a smile, his expression was full of joy.

After hearing this, the old man's eyes fell on Rong Silan's body and said: "You little girl know me?"

"I'm Silan..." Rong Silan pursed her lips into a smile, she really didn't expect to see the old man here.

And the identity of the old man is really not simple, he is the elder Keqing of Fucheng, and she was deeply impressed by him when she was very young, because he stayed because of the many good wines in Fucheng's collection, and he also taught her a lot at that time, but The latter also left. Although he came back occasionally, it had been a long time since the last time.

"It's you little girl!"

The old man recognized it quickly, and said something with a smile.

"Where has Grandpa Jiu been going lately?" Rong Silan asked curiously.

The old man smiled and said: "Before? Hehe, I have been in the secret realm before!"

"Ah?" Rong Silan nodded and said, "Then why are you willing to come back?"

"Hey, I used to be quite carefree in the secret realm, but now that there are more and more people gathering there, it's meaningless, so I came back to have a look!" said the old man.

"What? Did something happen in the secret realm?" Rong Silan was curious when she heard it.

The old man was not in a hurry to answer at this time, he took another sip of wine and said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's the secret realm that is suddenly recruiting for marriage!"

"That's no wonder!" Rong Silan didn't think much about it, and nodded slightly without saying anything.

Because the secret realm exists on the same level as Tianfu, everyone hopes to get in, and recruiting marriages is equivalent to recruiting talents in disguise, so it's not surprising.

Rong Silan didn't care, but Ye Qianran did, and couldn't help but ask: "Who is the one who recruited?"

"It's a woman, it seems to be a very important woman in the secret realm..."

The old man said: "Because I don't care about this, so I didn't ask in detail, but it is said that she is very beautiful. Why, is the little brother interested? But it is very difficult, and many powerful people have signed up! News It should be passed on in the next few days, tsk tsk, then there will be more people!"

As he spoke, his expression was filled with admiration...

"Then this secret realm is really big!"

Rong Silan couldn't help but said.

"If you do it, it will be very big..." The corner of the old man's mouth curled up.


Rong Silan's face was rosy, and at this moment, she quickly glanced at Ye Qianran and said, "I don't need it anymore!"

"Ha ha!"

The old man smiled, he could see a lot from Rong Silan's eyes and expression, it must be that Rong Silan had taken a fancy to Ye Qianran.

That being the case, Ye Qianran's strength will definitely be very strong, even if he is not talented, it is absolutely good, otherwise, with Rong Silan's status, how could he fall in love with Ye Qianran?

"Okay, old man, I'll go first!"

The old man said again with a smile, and walked outside with the wine jar in his arms.

Ye Qianran was sitting there, she had already put down her chopsticks and frowned at this time, a very important woman, which made him easily think of Xiao Mengyao, but he didn't think it was possible, because Xiao Mengyao said that she would wait for him for three years , so he still has a certain amount of luck in his heart...

Unless, unless Xiao Mengyao has forgotten him for so long, or, has it been ahead of schedule?

"My lord, don't worry, it should be fine..."

Yan Rubing understood something, so she also comforted him at this time: "Didn't the senior say that the news would come in a few days? Then you will know when the time comes..."

"I hope..."

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