Eternal Supreme

Chapter 861

"worry about what?"

Rong Silan's face was full of doubts at this time, and she didn't understand what it meant at all, so she asked curiously at this time.


Ye Qianran smiled. He didn't know the relationship between Tianfu and the secret realm, so he didn't have much to say. After all, both Rong Silan and Xiao Mengyao's positions are very sensitive. If the two forces are not so Well, it will be embarrassing for him to do this.

So he'd better make sure to talk about it, after all, the news hasn't come yet.

Rong Silan naturally understood something in his heart, so he didn't ask too much at this time, and turned his head to chat with the four of them.

Ye Qianran was drinking there, but his face was full of thinking. This news is definitely not groundless, and judging from the old man's demeanor, it should not be casual talk.

It seems that after he followed Rong Silan to his family this time, he should go to the secret realm.

In addition, the Spirit Blood Clan is also near the secret realm, so they can drop by at that time...

An hour later, around three o'clock in the afternoon, several people left the restaurant, and under the leadership of Rong Silan, they walked directly towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"Is this the City Lord's Mansion?"

When Ye Qianran stood in front of a huge door, his face was full of shock. He had already guessed that the City Lord's Mansion would be very big, but when he came to the door, he still knew that he had underestimated.

Because standing in front of the gate of the city, he felt small. The wall of the city mansion must be more than ten meters high, let alone the gate.

On the top of the city mansion, there are two big characters Tianfu written, which looks majestic and really amazing.

"Let's go!"

Rong Silan smiled at this time and took the lead and walked in. When they followed in, they found that the guards around them looked at Rong Silan with respectful eyes at the same time, and Rong Silan's identity was once again invisible. .

When he came inside, Ye Qianran took a look and was amazed again. The extremely spacious field of vision, the rows of towering trees, gave people a very unique feeling, and there was a statue and a flower pond right in front of them, which also looked very beautiful. pretty.

In addition, there are towering buildings in the distance, which look majestic.

After passing through layers of buildings, they came to a beautiful courtyard after passing through a garden. The door was open and they could clearly see the furnishings inside.

"This is where I live!" Rong Silan introduced at this time, and then took the lead to walk inside.

"Miss!" The two maidservants standing at the door said respectfully when they saw Rong Silan.

After Rong Silan nodded, she also took the lead and walked towards the inside. After arriving inside, Ye Qianran took a look, and then the corner of her mouth twitched, wasting space, because there are not many facilities here, a lot of space is absolutely wasted, but To have capital is to be capricious.

"It's so late now, I'll take you to meet my father tomorrow!"

Rong Silan's face flushed slightly, relying on Ye Qianran's talent at this time, she would definitely be recognized by her family.

Ye Qianran never cared so much about these things, since she came to Rong Silan's place, she naturally had to listen to Rong Silan's arrangement, so she nodded and agreed immediately.

At this moment, several people sat down and chatted for a while, and then Rong Silan led them around while still having time.

At this time, Ye Qianran found that it was bigger than the imperial palace, and when he got down, he was dazzled, and at most he remembered Rong Silan's vicinity.

And Rong Silan's place is actually very good, next to it is a garden, and there is a natural grove, and in that grove there are even pet animals, which looks very nice.

After eating that night, Ye Qianran thought that Rong Silan would consider his status here, and then arranged a room for him alone, but in the middle of the night, he still rested in Rong Silan's room, and then That big bed... well, several people lay there, without any sense of crowding at all...

Together with five girls, well, logically speaking, it is definitely a kind of enjoyment, but for him it is definitely a kind of torture...

That's right, absolute torture, the fragrance around the tip of the nose, and the rapid acceleration of the heartbeat, but now he can only see it, but he can't touch it, so he has no choice but to be alone there. to endure...

"What? Mr. Zhou, you said that Si Lan brought a man back and lived with him?"

In a lobby, a middle-aged man frowned slightly, looked at an old man in front of him with a face full of disbelief, and said, "Really? Although Silan's personality is relatively willful, she should still know the general situation. She Shouldn't have done that!"

"Ahem, I also heard from my servants, and I also heard from several elders who went to the Xuanbing Pavilion with Silan, that Silan...Silan walked very close to that man, and even confessed his love on the spot My own mind, so this thing should exist!"

The old man's eyes were floating, he was the Zhou Zhong who was with Rong Silan at the auction, his strength could be very terrifying, and he was also the elder guest of Tianfu. But I really didn't expect it to appear at this time, it was indeed quite sudden...

"Si Lan, that girl!"

Rong Yiming frowned again and said: "But... since that man can make Si Lan do this, he should be very good!"

"It's really excellent, with the fire of heaven on it, it's different from ordinary people!"

Zhou Zhong simply said that he also heard from the elders, but after a pause, he said again: "But if there is no Scarlet Cloud Sect, it's easy to say, as far as I know, the Scarlet Cloud Sect may be there tomorrow. Let's talk about marriage!"

When Rong Yiming heard Zhou Zhong mentioned that Ye Qianran had Heavenly Fire, he was shocked at first, but after hearing what Zhou Zhong said later, he immediately rubbed his brows, and said with a melancholy face: "This girl is really It’s a good time to find him, Gu Yongfei of Scarlet Cloud Sect is such an excellent person, he has already reached the last level of God Realm at a young age, given time, maybe he can achieve even higher achievements..."

"indeed so!"

Zhou Zhong nodded and said: "But that girl Si Lan's temper..." A wry smile appeared on Zhou Zhong's face as he spoke.

"She has been spoiled by her mother since she was a child!"

Rong Yiming frowned again, and then said lightly: "It's all like this anyway, let's let the boy Si Lan likes compete with the kid from Chiyunzong tomorrow, which one is better, naturally you can see it come out……"

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