Eternal Supreme

Chapter 862

After a night of nothing to say, Ye Qianran woke up early the next day, rubbing his forehead still full of helplessness, and didn't get a good rest all night...

Glancing left and right, Ye Qianran found that the few people were sleeping very soundly there...

When the five people woke up and got up, Ye Qianran lazily stretched his waist. If possible, he hoped to have a good rest, but it is obviously impossible now, because he may have to see him today. Rong Silan's father, so he also endured it at this time, and got up early...

After simply eating, Rong Silan was about to tell Ye Qianran what to say when she saw her father, when a maid came in, looked at her and said: "Miss, the Lord City Master asked you to bring your few A friend is going to the lobby!"

"So fast?"

Rong Silan knew that her father probably knew that he had brought someone back, but there was no need to be so anxious, it seemed that this was not the style his father should have.

Because in his impression, her father was a very calm person.

"Well, it seems that the suzerain of the Scarlet Cloud Sect and Young Master Gu are here!" the maid said again.


Rong Silan was taken aback for a moment, then frowned slightly and said: "Well, then I know, let's go there right away!"

The maid nodded after hearing this, turned around and chose to leave at this moment.

After the maid left, Rong Silan's eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "Qianran, I will take you to the lobby now, and when you get there, you must show your intentions, and then the rest of you Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it myself."

"Understood!" Ye Qianran nodded.

Rong Silan brought him back, probably because of his father's approval, and Rong Silan is also a good person, since he has come to the present, he should choose to stand up as a man.

"Chuchu, take the other sisters for a walk here, Qianran and I will just go there!"

After Rong Silan finished speaking, Zhong Chuchu, Yan Rubing and the others nodded, then looked at Ye Qianran again and said, "Then...then let's go!"


Ye Qianran nodded with a smile, still looking quite calm, but Rong Silan rarely showed a little nervousness.

"Then...then let's go!"

Rong Silan said something softly, and walked outside, and Ye Qianran followed closely behind.

But Yan Rubing and others looked at the back of the two leaving, but hoped that the two could succeed, because they didn't spend much time together, but they felt very good.

On the way to the lobby, Rong Silan's eyes fell on Ye Qianran again and said: "This time Chiyunzong came here to discuss my marriage with Gu Yongfei, so you and him may have a contest, no matter what No matter what, you have to defeat him!"

"How powerful is he?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"The last level of the God Realm, and the next level is about to be touched. It can also be said to be a rare genius!" Rong Silan said.

"So strong?"

Ye Qianran's face was filled with shock and disbelief when he heard this, how young is he at the last level of the God Realm? Probably the strongest one he has ever seen Wan Tianzong?

However, his current strength has reached the third level of soul cultivation, Broken Soul, even if he thinks about it, he may not be much worse, so he didn't have too much worry in his heart, so he nodded in response and said: "Don't worry, I'll do my best!"

When Rong Silan heard that Ye Qian asked you to say that, she felt relieved, hesitated for a while, stretched out her hand and simply hugged Ye Qianran's arm, and walked like this...

After arriving at the lobby, Ye Qianran felt a lot of extremely powerful aura coming from inside before he entered, and suddenly clicked his tongue secretly. Although his heartbeat accelerated slightly, he still remained calm. If at this time, He panicked, isn't that a loss of points?

Rong Silan actually went in and out many times, so she was used to it, but at this time, her expression was obviously nervous, and her heart was beating even more violently. She hadn't felt like this for a long time, maybe it was because he was too nervous It's because of worry, that's why it's like this.

As soon as he stepped into the lobby, Ye Qianran felt a lot of spiritual thoughts falling on him, which also caused a lot of changes in his spiritual thoughts, but his expression remained the same, but he looked at it curiously. Around, at this time, he found that there were a lot of old people present, almost all of the left and right rows were occupied, and...the people present seemed to be absolute masters.

His throat moved, Tianfu? As expected of Tianfu, it has so many masters.

And when his eyes scanned, they also stopped on a young man.

The man was dressed in a simple robe, but he revealed an unspeakable temperament. At this time, his eyes were also looking at him, and his brows were slightly frowned from time to time...

Ye Qianran withdrew his gaze, and finally landed on a middle-aged man sitting at the top. When he looked, he found that the other person was still looking at him. Although there was a little doubt in his eyes, the restrained majesty And the breath of the superior is very clear.

In addition, he also felt a strong sense of oppression on the man, but it was indeed very strong, but did he experience less?

So even though he was surprised at this moment, his expression did not show any changes, and he remained extremely stable. He even put a smile on his face, and said immediately: "Ye Qianran, I have met you seniors!" Said There was also an extremely humble look on Wan Wan's face.

Rong Yiming looked slightly surprised. In fact, he deliberately oppressed Ye Qianran, but he found that Ye Qianran performed very well. At least at this moment, he didn't see anything on Ye Qianran's spirit change.

It is not difficult to see from here that Ye Qianran's mentality is good, but his strength is of course not to mention, because in this world, a good mentality is also based on a certain strength, and what's more, under the watchful eyes of so many masters?

It's okay to be able to maintain this, but what he asked for was not that simple.

"Well, which sect are you from, Ye? I've never heard of this surname!" Rong Yiming asked curiously at this time.

"I come from the Fengshen Empire in the secular world!"

Ye Qianran said with a smile: "Senior has never heard of the Ye Family in Fenglei City around the Divine Wind Empire, so it should be taken for granted!"


Rong Yiming was really surprised when he heard it, and it was still in a surrounding city.

Ye Qianran's starting point is indeed very low, after all, it is not any sect, everyone, but it is also the case, which invisibly guides Ye Qianran's super talent.

In this world, family power is indeed very important, but the most important thing is personal strength and talent, because this is really everything.

When Rong Yiming was surprised, the people around also showed such expressions, perhaps this was something they had never thought of.

"Hehe, yes, it's really not easy to come to this step at such a young age!"

Rong Yiming smiled, and then took a look at Rong Silan, she was still holding Ye Qianran's arm at this moment, and she felt afraid that others would not know what she was thinking at this time.

When helplessness appeared, Rong Yiming also said: "Please sit down first!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran was also pulled by Rong Silan to sit beside her.

At this time, Rong Yiming picked up the tea on the table, took a sip, and then looked at a middle-aged man beside Gu Yongfei and asked, "What is the purpose of Gu Zongzhu coming to Fucheng this time?"

After the words fell, Gu Weidong nodded and said: "Quzi has always liked Yilan, and I came here to talk about the marriage of the two families!"

He also saw Rong Silan holding Ye Qianran's arm, and he could roughly guess a lot of things in his heart, but he still brought up this matter because he had enough confidence. Ye Qianran may be very good, but Compared with his son, maybe he is much worse, right?

"Well, Chiyunzong is also top-notch, and Yongfei's talent is obvious to all, I have no objection!" When Rong Yiming said the latter, his voice drew a long note, and Rong Silan also understood something at this time, His face turned rosy and he said, "Young Master Gu's talent is indeed very good, but I already have a sweetheart!"

After speaking, he glanced at Ye Qianran again and said, "And I have always regarded Mr. Gu as my brother!"

"You have a sweetheart?"

Rong Yiming raised his eyebrows, glanced at Ye Qianran and said, "But this little brother Ye?"

"Yes!" Rong Silan's heart beat faster, but she still nodded in agreement in front of everyone.

Seeing Rong Silan nodding, Ye Qianran felt a little rippling in his heart, but he didn't seem to speak, but chose to remain silent, because it seems that he shouldn't speak at this time...

But the old man present did not show too much surprise at this time, after all, everyone saw the previous scene, so they looked at Gu Weidong at the same time.

Gu Weidong naturally noticed it too, but at this moment he was still smiling and kept calm. After all, he didn't come up to this stage just by saying, if he didn't have this mentality, he wouldn't be where he is today.

The marriage of another sect, especially the marriage of a big sect, can't be said to be a casual marriage, because the impact is quite big.

Scarlet Cloud Sect is considered to be the strongest in the top class within the Tianfu range, and his son is also one of the best in the Tianfu range in terms of talent.

He didn't need to say much, as the city lord of Fucheng naturally had his own decision...


Rong Yiming frowned and said: "This little brother Ye is indeed good, but you represent Tianfu, how can you be arrogant..."

Rong Silan had already guessed that her father would say this, she wrinkled her nose, but when she was about to say something, a smiling voice sounded: "As a parent, I want my daughter to marry a better person, I may not be very strong, but I also hope to fight for my own happiness..."

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