Eternal Supreme

Chapter 866

"How did he do it?"

The elder of Tianfu, with a blank face, was full of horror.

same attack? Is it a coincidence?

Just when they thought so, the two sword glows collided suddenly, and the interlaced space was torn apart at this moment.

At this time, the figures of the two people passed through the spiritual power at the same time, and they came into contact again. At this time, the movements of the two people and the following exercises were kept in line at the same time, which was extremely strange.

It felt as if Gu Yongyuan was fighting with himself...

How did Ye Qianran do it? Even if he is observing and has a fast learning ability, it is impossible to learn so quickly, right?

Gu Yongyuan felt the same at this time, he felt as if he was facing a mirror at this time, except for the difference in spiritual power, everything else was the same, including his movements, everything...

This made him feel very difficult, very difficult. Can Ye Qianran know mind reading?

When he was thinking about this, he tried to do the exact opposite of what he thought, and this time he found that it was not the case.

Is it an illusion?

Could it be that he had stepped into Ye Qianran's illusion at this time, but soon he chose to deny it, because if it was an illusion, first of all he could feel it, and the surging spiritual power could not be faked at all.

He frowned again and again, because he didn't know what to do for the time being, so he chose to stand still...

"Tsk tsk, this little brother's ability is like a copy of Fengyan, but there will be a certain delay in Fengyan, but he does not have the slightest delay, is it a perfect copy?"

Rong Yiming murmured at this time, his expression was full of admiration, no wonder, no wonder his daughter fell in love with Ye Qianran, it seems that she does have extraordinary abilities now.

And because of her daughter's liking, and because of Ye Qianran's performance at this time, the balance in his heart has already tilted towards Ye Qianran at this time.

Plus it doesn't matter who wins or loses...

There is only one reason, that is, Gu Yongfei was able to go so far, absolutely with the support of Scarlet Cloud Sect, but what about Ye Qianran? Those who come from the secular world can be regarded as the type who can play steadily... In terms of talent alone, maybe Ye Qianran is better.

Gu Weidong's face was also full of shock and disbelief at this time, could such a powerful existence still emerge from the mundane world?

When everyone didn't know how stalemate this situation would be, Ye Qianran suddenly changed, and the moves in his hands changed.

Although it changed, it was also used by the two of them before, that is, Ye Qianran copied it at that time.

Because of this, Gu Weidong instantly became confused, his brows were slightly frowned, and when he was trying to adjust his body, a terrifying divine sense fell on him in an instant, and those strange eyes glanced at him. His feeling, he must lose...

Slightly dazed, Ye Qianran seized the opportunity, held the ice sword with both hands at the same time, and threw it directly at Gu Yongfei...


Gu Yongfei came back to his senses and resisted temporarily, but the spiritual power that was temporarily twitched could not be compared with Ye Qianran, and he fell down at this moment.

When Ye Qianran saw this, his expression relaxed.

Gu Yongfei is really very strong, very strong, and he can't use his other hole cards now, so what he can do is only skill and unpredictable.

The skill is his copying, and in copying, he opened the eight doors to the fifth door, relying on the combination of the two at the same time, relying on the speed, let Gu Yongfei think that he is a copy without delay, under such a rhythm, suddenly in the The exercises that Gu Yongfei showed before disrupted the opponent's rhythm...

Then he was disrupting his rhythm, and then suppressing it with divine sense. It can be said that he had a plan... and this plan was obviously successful.

Of course, he also believed that Gu Yongfei's hole cards were definitely more than that, because what was required at this time was to tap to do it, so many things were not used, because if it broke out, it would be impossible to temporarily restrain it.

But it is precisely because of this that he cannot continue to be in such a stalemate, because the continued stalemate will also mean that the battle needs to be escalated again, and the escalation of the battle will also represent the display of full strength, and it means that his cards must be opened...

When he was thinking this way, his body also fell down.

After he fell, Gu Yongfei stared at him with a pair of eyes.

Ye Qianran coughed dryly. He understood Gu Yongfei's feelings very well at this moment. After all, if he was defeated in this situation, it would be absolutely aggrieved to put it on anyone.

But he really wanted to say that Gu Yongfei might have retained a lot of strength, and he did the same.

Gu Yongfei might still have his hole cards, but so did he.

"I lost!"

Gu Yongfei simply said three words at this time, and after the three words were finished, he looked at Ye Qianran with extremely hot eyes and said: "But I want to fight with you again without sparing any energy! "As he spoke, the fighting spirit on his face was extremely strong.

Ye Qianran's expression fluctuated, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, if there is a chance, I promise you!"

Gu Yongfei nodded, clenched his fists involuntarily, his idea was to get up from where he fell.

He also believed that Ye Qianran must have reservations. If so, let's fight hard, and he might not lose to Ye Qianran.

Maybe the duplication can cause some trouble to him, but he doesn't believe that Ye Qianran can still duplicate the stronger skills, so the more he thinks about it, the stronger his fighting spirit will become. Fight Ye Qianran once.

But he also knew that it was absolutely impossible at this time, so he forcibly suppressed it at this time.

Gu Weidong took a deep breath, because this result was really unexpected to him, and he took a deep look in Ye Qianran's direction, did this young man really come from the secular world?

To be able to reach such a point, in terms of talent alone, he is definitely no worse than his son...

Those around had never seen Ye Qianran make a move, so the elders of Tianfu looked at each other a few times. Such a result was also not what they could have imagined, but what if the facts were in front of them?

Elder Zhou was also full of amazement, and couldn't help but look at Ye Qianran more. He remembered that there seemed to be an extremely powerful sky fire on Ye Qianran...

If there is anyone who is happy at this time, it is Rong Silan. If it wasn't for the need to take care of her image at this time, she would have rushed over and shouted: "I want to have a baby with you..."

But with her father here, she really didn't dare to do such a thing, so she could only forcefully endure it.

"Okay, let's go in and talk!"

Rong Yiming said something with a smile at this time, and walked into the hall first.

After everyone was seated, Gu Yongfei stood up voluntarily, looked at Rong Yiming and said, "Uncle Rong, since I have lost, according to the previous agreement, I am willing to choose to quit!"

Gu Weidong sighed secretly at this time, the matter has come to an end, he has nothing to say, because he can see that his son has indeed worked hard...

Rong Yiming nodded and said: "Yongfei is also extremely talented. If you are interested, I can let you join the talented vertical and horizontal team. What do you think?"

Gu Yongfei was taken aback for a moment, then his body trembled, and he asked in disbelief, "Uncle, can I?"


Rong Yiming smiled and said: "Besides, even if there is no matter today, I will raise it to your father in the future!"

Gu Weidong's expression was a little excited at this time, and he stood up to express his gratitude...

And Ye Qianran was full of doubts at this time, the vertical and horizontal team? What is that existence?

When he was extremely confused, Rong Silan at the side saw something, and explained at this time: "The vertical and horizontal team can only be joined by the strongest talents in Tianfu. They are people directly under my father, and they have Absolute right."

Speaking of this, Rong Silan's voice paused again: "Because the requirements of the vertical and horizontal team are extremely strict, the pressure of competition there is very high, but those who can stay are all very strong Being able to join Zongheng is a symbol of glory."

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood, it's no wonder Gu Yongfei was so excited.

"What, do you want to join?"

Rong Silan looked at Ye Qianran curiously and said: "If you want, I will fight for you. With your strength, it shouldn't be too difficult to get in! In addition, if you go in, within a year, your strength It will definitely be stronger."

Speaking of which, Rong Silan's eyes were filled with light...


Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly after hearing this. He was really not interested, so he shook his head and chose to refuse.

What he said was all the truth. If this kind of thing was really on him, he would definitely refuse it without hesitation, because he belongs to the kind of chic talent who loves beauties and doesn't love country... people's lives. It's true, under pressure all day long, he will indeed be very strong, but that is really not the life he wants.

Including that he is yearning for something now, yearning for everything to be done, and then taking his sister papers to go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers, so he will feel uncomfortable...

At this moment, after Rong Yiming said a few more words, Gu Weidong also left with Gu Yongfei, and when leaving, Gu Yongfei looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Don't forget our agreement!"

Ye Qianran shrugged after hearing this, Gu Yongfei should be an absolute fighter...and as a fighter, he will definitely become stronger...

After the two left, Rong Yiming smiled and said, "Let's go!"

The simple three words fell, eyes fell on Ye Qianran and Rong Silan and said: "You two come with me!" After speaking, he turned and walked inside.

"Let's go!"

Rong Silan happily said something at this moment, and took the initiative to hug Ye Qianran's arm, pulling him into the room. She believed that Ye Qianran's performance this time should be recognized by her father...

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