Eternal Supreme

Chapter 867

"sit down!"

Coming to the inner hall, Rong Yiming's eyes fell on the two of them and said with a smile.

Ye Qianran nodded and sat beside Rong Silan, then she looked at Rong Yiming and said, "Senior asked us to come here alone, do you have anything to say?"

"That's right!"

Rong Yiming nodded and said: "I want to know your blood relationship. The previous copy and phoenix eye are very imaginative, but the surface looks a little different. I want to know what's going on!"

"This one?"

Ye Qianran hesitated for a while, and finally raised his head and said: "My blood is indeed the blood of the phoenix eye, and the reason for such a change is because of an evolution."

"Is it really the blood of the phoenix eye?"

Rong Yiming was surprised, and couldn't help but glanced at his daughter. Her daughter might have taken a fancy to Ye Qianran's blood.

"In addition, I found that what you mobilized are all the power of heaven and earth or the power of mysterious ice, without the taste of half a martial element, and your power of heaven and earth and the power of mysterious ice have undergone a perfect conversion. In addition, as far as I know, you Is there still a sky fire?"

Rong Yiming said, his expression became more and more surprised, and finally he said solemnly: "Now that you admit that you have the blood of the phoenix eye, then you should have the fusion blood, right?"


After Ye Qianran heard Rong Yiming's words, his face was full of surprise and disbelief. How Rong Yiming guessed it was from his information, but his information didn't seem to be too much. More, how to do it?

Seeing Ye Qianran's astonishment, Rong Yiming immediately understood something, and said solemnly, "Unexpectedly, the Phoenix-eyed Clan and the Fusion Clan really succeeded!"

"What do seniors know?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and his expression showed concern. The senior of the Fengyan clan asked him to investigate the sudden disappearance of the two clans. He still has no way to start. Maybe he can find some clues from Rong Yiming?

"Hehe, I just know that the Fengyan clan and the Fusion clan married, and after the marriage, they disappeared inexplicably!" Rong Yiming said.

"Disappeared inexplicably?"

Ye Qianran frowned and said: "As far as I know, I came here!"


Rong Yiming nodded and said: "Indeed, I remember that time, but it caused opposition from several forces. After all, the appearance of the Phoenix Eye Clan and the Fusion Clan is an absolute threat, and there is also a marriage. It is absolutely impossible to come here. You can become the overlord!"

"Then why didn't the seniors understand?" Ye Qianran said.

"But there is only such a piece of news, but I have never seen the appearance of the Phoenix Eye Clan and the Fusion Clan!" Rong Yiming said.

Ye Qianran couldn't help being stunned again after he improved, he didn't have it on the secular side, and he didn't have it here, so where could it go?

When he was extremely surprised, Rong Yiming said: "Here, there are four major forces, namely Tianfu, Secret Realm, Yaosen, Jiuyou...and there is a Tongtian Pavilion on top of these four. Maybe it has something to do with Tsutenkaku!"

"Is it Tongtian Pavilion again?" Ye Qianran frowned, showing anger.

"You know Tongtian Pavilion?" Rong Yiming's face was full of surprise after hearing this.

"Yeah. I know!"

Ye Qianran nodded and said: "I have had contact with one of them, and they are very powerful!"

And what he thinks is very strong is also his state at the time. Now...he can only hehe, he may not be weaker than that person, if all of them explode, he can even defeat the opponent. After all, his current strength is as strong as before. It is also an absolute improvement.

"Then they all understand your bloodline?" Rong Yiming said.

"It should be!" Ye Qianran nodded slightly.

"Then you must be more careful when wandering here!" Rong Yiming said emphatically.

"Thank you senior, I know everything!"

Ye Qianran also understands a lot in his heart. Since Rong Yiming said that it might have something to do with Tongtian Pavilion, it is definitely not groundless. Simple speculation can also make people think of it.

Tongtian Pavilion is stronger than the four major forces, he really should pay attention to it thoroughly, and there must be no mistakes.

However, he also understands that since the two clans are related to Tongtian Pavilion, even if Tongtian Pavilion does not find him, he will take the initiative to find him, so after considering these, he suddenly feels a little more pressure, so he still needs Just break through as soon as possible.

strength! Still strong...

"Hehe, it's no wonder this girl looks at you!"

After learning about Ye Qianran, Rong Yiming couldn't help but sighed, the bloodline of the Phoenix Eye is known as the number one assistant in the world, and the fusion bloodline is one of the three legendary bloodlines, not to mention the horror. It's no wonder that Ye Qianran can integrate into Tianhuo...

Does he still object? The answer now is definitely no, so he glanced at the two of them and said, "When do you plan to get married?"


Ye Qianran was thinking about Tongtian Pavilion, but when he heard Rong Yiming's question, he was really taken aback, but before he could react, Rong Silan's eyes lit up and said: "What about tomorrow?"


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched suddenly, how anxious is this?

"How could it be so hasty!"

Rong Yiming said: "Although I don't object to the two of you now, but Qianran still has too many things to take on now, let's talk about it after we settle some things!"

Rong Yiming thought a lot about it, because Ye Qianran will definitely have a lower level in the future because of the Fengyan clan and the fusion clan. If that happens, there will be danger at any time. If the two get married, it may implicate Tianfu.

And although Tianfu is not so afraid of Tongtian Pavilion, there will definitely be troublesome things...

However, he can tacitly allow the two to be together, but the marriage still needs to be postponed, so after considering these things, he said directly: "You guys just keep the current state, and when the time is right, I will personally preside over your wedding!"

Rong Silan frowned after hearing this, it was different from what she thought, when she was about to say something, Rong Yiming's voice sounded again: "You don't need to say any more, I still say the same thing, you just need to Anything is fine as long as it does not exceed my bottom line!"

Rong Silan's face was full of unhappiness, but she frowned again, and raised her head to look at Rong Yiming. At this moment, she saw a little smile on her father's expression, and instantly understood what, did not exceed the bottom line? And what his father said just now, as long as he doesn't get married, that means getting married is his bottom line.

Is it possible to do other things?

Thinking of this, Rong Silan's face suddenly became rosy, and there was a change in her eyes...

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