Eternal Supreme

Chapter 892

"We choose to stay!"

Long Ying said something affirmatively, and after she finished speaking, she unavoidably glanced in Ye Qianran's direction again, and the shyness in her eyes flashed away.

As Long Ying's voice fell, the faces of the masked people changed slightly at the same time. At this time, the old man who took the lead looked at Long Ying and said, "Miss Long, he should be the rejecter of your golden dragon clan. Why do you want to do this?" Woolen cloth?"

After hearing this, Long Ying shook her head and said: "Senior, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter. I knew Mr. Ye in the secular world, and I was saved by Mr. Ye, not as you said!"

The old man in the lead couldn't believe it immediately after hearing this. After several changes in his expression, he suddenly turned bright, and grabbed Ye Qianran with his right hand at a speed as fast as a thunderbolt.

The old man shot suddenly, but Nie Qingcheng and others did not react.

However, Nie Qingcheng and the others didn't react, but Ye Qianran felt it, because he was always on guard against these people, so when the opponent made a move, he also quickly chose to dodge.

But he still underestimated the opponent's strength. When he dodged out, a terrifying pulling force acted on him. Although at the critical moment, the spiritual power in his body surged out, he was still involved. go out.

Nie Qingcheng came back to his senses at this moment, his expression changed slightly, and then he also rushed out.

After Nie Qingcheng and others rushed out, Long Ying and Xiao Mengyao took the lead and also rushed out, trying to stop the group.

But after rushing out, a huge mysterious seal fell from mid-air, which was mixed with palpitating spiritual power. When the spiritual power surged unscrupulously, it completely enveloped the entire temple.

"Break the seal!"

Nie Qingcheng's face changed slightly when he saw the surging seal. The most powerful part of cutting off the seal is the four seals. In a period of time, it is impossible to break through, because no matter how strong the spiritual power is attacked, it will be absorbed by the seal. Then The same attack returns, so this seal is extremely powerful.


In mid-air, several masked figures floated. At this time, the leader grabbed Ye Qianran, surging spiritual power surged at this moment, and the faces of the people present were full of doubts, and they did not understand the man's intentions.

Ye Qianran frowned tightly. He felt that he was being suppressed by a huge spiritual power at this time, and the level of suppression was not something he could resist now.

Are these people from Tongtian Pavilion? It really is a very strong strength, and I am afraid that it has reached the masters of the next few levels.

When he was thinking like this, he suddenly felt a tricky force pouring into his body, and the next moment, the feeling of suffocation swept over with depression, and his mind even went blank for a while.

When he was at a loss, the holy beads fused from Xiao Mengyao's body suddenly moved, and the spiritual power was drawn out of his body.

"The Holy Bead really stayed on your body!"

The old voice was deep and angry, and the murderous intent appeared from his eyes.

"Hmph, who said that the second transfer of the Holy Bead can't be removed? This old man just doesn't believe in this evil!"

The old man said with a sneer, he let go of Ye Qianran with his right hand instantly, and at this moment, a wave of spiritual power enveloped Ye Qianran instantly, and the masked people who followed him also When they came to Ye Qianran's surroundings, spiritual power surged, and along with the surge of Wu Yuan, several people unexpectedly formed a huge mysterious seal in an instant, covering Ye Qianran as well.

When Nie Qingcheng and the others saw this scene, their faces changed slightly at the same time, but because of the partition seal, they really didn't dare to act rashly.

When he was thinking about how to get out, the sound of dragon chant suddenly sounded, and then he turned his head to look, and saw two figures rushing up at the same time, it turned out to be Long Ying and Xiao Mengyao.

The surging spiritual energy of both of them was extremely strong, and it seemed that they were aiming at breaking through.

Seeing this, Nie Qingcheng's expression was full of strangeness, and then he stretched out his hand with two surges of spiritual power, and finally pulled the two of them down at the same time.

"Secret Master!"

After Xiao Mengyao came down, a pair of eyes fell on Nie Qingcheng, her beautiful face was full of anxiety.

Long Ying's face was also a little pale, she bit her lips tightly, and her eyes fell on Nie Qingcheng.

Nie Qingcheng said at this time: "I am anxious to find the two of you, but it is not easy to seal the seal, it cannot be resolved by the two of you!"

"Then what should we do?" The two of them said in unison at this time.


Nie Qingcheng smiled at this moment, then looked at Long Ying and said, "Princess Long, let me ask you a few questions first!"

"Say it!" Long Ying nodded.

Nie Qingcheng said bluntly after hearing this: "Do you know who these masked people are?"

After hearing this, Long Ying shook her head and said, "We met them when we came here!"

"Then why did you come to the secret realm?"

Nie Qingcheng froze and asked a question again.

"The battle of Longyuan has fallen, and the elders and I came to inform. Yesterday we happened to be in the Tongtian Pavilion, and we heard the elders of the Tongtian Pavilion say that there are rejecters of the Golden Dragon Clan in the secret realm, so we just came to see it! "

Long Ying said: "At first I thought it was my sister, but I didn't know it was Young Master Ye!" After speaking, she glanced at the sky, her face flushed again, but soon she became anxious again.

"Is that really the case?"

Nie Qingcheng said with all his might, "Princess Dragon, don't you think it's just a coincidence?"

After hearing this, Long Ying's beautiful eyes showed doubts.

Nie Qingcheng raised his mouth and said, "The two of you just came here, you just happened to meet these people, and the one who notified you happened to be Tongtian Pavilion, tsk tsk, this is to let you Dragon Clan stand out!"

After hearing this, Long Ying's pretty brows frowned immediately, and then said: "Then these people are all from Tongtian Pavilion?"

"Maybe!" Nie Qingcheng said with a smile.

Anger appeared in Long Ying's eyes after hearing this, and then her eyes fell on Nie Qingcheng again and said: "Mystery Master, what should we do now, Mr. Ye is about to be in danger!"

After hearing this, Nie Qingcheng's eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth curled up, he glanced at Long Ying and said: "Miss Long should understand something!"

"Understand what?" Long Ying's face was full of doubts after hearing this.


After hearing this, Nie Qingcheng immediately put on a smile and said: "I'm talking about his physique!"

Long Ying was startled, and suddenly thought of something, spread out her right hand, and a pill bottle appeared in her hand, the pill bottle was given to her by Ye Qianran before she left, and when she gave it to her father, she begged back.

"Since you understand..."

Nie Qingcheng raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "Then don't worry!"

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