Eternal Supreme

Chapter 893

"What does that mean?"

Long Ying was completely confused, and looked at Nie Qingcheng with a pair of eyes and became completely curious.

After Long Ying finished asking, Xiao Mengyao also looked at Nie Qingcheng anxiously and curiously, because Nie Qingcheng didn't look worried at all, and even had a smile on her face.

"The mysterious seal they cast is called Qianshou Seal. It can draw out all the martial arts and all spiritual powers in the body of the caster, so that the caster can be completely useless!" Nie Qingcheng said.

Xiao Mengyao and Long Ying's expressions changed drastically after hearing this. According to what Nie Qingcheng said, wouldn't it be that Ye Qianran was even more troubled.

"Ha ha!"

Nie Qingcheng smiled at this time, and then said: "It is true that this kind of thing is in the hands of normal people, but it is not true in Ye Qianran's body!"


Xiao Mengyao and Long Ying asked again after hearing this.

"I mentioned Ye Qianran's physique before, don't you understand?"

Nie Qingcheng sneered, looked into the air, and said in a low voice: "Princess Dragon, the dragon source of your dragon clan should exist in him, right?"

After hearing this, Long Ying was surprised and said, "How do you know!"

Nie Qingcheng smiled again: "Longyuan's strength is not something they can compete with. This time they were transferred out, but some have played with it! In addition, because of his physique, there may not be anything on him, haha."

Speaking of which, Nie Qingcheng laughed again, looking more relaxed like that, without the slightest worry.

Although Long Ying and Xiao Mengyao understood what Nie Qingcheng meant, they couldn't help showing the worry on their faces.

But at this time, they were not acting rashly anymore, they were just looking forward, hoping that Ye Qianran would be fine...

At this moment, Ye Qianran was being suppressed, and in the mysterious seal, strange spiritual power was flowing rapidly in his body. It was nothing at first, but after a short time, he discovered the original source in his body. It surged at this time.

"How is this going?"

Ye Qianran's expression suddenly changed slightly, and then he gritted his teeth to force his body to move, even to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, but under the suppression of the mysterious seal, he couldn't mobilize it, which made him feel very aggrieved .


The sound of surging sounded, at this time Ye Qianran only felt the origin of the heaven and earth in his body, and it was the first to move, directly surging out of his body, and the speed was extremely fast, so far, under such a mammoth, it also caused a huge power of the surrounding heaven and earth turmoil.

"What a strong power of heaven and earth!"

The masked old man who took the lead was surprised and said something unavoidably, but soon the sneer appeared again.

But then his expression was obviously stunned, because the green light surged, and the feeling of pure nature floated out of Ye Qianran's body again.

"Huh? The power of elves?" The masked old man's expression became even more disbelieving, and after he exclaimed, his astonishment became more obvious, because more power surged out completely.

"The power of dimension, the power of divine wind, the power of mysterious ice, the power of formation, the power of spiritual blood, the power of phoenix, the power of space..."

"what happened!"

The masked old man who took the lead was completely astonished, with a face full of disbelief...

"Ha ha!"

When the old man was amazed, Nie Qingcheng couldn't help laughing, and then he sighed all over his face, even a little shocked and secretly clicked his tongue, because he really didn't expect that there was such a thing in Ye Qianran's body. A lot of spiritual power...

Just when he just thought of this, the golden light surged, and the spiritual power of the original bead was once again guided out...

"How could he contain so much strength!"

The face of the masked old man changed slightly, his eyes quickly pondered, and then his face changed slightly: "Is it a fusion of physique?"

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of the masked people present changed at the same time.

"It seems that there was nothing wrong with Wei'er's report last time. There really is a fusion physique in the secular world, and he should be the one he mentioned!" The old man in charge said in amazement.

"Elder, since this is the case, should we continue?" Another person asked at this time.

"Of course we will continue!"

The masked old man took the lead and snorted coldly: "The holy bead must be pulled out..."

Just after his words fell, strange spiritual power surged out at this moment, but it was the power of the holy bead.

After feeling this strength, the face of the leading old man suddenly showed a look of surprise: "This is the spiritual power of the Holy Bead, let's work harder and completely drain his spiritual power!"


Accompanied by the response, the frightening spiritual power surged out at this time...

At this moment, a golden light surged out of Ye Qianran's body, and then a hot feeling surged out. When the spiritual power fully bloomed, it seemed like three heavenly fires were floating, one silver, one blue, A golden streak, looking extremely strange.

And with the appearance of the Three Heavenly Fires, the complexions of those old men changed drastically, and the mysterious seal suppressing Ye Qianran also became very unstable at this time.

"I'm going, good boy, three heavenly fires are fused with him!"

Nie Qingcheng was completely shocked at this time, his face was full of disbelief, and he felt terror in one of them...

"It must be maintained!"

The old man who took the lead quickly said that the Wu Yuan on his body surged even more terrifyingly, and the surrounding space has been distorted. From this point, it can be seen to what level these people have mobilized Wu Yuan.

Ye Qianran was frowning at this time, he had been trying to suppress it as much as possible, but under that involvement, the spiritual power in his body was still drawn out involuntarily, first from various sources, then from the sky fire, and now...

"What's going on, it's so strong!"

The sound of the flame knife sounded first.

"Fuck his grandma, what's going on!" Tian Fu also cursed secretly at this time.

Then came Mogou, his voice was cold... Xiaomei didn't say much, but her performance was also unsteady.


The surging sound sounded again, and the flame knife also left Ye Qianran's body actively at this time, floating out, wanting to see what was going on...

And with their appearance, the spiritual power around Ye Qianran became even more terrifying, and the performance of the seal became even more unstable.

"these are?"

Nie Qingcheng was stunned at this time, then completely shocked, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Heavenly artifact? Why does this kid have so many heavenly artifacts on him?"

When he was shocked, the faces of those masked old men also looked very embarrassed. After this, it became more and more out of their control.

"Why are there so many foreign objects on this kid, it should be over this time!"

The voice of the leading old man trembled at this moment. If he had known it would be like this, he should not have used this method. Now that his spiritual power has reached such a terrifying level, if he let go directly, all his spiritual power would explode, and they would also Therefore, they will suffer extremely terrifying damage, which may be difficult to recover for their current cultivation base.

So at this time they really prayed, praying that there would be nothing in Ye Qianran's body, if there was an extremely powerful one, then they would be out of luck.

While they were thinking this way, an evil breath spread from Ye Qianran's body again.

"It's over..."

The face of the old man in the lead suddenly changed, and he suddenly thought of one thing at this time, that is, the news of the scourge that he learned from Song Wei, that is to say, there is still a scourge in Ye Qianran's body, if the scourge emerges, occupying It broke Ye Qianran's mind, in such a situation, I am afraid that he is going to die.

But just when he thought of this, there was a surging sound, and it was a black sword behind Ye Qianran that floated out at this moment, and the strange spiritual power enveloped Ye Qianran in it, and the evil aura immediately was suppressed.

"Dzi bead?"

Nie Qingcheng looked from below in amazement, six heavenly weapons? It's cruel enough... But it's a good thing Ye Qianran has a dzi bead on his body, otherwise, it would be a catastrophe if God punished the world.

The old man in the lead was stunned for a moment when he saw the black sword, and then he relaxed. Maybe he should be lucky now, but just when he thought of this, a spiritual power that shocked them came from Ye Qianran's body gradually surged.

"What kind of spiritual power is this?" The old man in the lead was completely stunned, his face pale.

And Ye Qianran was completely speechless at this time. After mobilizing all the origins in his body, his dragon source moved abnormally.

He understands that when the dragon source in his body changes, he himself will be unconscious, so he suppresses it, for fear that there will be problems.

And just when he was suppressing it, the holy beads in his body moved abnormally, acting extremely active, as if he liked the surging spiritual power very much.

"What kind of situation is this!"

When he just thought of this, the holy bead floated out of his body, and when the dazzling light bloomed, the surging spiritual power in his body immediately merged into it, and when it appeared again, it was full of those Very strange spiritual power.

"The Holy Bead has been pulled out!"

The old man in the lead was full of surprises, and immediately said: "Everyone, keep working hard!" After the words fell, he also went all out, mobilizing all the Wu Yuan in his body, and the other old men did the same.

"It seems that something is not quite right!"

Seeing this, Nie Qingcheng frowned immediately. Ye Qianran has a fusion physique, and the root of it cannot be extracted at all, but what is going on in this situation now?

And after his words fell, the faces of the masked old men changed drastically at the same time, because their surging Wuyuan also gathered in the direction of the holy bead at this time, and the speed was extremely fast... …

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