Eternal Supreme

Chapter 894

"How is this going?"

Seeing the condensed spiritual power gathering at the same time, the people present couldn't believe it at the same time.

The expressions of those masked old men also changed slightly at this time, because the seal they set was also about to collapse at this time, and in the constant distortion, the spiritual power was also absorbed by the holy bead.

"Could it be..."

A strange look appeared on Nie Qingcheng's expression. After a while, his guess is that this holy bead also has the power of fusion due to the influence of Ye Qianran's blood.

They didn't understand the characteristics of the holy bead, so what he guessed now was what it meant for the holy bead to suddenly draw such a huge amount of spiritual power.

When everyone was thinking this way, the seal also collapsed in an instant.

After the collapse, the faces of those masked people suddenly changed, but fortunately, what they imagined did not happen, because the spiritual power was also sucked in by the holy bead.

This is also good news.

But why did this happen? why?

Just when these things were considered, the changes in the spiritual power of the holy bead became even more dazzling, which seemed unbelievable.


A surging sound sounded at this moment, and the surroundings of the holy bead were distorted, which looked extremely strange at this moment.

Ye Qianran breathed a sigh of relief when the shackles on his body disappeared, but just after he exhaled, he found that his own divine sense surged involuntarily again, wrapped in the holy bead, and Some of the dragon source spiritual power in his body was also extracted by him.

"What exactly is going on?"

Ye Qianran's gaze was also fixed on the holy bead. When he was thinking about it, his eyebrows suddenly jumped, and then his mind went blank in an instant. It didn't last long, and his spiritual thoughts suddenly converged. When he got up, at this moment, he came into contact with an extremely huge force of space, and then the space was distorted again, and Ye Qianran was completely involved.

And the people around looked at it, and it was the holy bead that burst out with extremely bright spiritual power at this moment. At this moment, the bead disappeared, the heavenly weapon disappeared, and Ye Qianran also disappeared in an instant. Everything has returned to calm.

It was as if in that place before, there was no one at all.


The onlookers froze there at the same time, what kind of situation is this? What about Ye Qianran? Where did you go?

"Where is Mr. Ye?" Long Ying was stunned, her expression suddenly became anxious, and her eyes quickly fell on Nie Qingcheng.

Xiao Mengyao was also stunned, and her beautiful face was also full of anxiety. When Long Ying asked, her beautiful eyes also fell on Nie Qingcheng.

She and Ye Qianran just got married, and they had been looking forward to it for such a long time, and now they finally met, but they separated again. Of course, her sadness naturally, so when the circles of her eyes were rosy, the tears also fell down at this time.

Nie Qingcheng was stunned, then came back to his senses, narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "It must have something to do with the Holy Bead, if there is no accident, it was taken away by the Holy Bead!"

"It was taken?"

Xiao Mengyao was stunned, and quickly said: "Where did that young master be taken!"

"The holy bead comes out of the hollow, and it may also be in the direction of the hollow. If it is outside, it is easy to say, but if it goes inside..."

As Nie Qingcheng said, his complexion became slightly ugly at this time, he took a deep breath and said: "After this seal disappears, I will go to Tongtian Pavilion to have a look!"

"Well, I'll go too!" Xiao Mengyao said directly and firmly after hearing this, maybe knowing that Ye Qianran is fine, she can be completely relieved.

If something happened to Ye Qianran, then she really didn't want to live...

"I'm going too!" Long Ying also said bluntly at this time, and she went not only because of the Longyuan on Ye Qianran's body, but more importantly, she didn't want Ye Qianran to have an accident...

"Let's go!"

The leading old man in black froze in the air for a while, his expression looked gloomy, he didn't get what they wanted, and they were almost hurt, and now Ye Qianran disappeared inexplicably. Where can I find it?

In addition, the most important point is that Ye Qianran actually has a fusion blood, and there are many heavenly weapons on his body, and the most important thing is that there is still a scourge in his body.

The next time they meet again, I'm afraid it won't be easy to make a move, because during the extraction, the palpitating spiritual power surges again, and they will definitely kill themselves.

Several other people looked at each other, their brows also frowned, obviously thinking the same as the old man.

"Let's go!"

The old man in the lead said something again, glanced at the seal, snorted coldly, turned around and galloped out...

On the other side, in the inn, Yao Qianyu was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and a strange spiritual power surrounded him. At this moment, she suddenly opened her eyes, her expression was a little stunned, and her brows were even frowned. .

"Sister Qianyu, what happened?" Yan Rubing was the first to see Yao Qianyu's expression, and immediately said it worriedly.

When Yan Rubing asked, Yan Ruxue's eyes also fell on Yao Qianyu. Ye Qianran has been away for a long time, so Yao Qianyu counts, but what's the matter with the expression now Woolen cloth?

Yao Qianyu came back to her senses, frowned and said, "I can't figure out your son's fate now, he seems to have jumped out of here!"

"Jump out?" Yan Rubing and Yan Ruxue were puzzled at the same time.

"Well, the son's luck is still there, which proves that he is fine, but the horoscope does not show the slightest reaction, which shows that the husband is in a special position now!"

Yao Qianyu opened his mouth to say something, but after a pause, he said, "However, what I predicted to my husband before was that although the son will have some ups and downs, he will turn the danger into a blessing, or even get a blessing in disguise, maybe this time it will be the same, so don't worry too much Already!"

Although she said so herself, the worry still appeared on her face, let alone the current Yan Rubing and Yan Ruxue.


At this moment, Yan Rubing's voice hesitated, and finally said: "Why don't we go to the secret realm tomorrow? I believe the purpose of signing up, they won't stop them now, right?"

"Well, let's go and have a look tomorrow!" Yao Qianyu nodded and agreed after hearing this. Only after the past, may she be able to understand what happened.

"I hope you are all right, young master!" Yan Ruxue murmured from the side, holding a pair of small hands on her chest, she looked unspeakably cute...

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