Eternal Supreme

Chapter 917

"Phoenix eye bloodline?"

The five people thought of a possibility at this time, but how could Fengyan have such a terrifying decomposition ability?

You must know that it was their combined attack.

At this time, Mu Qingchen's eyes first looked at his wife Ling Xinwan, because the rapid decomposition was clearly one of the abilities of the blood of the phoenix eye.

But soon he also realized that it is impossible for the bloodline of the phoenix eye to have such a terrifying disintegration. In addition, Ling Xinwan was surprised at this time, the phoenix eye was not opened, and it was obviously not his wife, so...

Looking up, when he looked at the Shenlong, he found that there was a strange aura in those indifferent golden pupils, could it be Qianran?

While he was thinking, the five of them raised their heads and landed on the dragon.

Because at the same time they felt that the fluctuation of the divine sense came from the dragon.

And when they looked over, their throats moved at the same time, and their mouths opened at the same time, the dragon clan? A clan of dragons with blood successor spiritual power?

When they came over, they didn't notice that much, but now they also felt the shocking aura, especially the golden pupils looking at them at this moment, and that feeling made their expressions tense at the same time.

how could be?

How did such a powerful Dragon Clan come here?


The melodious dragon chant sounded, and a wave of spiritual power suddenly condensed in the air, and the next moment, it swept towards the five people.

The faces of the five people changed slightly at the same time, and their bodies dodged out quickly at this time, but the spiritual power was submerged in the barrier, and the turmoil broke out again, and the cracks in the barrier became bigger at this time.

"Go over quickly!"

Mu Qingchen said something quickly at this time, and at this time the three of them would also be overwhelmed. They glanced at each other quickly, then took a deep breath, and galloped over at the same time, and quickly disappeared in the rippling spiritual power .

"Parents, hurry up too!" Feng Feifei's anxious voice sounded at this time, because she clearly felt three huge auras locked on this place, if it dragged on, there might really be no chance.

Mu Qingchen and Ling Xinwan looked at each other with hesitation, how could they let the two children persist here?

And when they hesitated, three figures floated out again.

The three old men were gray-haired, and their eyes were full of deep colors. After showing up, the oppressive aura also surged towards the surroundings, and then their eyes fell on Ye Qianran. When they saw Ye Qianran However, when he was in the form at this time, unspeakable surprise also appeared at this time.

"What a powerful spiritual power!"

At this time, a white-haired old man said something, his eyes were full of light, and then he said: "Is this spiritual power breath the dragon source power of the dragon clan? It acts on the blood of Xueji, and it is even more astonishing." Already!"

"But the control is obviously insufficient!" Another old man nodded slowly and said: "Fortunately, it should be able to control it!"

"In this case, stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" The last old man said simply, and after the voice fell, the figure suddenly disappeared, and when Dangdang appeared, he had already come to Ye Qianran. The hands spread out, and when the huge spiritual power bloomed, they staggered rapidly, and then a huge mysterious seal appeared at this time.

The other two looked at each other, and the figure also dissipated at this moment, and when it appeared, it just happened to be a triangle to wrap Ye Qianran in it.

Feng Feifei's face changed slightly, and the gorgeous figure surged at this moment, galloping towards one of them.

But the old man never looked at it at all. When the tearing spiritual power fell on him, a terrifying breath appeared.


The ear-piercing sound sounded again, and Feng Feifei's body was bounced back in an instant. Judging from the disorder of her spiritual power, she also suffered a certain amount of damage under the force of the rebound. The Xuanfeng family of monsters.

The recovery is faster, but it is not fully recovered at this time, otherwise she will definitely affect one of them.

The main body state dissipated, and a figure receded and landed beside Mu Qingchen and Ling Xinwan, and the face was obviously pale at this moment.

At this time, An Mengying's face was full of anxiety. She had never thought of such a scene.

What she thought was very good, they left when her father found out, and if she had time, she would come back with Ye Qianran to take a look, and now, the illusion in her mind was completely shattered at this time , because it was too different from what she thought.

At this time, when she saw the three elders suppressing Ye Qianran at the same time, her eye circles turned red, but she recognized the three of them, they were the strongest existence in Fengdu, and she couldn't stop them at all. Thousands of nothing.

The suppressed aura became more and more astonishing at this time, and at this time the melodious dragon chant sounded, and Ye Qianran's body also surged at this time, obviously because the suppression was also a little uncomfortable at this time.

At this time, Ye Qianran's mind was in a blank state. Everything he did before, including now, was done by his residual consciousness. Now he was suddenly suppressed, and he naturally resisted.

"Good guy, this spiritual power is really strong!"

At this time, one of the old men showed a shocked expression, and after saying a word, the surging spiritual power became more intense and dazzling, and the same was true for the other two old men, and because of this, the aura showed even more It's frightening.

Ye Qianran's body was surging, and the spiritual power in his body was also quickly suppressed at this time, and there was a little pain in the golden pupils.

"Husband, what should we do now?"

Ling Xinwan's expression was full of anxiety, and the circles of her eyes were even more rosy. They finally saw their son, and they didn't want anything to happen to their son.

But they also know these three old men, and they have had contact with them before, and their strength was very terrifying in the past, let alone now.

Mu Qingchen's face is also extremely ugly at this time, he really hates himself now, hates his body, his strength has not recovered, if he recovers, take a deep breath, Mu Qingchen's eyes fell on the pale face Feng Feifei said: "Feifei, take your mother and leave first!"

After the voice fell, Mu Qingchen's body galloped up at this moment,

When he galloped up, two figures stopped Mu Qingchen, and the other three figures stopped Ling Xinwan and Feng Feifei.

"Don't you think about leaving today!" The old voice was cold, and after the words fell, shocking spiritual power also surged.

Mu Qingchen's face became even uglier. It was really a big disadvantage for them under such a situation, but he did not give up, and for the sake of his son, he could not give up either.

The power of the bloodline surged at this time, and when his expression showed firmness, he rushed forward without fear.

The two people who blocked Mu Qingchen sneered, and also went up to meet them at this time, and when there was a battle between Ling Xinwan and Feng Feifei, the whole scene suddenly became more chaotic.


The painful dragon roar sounded at this moment, and the huge divine sense surged at this moment. The next moment, amidst the surge of light, Ye Qianran's body was suspended in the air, his long golden hair surged, and his golden eyes At this time, the change became clearer.

Amidst the surge of spiritual thoughts, Ye Qianran glanced around, such a scene also appeared in his eyes, and the next moment a solemn look appeared on his face.

He quickly glanced at the barrier. At this time, the crack still exists, but because of the lack of spiritual power support, it is shrinking rapidly at this time. If he does not enter, this opportunity will all disappear. up.

The three people in front of him also gave him a very powerful aura, which made him a little weak, and the gap was huge. Maybe he was breaking through a level, which could be compared, but now, when he couldn't control Longyuan, he couldn't compete at all. .

But being unable to resist does not mean that Ye Qianran decided to sit still, even if he resisted at this time, he would have to send his parents out.

His life was given by his parents. Although he had not met his parents for a long time, he could feel how deep his parents' affection for him was. Blood was thicker than water. It's really within reach.

He had a lot of options, but his parents didn't.

With all his eyes floating, Ye Qianran glanced at the seal...

Well, he admits that this seal is really powerful, but this seal still can't trouble him.

The spiritual power of Tianzhu surged at this time, Ye Qianran opened the eight doors, and galloped out amidst the surging phoenix eyes. When going out, the flame knife, magic hook, and sky ax surged out at the same time, facing He galloped past those who blocked his parents.

The five people who blocked him suddenly felt the huge spiritual power, and their faces changed slightly at the same time. When they retreated to deal with it, they realized that it was just a weapon, and was that weapon so terrifying?

"Father, mother, Feifei, you go first!"

At this time, Ye Qianran was sure that the three people hadn't reacted. If they did, it would be very difficult for them to leave.

So after his words fell, the huge divine sense also formed a drag at this time, and then the dzi beads surged, and the sudden change was huge, piercing. insert. In the meantime, the three of them were brought up at the same time, and quickly galloped towards the space crack.

If you don't hurry up, the gap in the barrier will disappear completely, and the result can be imagined.

Mu Qingchen, Ling Xinwan, including Feng Feifei, hadn't reacted yet, and when they came back to their senses, they had already reached the gap in the barrier...

"Hugh is leaving!"

At this time, the three people came back to their senses, their faces changed slightly at the same time, and just as they were galloping up, a golden figure stepped up, with a cold expression on his face: "Are you joking? The person I want to send away , even the three of you can't stop it..." After the words fell, the palpitating breath surged out again...

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