Eternal Supreme

Chapter 918

"Is it up to you?"

The three of them looked at each other, and said it coldly at the same time, and just when they said it, they suddenly felt a breath that made their hearts palpitate, and then a dazzling light emerged at this moment, and the next moment, the fierce The sky fire swept out at this time.

When it was covered, the expressions of the three showed solemnity at the same time.

For Ye Qianran, Longyuan is indeed out of his control, but Tianhuo is something he can perfect. manipulative.

Because the sky fire was fused through his pain. Of course, there is no problem at all in handling.

At this time, the surging sky fire is composed of three paths, and its strength is self-evident.

The strength of the three of them is indeed very terrifying, and he also knows that this day's fire is at most a delay, but this seems to be enough...


Ling Xinwan's voice sounded...

And when they passed through the enchantment, the cracks on the enchantment also disappeared like waves at this time, and the feeling seemed to have never appeared at all.

Ye Qianran's divine sense was touched, so naturally he felt it very clearly at this time. He breathed a sigh of relief and put a smile on his face. He had no other thoughts at this time.

There is no need to worry about An Mengying's safety. They will not hurt the princess no matter what, so he doesn't have to think about it at all.

Spiritual thoughts are surging, and the sky fire is more surging at this time. When it erupts, it looks like fire lotuses, and it really looks extremely gorgeous.

Although the sky fire blooming is very beautiful, it can even be said to give people a very rumor, but at this time, no one paid too much attention to it, but after feeling the breath, they quickly dodged out.

"What a powerful sky fire!"

The bodies of the three elders also retreated at this time, but not too far later, three astonishing spiritual powers also bloomed at this time, and when they covered the past, they also formed a certain degree of suppression on the terrifying sky fire.

Ye Qianran could naturally feel the three extreme spiritual powers. When his expression changed slightly, he spread out his right hand, and the flame knife was suspended at this moment. The next moment, the sky fire merged into it, and then the power of the stars was also mobilized at this time, and it was injected crazily. Going in, the phoenix eye opened again, accompanied by a palpitating breath, and a flame swept towards the three of them in an instant.

"The power is good, but it's still one point away..."

The indifferent voice sounded again, and the three of them snorted at the same time, showing a burst of extreme strength on their bodies, the aura suddenly soared a little, spread their hands, and the amazing aura erupted again, blocking Ye Qianran's attack After coming down, the three figures disappeared.

At this time, Ye Qianran could see very clearly under the eyes of the phoenix. The speed of the three of them was extremely fast, reaching an extreme, passing through the sky fire, and at the same time a stronger force surged at this time, directly Swept towards him.

Seeing the three galloping voices, Ye Qianran's pupils shrank. How terrifying is the strength of the three of them?

Is his blocking at this time still useful? Powerless, he felt powerless again...

However, even though he had this feeling in his mind, it didn't mean that he knew how to represent the seat. The source of fusion in his body surged, and when the eight doors were fully opened, he rushed forward without hesitation.


When Ye Qianran came into contact with the three of them, his body shook, the first one, he caught it perfectly, the second one, although he dodged in time, still moved his body, the third one, completely , hit him hard.

When his breathing was completely suppressed, his body flew upside down...

"This word must be a huge threat in the future, so don't keep it!"

One of the old men said something indifferently, spread his right hand, a strange spiritual power surged out, the figure dissipated, and when it appeared, he patted Ye Qianran.

The palm prints appeared at this moment, and suddenly became gigantic. When it became huge, it was definitely an overwhelming aura.

Ye Qianran raised his head, his face was slightly pale, and he wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. When he was about to resist again, his abdomen suddenly became hot.

His expression was slightly astonished. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed drastically.

Tianzhu took his parents and left here, then Tianzhu would not be able to suppress him, and at this moment when he was injured, Tianzhu would naturally not let this opportunity pass by.

The agitation in his abdomen suddenly became stronger, and the next moment his body showed an extremely evil aura. When the imprint between his eyebrows floated, his whole body was wrapped in black and purple, his mind was suddenly blank, and his mind suddenly went blank. A cold voice sounded in his mind: "If you want to live forever, let me control your body!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran's soul trembled, and then the evil breath became more intense, and when the black-purple spiritual power was strong, a black spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

Raising his head again, the eyes that had turned into black surged. The next moment, he spread his right hand, and with a swipe of the spear in his hand, the space cracked, and the palm print also cracked in an instant, which looked extreme. fear.


A cold voice sounded, and Ye Qianran's figure dissipated in the black spiritual power. When he reappeared, he had already seen the old man's expression. His eyes showed no expression at all, and what he possessed was endless murderous intent.

With a flick of the spear, suffocating spiritual power bloomed at this moment, and it crossed towards the old man. The terrifying speed was impossible to capture.

The old man's pupils contracted, his reaction was absolutely fast, his body was criss-crossed, and at the same time violent spiritual power swept across, but the spear still pierced through the burst of spiritual power of the old man, and under the speed, it pierced vigorously again. old man's arm.

And when Ye Qianran closed the gun, the old man also took advantage of the gap to back away quickly, and his face was pale at this time, because the gun not only affected his body, but his soul seemed to have been revived in an instant. An extremely terrifying involvement.

The other two elders hovered beside the injured old man, and their eyes fell on Ye Qianran at the same time.

At this time, Ye Qianran gave them a completely different feeling. He was extremely bloody before, but now he gave them a very cold and evil feeling. It felt like a different person in an instant...

And the changing appearance at this time made them all feel palpitations...

"Is he still the same person?"

At this time, one of the old men couldn't help but say in surprise, the change is too great, not only the change in strength, but also the completely different temperament.

The gap between front and back is too big, so it is inevitable that there will be such speculation...

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