Eternal Supreme

Chapter 919

"Don't even think about leaving today!"

A voice full of cold and murderous intent sounded slowly, Ye Qianran held the spear tightly in his right hand, and his black eyes looked even colder.

And after the voice fell, the black-purple spiritual power suddenly became more intense, and the surroundings were distorted, looking extremely terrifying.

The deep and evil aura became more and more intense at this time, and Ye Qianran's figure also became blurred at this time.

"What a strong breath!"

The three of them looked at each other, and their expressions were full of horror at this moment, and the aura became stronger and stronger.

And under such breath, their expressions became more and more solemn, and when they didn't know how to face it, there were several swishing sounds, and then four weapons surrounded Ye Qianran's body, and the next moment The four rays of light enveloped Ye Qianran's body, and the ice sword that was originally behind him also burst into blue light at this time.

In an instant, the surrounding temperature also dropped at this time.

But Ye Qianran's body surged at this time, and at the same time, his expression was filled with unspeakable pain, and his dark eyes were cold: "You are courting death!"

After the voice fell, the evil aura surged, and the spear in his hand was picked up, and it went directly towards the hole of the flame knife.

"Hmph, both are heavenly weapons, although you belong to the list of the three great heavenly weapons, it may not be easy to hurt us!" The voice of the flame knife was cold at this time.

After the words fell, a dazzling red light bloomed, and the magic whip shook at this moment, instantly restraining Ye Qianran's body.

"Brother, wake up, don't let God's punishment control your mind!" Xiaomei called out anxiously in her voice.

And amidst Xiaomei's non-stop calling, Ye Qianran's divine thoughts surged again, making people feel even more chaotic.

"What's going on here?" The three of them became even more puzzled.

And when they were surprised, different rays of light floated out of Ye Qianran's body. At this moment, a buzzing sound sounded, and the holy bead that had been floating was suspended at this time and entered Ye Qianran's body, while the other one It fell into An Mengying's body.

At this time, An Mengying's face looked slightly pale, but her worried expression was still present.

The spiritual power on Ye Qianran's body was constantly changing, and it seemed to be very unstable at this moment, giving people a strange feeling.

"See if you can seal it temporarily!"

At this time, one of the old men said that Ye Qianran's situation was too weird, and they really didn't dare to act rashly at this time, maybe sealing would be a very good choice.

The old man's proposal was instantly approved by the other two old men, and they galloped out at the same time.

After re-wrapping Ye Qianran's body, the three of them looked at each other, and the huge spiritual power surged again, and with the emergence of the mysterious seal, it directly wrapped Ye Qianran's body inside.

They don't quite understand how Ye Qianran left last time, but now they can only gamble like this, otherwise they don't know what to do.

Instead, accompanied by the suppression of the sealed spiritual power, the flame knife, the magic hook, the magic whip, and Xiaomei burst out their spiritual power at the same time, and completely submerged into Ye Qianran's body the next moment.

Ye Qianran's whole body was tense, and then his eyes showed some clarity, and then his spiritual thoughts converged and he passed out...

"Did it work?"

The three of them looked at each other, and surprise appeared on their faces at the same time.

"Then what should this person do?" The injured old man's expression flashed with solemnity, and when he finished speaking, he couldn't help but look down at his arm again, and the solemnity clearly appeared again.

He has been hurt, but he is very clear in his heart, knowing how powerful Ye Qianran's ability is under such a state, even he is a little afraid now...

"Take it back first, there is a holy bead on him, maybe it has some effect!" The last old man pondered for a while, and after he slowly said a word, he was also approved by the other two, and his spiritual power once again Surging, the three of them galloped out with Ye Qianran's body at this time.

And after they left, the canyon was completely quiet at this time.

Five figures floated in the air. At this moment, their expressions still seemed to be filled with lingering fear. At this moment, one of them's eyes fell on An Mengying. Just as she was about to go over, An Mengying bit her lower lip tightly, her eyes were red and she galloped out. , looking in the direction is Fengdu.

"What's going on?" The five people looked at each other, their expressions were full of doubts, but in the end they didn't think about it clearly. After sighing secretly, they also galloped out at this time, and the target was Fengdu.

"Father, what have you done to him!"

In the palace of Fengdu, An Mengying looked at An Chengming with anxious expression.

She wanted to find her father ever since she came back, but she was blocked all the time, and now she rushed in with great difficulty.

An Chengming frowned slightly, looked at An Mengying and said, "You girl, why are you so ignorant, didn't you see that I was discussing something with the elders?"

An Mengying didn't say a word, she looked at An Chengming stubbornly with her big beautiful red eyes and said, "I don't care, if something happens to him, my daughter won't want to live anymore!"

An Chengming was stunned, and then said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about, girl!"

He originally thought that her daughter was being persecuted, but now it seems that it is far from that simple...

"I didn't talk nonsense!"

An Mengying bit her lips and said, "He and I are already husband and wife, and I have a child in my stomach...with his child, if you hurt him, I won't live!" It fell down the fair face.

An Chengming's expression was stunned. He knew his daughter very well. Although she was a bit self-willed in some aspects, she would never talk nonsense. At this time, seeing that An Mengying's expression was not fake at all, she was stunned. Then, looking at An Mengying, she said, "You girl, what's going on!"

As he spoke, his frown deepened, because he was still unwilling to accept this fact.

"I've said everything I need to say!"

An Mengying bit her lower lip tightly, looked at An Chengming firmly and said, "Anyway, something happened to him, I will definitely go with him!" After speaking, she turned her head and ran outside.

"Hey! This girl..."

An Chengming looked at An Mengying's leaving back, and was at a loss for a while. Could it be true what An Mengying said?

"What should the emperor do now?"

At this time, an old man said: "You also understand the temper of Emperor Mengying. I think this girl must be right. In addition, there is a holy bead on that kid, and he seems to be a fusion of blood. will disappear too."

After speaking, his expression showed a solemn look...

An Chengming nodded, with a slightly melancholy expression on his face, but Ye Qianran couldn't persuade them at all on the opposing side. Finally, after thinking for a while, he said: "Then now we can only see if the seniors in the upper hall can find a way to get rid of them. Take out the holy bead, and besides..."

Speaking of An Chengming's voice, he thought of his daughter An Mengying, and sighed secretly: "Tell the seniors in the upper hall to let them save his life!"

When An Chengming spoke like this, the elders present naturally understood what it meant.

"at last……"

An Chengming's eyes fluttered and said: "Notify the other three major forces to prepare well, the next attack may be possible at any time, and the summoning land is completely open, and everyone in Fengdu can enter and sign their own monsters!"


The elders present nodded at the same time.

"That's it, just let me know if you have any news!" An Chengming said briefly again, stood up and walked outside, with a slightly worried expression on his face, he was very worried about his daughter What stupid things will you do...

"Where am I?"

Ye Qianran's thoughts gradually recovered. At this time, he first felt a sense of confusion. When his thoughts gradually recovered, he opened his eyes and was in his spiritual space.

Looking around, he found that the flame knife, the magic hook, the magic whip, the sky axe, and the little charm were suspended in their bodies, and in the center of them was a long spear full of complex patterns and surging black light.


Ye Qianran murmured two words at this time, and the thoughts in his mind also recovered at this time. At this time, he thought that because of Xiao Hei's departure, the scourge of heaven took effect, and when he was hurt, he directly drilled It came out and directly affected his mind.

Now that he thinks about it, he still has lingering fears, but he remembers that Xiaomei called him in a blur, and it seems that he was a little clearer at that time, and he himself forgot what happened later.

After walking a few steps, Ye Qianran came to the side, and at this moment Xiaomei's surprised voice sounded: "Brother, you're awake!"

"Well, I'm awake, what are you doing?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

But at this time, a cold and emotionless voice sounded: "Dianzhu, don't you think you can suppress me for a long time!"

Ye Qianran was stunned and his eyes fell on the long spear, his expression unavoidably turned strange, but at this moment Xiaomei's voice sounded: "Brother, this bad guy is going to devour you, we used the essence of our body to swallow you." Yuan suppressed him!"

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, and after listening carefully, he could hear the subtle fluctuations in Xiaomei's voice. Obviously, using the essence of his body would probably be a huge consumption for himself, and listening to the meaning of the day's punishment just now, even if it was such a consumption , It is also difficult to suppress it for a long time, so I understand in my heart that it is not a solution to continue like this.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes fell on Tianzhu's body, and he finally said, "God's punishment, right? What about you? Why are you doing this?"

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