Eternal Supreme

Chapter 929

"Where is this again?"

After Ye Qianran appeared, he looked around, and found that he was in a huge square, and at this time, many people around him looked at him in surprise.


Ye Qianran glanced at it, and found that the people here were all dressed in uniform, white robes with blue edges, which looked very beautiful.

And the female disciple looks even more beautiful, she is completely in a blue short skirt with a chest, with a little fair skin showing, she looks very attractive.

Where is this?

Ye Qianran became very puzzled at this time, and she couldn't figure it out at all.

"Your Excellency?" At this moment, a man came up and his eyes fell on Ye Qianran.

"Are you again?" Ye Qianran raised his brows and asked back.

"I am the eldest disciple under the Sixth Elder of Tongtian Pavilion!" The man said with arrogance on his face.

"Ah oh..."

Ye Qianran had a look of admiration after hearing this, and then said: "I just joined, the power of blood is space, I originally planned to go directly to my master, but who knew it was transferred here!"

After finishing speaking, he shrugged helplessly, it seemed that he had arrived in the Tongtian Pavilion.

He has never known what kind of position Tongtian Pavilion is in. It seems that he has to inquire about it before he can find out.

"Really? Then which elder's disciple are you?" The man was not suspicious.

Because Tongtian Pavilion is not something that ordinary people can enter, and Ye Qianran is so young that he has no ability to enter.

Because if it came in secretly, it would definitely be an offense to Tongtian Pavilion, and it would definitely not be tolerated.


Ye Qianran smiled and said, "I am the youngest disciple under the Seventh Elder!"

"Elder Seven?"

The man's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and then he rolled his eyes at Ye Qianran and said, "Brother, you are joking, the Seventh Elder seems to only recruit female disciples, right?"


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched. Do you only recruit female disciples? Then he hit the muzzle of the gun, coughed dryly and said: "Yeah, but who made me handsome, and then I will please her old man!"

"Old man?"

The man looked strange, and then said: "The seventh elder is very young..."


Ye Qianran said helplessly again: "Isn't this my respect for her? Could it be that you don't respect your master?"

"Does it need to be said?" The man said quickly after hearing this.


Ye Qianran smiled and said: "Okay, let's not say more, I'm going to find my master!"


The man's face was full of doubts after hearing this, and then he said with a smile: "It seems that there is no need, the seventh elder will bring the female disciple here later!"

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth curled up and he said, "Isn't that right, there are already many female disciples here!"

"All right!"

Ye Qianran smiled helplessly at this time, what is he, it seems that everything has hit the muzzle of the gun.

His eyes fluttered, and he said immediately: "Well, the master asked me to change clothes. I came out in a hurry and didn't wear them. Do you have them there? Lend me a set first. If there are beautiful girls, I can introduce them to you!"

"Wow!" The man's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and after moving his throat, he spread his left hand, and a set of white and blue-lined robes appeared in his hand.


Ye Qianran said something at this time, took the clothes, disappeared in the surge of space, and when she appeared, she had already changed her clothes.

They come, the security……

He doesn't know anything about this place now, and he doesn't know how to get out at all. What can happen now? Simply stay and find out.

"No wonder the Seventh Elder has taken a fancy to the Brotherhood. You really are very handsome!" the man said with a smile.

"Hehe, brother, you are too good!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

"I'm much worse than you..."

After the two complimented each other, Ye Qianran was straightforward at this time. insert. Getting to the point: "I haven't heard of what my master is doing here!"

"Well, now each elder is deciding the most outstanding disciple!"

The man smiled and said: "What is the specific reason? It is to gather together and enter the forbidden area to cultivate. It is a good place!"

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran raised his brows and said, "What a good place, I just came here and haven't heard of it yet!"

"Dragon Tomb!"

The man smiled and said, "It can be regarded as being recognized by the Tongtian Pavilion Dragon Clan!"

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran said with a slightly surprised expression: "Why are the dragons in Tongtian Pavilion?"

"Well, isn't the Tongtian Pavilion composed of people from the four major forces? In the previous war, the dragon clan was seriously injured, and all the dead were concentrated in the dragon tomb. The innate power there is very strong, and cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort!" said the man. .

"turn out to be!"

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered and he understood, and then he said: "When I came in, I didn't know why I got out, so I followed the master in at a loss. I haven't figured out where it is yet!"

The man couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and then said: "This place is considered to be in the center of the four major forces. Well, it was separated by the space seals by the seniors of the previous four major forces..."


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, it would be easy to say if Xiao Hei was there, it is completely possible to get out of the space seal.

And although he knows the power of space, it may not be easy for him to leave.


The man smiled and patted Ye Qianran's body and said: "If you want to go out, you can ask your master, your master will definitely take you away, and if you become an excellent disciple, you also have the right to leave. The method of leaving will naturally tell you!"

"All right!"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, her face full of melancholy, master? If he really had a master here, everything would be easy to talk about, but he doesn't have one, everything is a trap...

Seeing that there were more and more people at this time, he knew that if he didn't leave again, he might not have a chance, and just when he was about to find an excuse to leave, his divine sense fluctuated, and at the same time his heartbeat was at a constant into an unspeakable frequency.


Ye Qianran was stunned, what's going on?

From what he knew, Shengzhu would give him this feeling, and then his connection with Yi Feixuan... Could it be possible?

Thinking of this, he felt that it was unlikely... There should be no such coincidence.

"Hehe, that's it, isn't your master here?" The man smiled and patted Ye Qianran on the shoulder, then raised his head, his eyes were slightly obsessed...

Ye Qianran came back to his senses, looked over again, and as the figure drew closer, his eyes narrowed slightly, it couldn't be true, could it?

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