Eternal Supreme

Chapter 930

"How about brother!"

When the two figures fell, the man looked at Ye Qianran at this moment.

Ye Qianran is still a little dazed at this time, the two figures are very familiar, one has a hot figure, the other has a charming temperament, the impact is very strong, and under the purple skirt, it adds a different degree of charm .

The throat moved, feeling the heartbeat in his heart, his eyes fluttered, and the two goblins ran to Tongtian Pavilion after a long time.

But what are these two women doing here?

Could it be that the target Long Wushuang arranged for them is here?

"Hey, why haven't I seen the other one, and the master hasn't said anything about it!" Ye Qianran withdrew his gaze, and fell on the man beside him with a puzzled face.

"Hehe, the one on the right?"

The man's eyes were also slightly obsessed, and his throat moved: "She is the Seventh Elder Dharma Protector, responsible for guiding students!"

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard this, it should be Liu Ruyan, it was enough to see from that perfect figure.

"Hey, the Seventh Elder and the guardian are both very beautiful. It is said that they haven't talked about marriage yet, tsk tsk, but they are loved by many people in Tongtian Pavilion!" The man said obsessively.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly after hearing this, the women of these two people, the two goblins...

When he was thinking, one of the women's expression fluctuated, and there was a little disbelief in her eyes. At this moment, a pair of captivating eyes scanned, but after looking around, she found nothing.

Induction wrong?

The woman froze for a moment, but she shouldn't have such a sudden change here, it's really weird.

"Have you been discovered?" Ye Qianran's expression turned a little strange, and a smile appeared on his face at this moment.

But at this time, Yi Feixuan only sensed his existence, but because of his changes in appearance and lack of exact goals, it was hard to be sure...

"Senior sister, are you okay?"

Liu Ruyan noticed Yi Feixuan's expression, and said something suspiciously.

"My Mood Gu has changed, maybe that little villain is there!" Yi Feixuan couldn't help but say something.

Liu Ruyan was obviously stunned when she heard this, even mood Gu rarely happened, but she also felt that such a thing was somewhat unlikely, so she said immediately: "I don't think so, his cultivation base is progressing." It's fast, and I won't be able to come here in a short time, even if I come here, I'm afraid I won't come to Tongtian Pavilion easily!"

"That's right!" Yi Feixuan nodded lightly, she didn't think too much at this time, she focused her gaze on the past, and waited again.

With the passage of time, there are more and more people at this time, especially the female disciples are more prominent, Ye Qianran is dazzled at this moment, could it be... Could it be Tongtian Pavilion All the female disciples have come here, right?

When he was curious, a moving voice sounded at this moment: "All female disciples gather!"

After the words fell, all the female disciples gathered at this moment.

"Brother, your master told you to go there, why don't you go there!" At this time, the man standing beside Ye Qianran couldn't help but say it.


Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly after hearing this and said, "Didn't you hear that it's a female disciple? Isn't it a bit inappropriate for me to go up now?"

"In addition, my master also said..."

Ye Qianran's voice paused for a moment, and continued at this time: "Well, my master said that when the game is held later, just let me go on stage! Isn't it too high-profile for me to go up like this!"


The man laughed, as if I understood.

"Well, brother, who does it look like, I'll get to know him well in advance, and I'll introduce you to her then!" Ye Qianran really worked hard enough to show that he was real at this time.

But this kind of thing is nothing more than talking about it, it is harmless...

After hearing this, the man smiled dryly and said: "I won't think about the seventh elder and the Dharma protector, um... a disciple under the seventh elder is very good..." After speaking, he stretched out his finger and said: "She used to be the third The big disciples under the elders have come here because of the concentration of female disciples, if you can, brother, please!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran looked up, and found that it was a very tall woman with a good appearance, but she looked a little cold, and said immediately: "No problem, I remember her, if I can, I will give it to you." Introduce yourself!"

The man's face was filled with surprise after hearing this, and he said immediately: "Then thank you, brother!"


Ye Qianran chuckled, he didn't know if that was the case... and after this time, it's not clear whether he can have some communication.

But at this time, he also reaffirmed one thing with the man, that is, just as he thought, all the female disciples of Tongtian Pavilion were included in Yi Feixuan.


Ye Qianran was very curious at this time, what the two of them came to Tongtian Pavilion for.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the dragon tomb, is it because of the dragon tomb? But the two have been here for such a long time, so it seems that they can also enter? After all, it is still at the level of elders.

When he was curious, he found that all the female disciples had gathered at this time. After calculation, there were forty or fifty people. He was surprised, he did not expect that there would be so many female disciples in Tongtian Pavilion.

But compared to the male disciples, it should be considered less, um, there are more wolves and less flesh, no wonder the person next to him believes in him so much...

Under the premise of the purpose of picking up girls, everything is not a problem!

When he was helpless, the moving voice sounded again: "Three outstanding disciples will be selected from among the female disciples, and the competition will be conducted according to the rules of the arena. If each of them can beat two people, they can win. If they are capable, they can continue." Persevere, if there are more than three guards, you can directly advance to the ranks of candidate outstanding disciples!"

The expressions of the female disciples present couldn't help showing joy after hearing this, and one could see the scorching heat to some extent.

Men's battles are fierce, but according to his thinking, women's struggles are definitely more violent than men's, because in the world of women, you will never understand.

Maybe she thought this way a second ago, but it might change the next second...

Women are changeable, that's why...

"Who will come first?" Yi Feixuan asked at this moment.

"I'll come first!"

A slightly cold voice sounded, and at this moment a woman landed on the battle platform amidst the surge of Wu Yuan.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, because this woman happened to be the one whom the man beside him fell in love with...

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