Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 416: Xuantian eighth step

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Song Ning's body was twitching. At this moment, although he was still able to keep his mind awake, his soul was constantly eroded, and it was extremely painful.

"Attack the soul ..." Heifeng was also helpless at this time. The magic tricks in his hands changed and hit Song Ning. However, at this moment, he only had spiritual power. He couldn't use the fairy technique at all. These spells didn't help at all.

That Wu Xiu also came back vigorously at this time, carrying the gold knife towards the top of the black wind and cutting it off, the black wind had to meet the enemy.

The monks around were like numbness. At the moment, Song Ning's pain was more intense, and they seemed to be more excited. The imaginary monk in the air looked down at Song Ning: "This is life, you ask for it, no wonder others, in this world, Weak meat and strong food, if you do n’t have the ability, do n’t be too strong. "


Even though Song Ning was in pain at the moment, he still grinned. He supported the body hard, but the force in his hands was not enough to support his whole body.

In the distance, Wang Songshuai laughed wildly, and Song Ning couldn't even open his eyes, but he seemed to be able to see the movement of Wang Songshuai's hand in the distance, as if he could see the painful expressions on Xiaoke and Xiaofen's faces.

Not reconciled!

Why, why is this happening, why can't they resist in front of this kind of hypocrite monk? Is this the true strength of Xu Xian?

Song Ninghe lay his eyes on the slowly rotating Yin-Yang Pisces. Although the black and white colors were faint, they did not disappear. The two colors were constantly changing, seeming to nourish the injured Song Ning.

Black is dead.

White is raw.

Alternating life and death is life, immortality, immortality.

This is the fusion of the three types of Yuyu, and it is the effect produced after Xuantian's seventh step. At this moment, Song Ning feels this black and white color at such a close distance, as if the mood has become black and white.

His heart began to become quiet, not only because of the immortal attack, but also because of the atmosphere rendered by the black and white colors at the moment. Song Ning felt that the surrounding world began to become quiet, and all the sounds gradually disappeared. Everyone seems to have disappeared.

In his world, there are only black and white, except for these two colors, there is nothing else.

The black and white is rotating, which is regarded as a reincarnation. Song Ning is in this reincarnation, and in a trance, Song Ning seems to feel a weak force, which comes from the fusion of the three types of Yuyu, the seventh step of Xuantian ’s nine steps It is the fusion of the three domains. He could not take the eighth step anyway before. Now I think that this eighth step is based on the yin and yang double fish after the fusion, rather than the Yuyu three.

Among the black and white colors, Song Ning's heart moved, and the step that could not be taken for a long time was taken abruptly.

Xuantian eighth step!

In the sea of ​​flowers, the black and white color that was about to dissipate under Song Ning suddenly became thicker, and a ray of light came from the earth. The light was black and white. Looking closely, it turned out that the black and white double fish in the black and white color was swimming.

The entire Baihua Sea was occupied by Yin and Yang Pisces. Song Ning was at the center of Yin and Yang Pisces. At this time, although he was in pain in his mind and his soul seemed to be bitten by poisonous insects, he still stood up.

At the moment when Song Ning stood up, all the monks in the Yin-Yang Pisces felt their bodies sink. It seemed that there was some power underground to **** them down. Their bodies began to fall among the fast-moving black and white Pisces Shen is like entering a quagmire.

The more you struggle, the faster you sink!

The monks standing on the ground sank first, and then the monks floating in midair, even those who were flying and wanting to break away were constantly falling.

The more disturbed, the faster the sinking speed!

Song Ning finally understood why he couldn't take this eighth step before. Xuantian's eighth step relied on the state of mind. The state of mind combined with this black and white color. The reincarnation of life and death is seen in the eyes and used in surgery. The mystery of eight steps.

Wu Xiu, who was fighting with the black wind, was horrified. His legs fell, and he could not break free no matter how hard he tried.

The virtual fairy in midair was also messed up with Fang Cun at this time: "Xuantian's eighth step! How, how is it possible? Isn't it possible that only Moyun Daoxian can exhibit Xuantian's eighth step?"

The eighth step that only Dao Xian can take is now taken by a young monk. At this time, the suction power of black and white on the earth is simply not what he can resist. His figure continues to decline, and he is about to drop to it. underground.

"Stop it! If you don't stop, if I die, then no one can solve your soul attack!" The monk Xuxian's voice was more like begging.

However, it was Song Ning's cold face with a murderous smile on his face.

Wang Songshuai has now fallen into half of his body. He has never lost his indifference. Before this moment, he never thought that Song Ning could perform this technique, nor did he think he would fall into such a field.

"Meditate! Don't panic, you can leave." Song Ning passed on the voice to Heifeng and the others.

At this point, Xiao Ke and Xiao Fen had been released from the shackles. At the moment when they were free from shackles, they wanted to approach Song Ning, but they found that because of the black and white suction power below, they could not move at all.

After Song Ning's transmission, the three of them immediately meditated. Sure enough, the rate of decline slowed down, and they were able to control their bodies freely.

After all, there was a virtual fairy in the field, and Wang Songshuai was not a general. They saw that Xiao Ke and Xiao Fen and others could resist, and with a little thought, they immediately understood the mystery of this.

There was a trace of helplessness in Song Ning's eyes. He still can't fully control the Yin and Yang under his feet, so he can only tell Xiaohan and others how to crack it, but now they are told that other people will soon know, watching the virtual Xian's body began to slow down, and Song Ning gritted his teeth and could only make his final plan.

"Xiaofen, Xiaoke, Heifeng, you go first, how far you go!" Song Ning quickly heard.

When the three were shocked, they could refute: "Master, we ..."

"Go! Don't waste it. I insisted for so long and walked towards the east. I will go find you and go!" Song Ning almost shouted.

The three did not want to, but Song Ning immediately ordered: "Black Wind, take them away, immediately!"

Heifeng can feel Song Ning's decisiveness at the moment, and he also understands that Song Ning's technique is flawed. If he doesn't leave at this time, he will only become a burden for Song Ning. He flashed and came to Xiao Ke and Xiao Burning Beside, grabbing the shoulders of the two and rushing away towards the outside, but in order to confuse the audience, the direction of his first escape was not east, but south.

Just after they left, the Xianxian monk shook his body and got rid of the shackles. The first thing he did after he got rid of the shackles was to reach out to catch Wang Songshuai. He shouted while saving Wang Songshuai: "Everyone, meditate, If you calm your mind, you wo n’t be affected by suction. "

[The author's off topic]: 1 chapter

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