Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 417: You are all going to die

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning insisted that the Yin-Yang field caused by the eighth step of Xuantian did not need him to control, but he had a sharp pain on his body at this time, if he did not persist, if he fell at this time, if the Yin-Yang field disappeared Then, they are afraid that they have not escaped far enough.

The monk Xuxian had already pulled Wang Songshuai down from the ground. Wang Songshuai's voice was hoarse. This was the first time he felt death in his life. Just now he was underground, and every time he dropped a point, he felt the breath of death heavier, and his heart was chaotic. How can you meditate?

"Kill him, kill him! Kill him for me!" Wang Songshuai was as if crazy, with bloodshot eyes, exposed green muscles, and eyes that were bigger than stones.

The monk Xuxian didn't know what to say. As soon as his mouth was made, the pain in Song Ning's body immediately increased, and the human soul was the most vulnerable. If this kind of pain is ordinary, it might have already been alive and tortured to death.

"Xuan Tian's eighth step, I didn't expect that I would offend such a person. If you are not so stunning, I might not be so determined to kill you, but now, you must die." Xu Xian monk looked at Song coldly Ning, he strengthened the power of Xianshu, in his view, Song Ning was tortured to death is only a matter of time.

Song Ning's body was sweating and raining, his veins were strengthened by the Shinto sutra, the blood and bone were mixed with ice bone powder, and it was also extremely tough. The bones were the bones of giants, but only the soul had not been strengthened. Being directly attacked, he insisted that he could only rely on a breath and a will until this moment.

"My life is life or death, it's up to you to decide!" Song Ning gritted his teeth, not only because of the pain or because he deliberately bite the tip of his tongue, blood flowed out of his teeth when he spoke.

Seeing that Song Ning was still so tough, Wang Songshuai commanded: "Kill him! Shoot him to death, don't talk nonsense with him!"

However, the Xianxian monk denied: "Master Wang, physical death may not necessarily be able to truly die. If he has avatars elsewhere, then I will be in big trouble, so I want to directly The soul has killed him, so, whether he has a doppelganger or not, it is dead. "

"Oh? It's so magical?" Wang Songshuai's eyes shined.

The monk Xuxian nodded, this is the safest method now. If not, he would not wait, and he longed for the death of the amazing young man in front of him.

Song Ning's eyes were empty, and the black and white Pisces under his feet stopped swimming. The monks who were sinking but not completely buried were able to break away. They rushed to Song Ning as soon as they broke free, and wanted to deal with Song Ning. Ning launched an attack.

The monk Xuxian looked at Song Ning indifferently: "Your life and death can't help but make your own decisions, you are too rampant, and die with peace of mind!"

The monk Xuxian could see that Song Ning's eyes had begun to blur, and within a moment, his soul would be completely eroded, and his soul would disappear, and the people would be useless.

But at this moment, Song Ning's confused eyes suddenly flashed a look, his mouth twitched slightly, looking at the virtual fairy, looking at Wang Songshuai, looking at everyone around him who was rushing to attack.

It seems that he just took a glance and remembered everyone's appearance and breath in his heart.

"You can't kill me, but everyone in this hundred-flowered sea is going to die today." Song Ning's voice was very dull, or because it was too painful, Song Ning's voice was just weak in his ears, and a gust of wind blew directly. Song Ning's voice was blown away, but it was this weak voice that seemed to have endless ice cold, which made every monk present tremble.

In Song Ning's hands, I don't know when a rune paper appeared. This rune paper flashed a strange light. At this moment, everyone was fixed.

Song Ning's body disappeared, and the black and white Pisces also disappeared.

The entire Baihua Sea has returned to its original state, just as nothing has happened here before, but no one can forget the scene just now, especially Song Ning's last sentence.

Wang Songshuai stared blankly at the place where Song Ning disappeared. For a moment, he seemed to feel a thunderstorm.

But the most frightening thing is that the monk Xuxian, the amulet. This kind of rune he only heard of in the classics. He has lived for so long and has never seen anyone use the amulet. Now, he wants to The young monk killed actually used the amulet!

'Sculpture amulet', 'Yu Jianshu, Dun', which is completely beyond his expectations, only the physique of human monks can perform Yu Jianshu, he always thought that Song Ning is a demon repair, but now he only understands that he is not a demon Repair, but human.

There is only one person who can perform the three types of imperial domain in this false fairy's cognition, and there is Song Ning of the Falling Kingdom.

Song Ning ...

The first person of Wen Dao, even the chief disciples of the six major forces of the Tianzong Alliance are not Song Ning ’s opponents. The battle situation between Song Ning and the disciples in the Tianyu Palace in the falling feather country was also introduced into the ears of these fairyland monks in the Demon Realm. In the case, they all know the name Song Ning, but they do n’t know how strong Song Ning is.

"Song Ning ... If it was really Song Ning, I really caused myself a big trouble ..." The monk Xuxian's legs softened and he stepped back weakly, with a bitter face.

"Who is Song Ning? That man just now?" Wang Songshuai inexplicably said.

Xianxian monk nodded: "The six chief disciples of Tianzong are not his opponents. The disciples from Tiangong are defeated by him. He fell down with a palm immortal. Otherwise, the entire country of falling feathers may break in that palm. "

Wang Songshuai swallowed: "You, did you see it with your own eyes?"

"I heard." Xu Xian said.

Wang Songshuai breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's just a matter of hearing, how can a spirit realm monk perform an immortal technique? There was a spirit realm monk who wanted to impose an immortal art forcibly and was crushed to death by the rules of heaven and earth.

It was also a fact that the monk Xuxian was shocked. When I thought about Song Ning's being forced to the end of the road just now, if he could master the fairy technique, he would have already exhibited it, and he would wait until the end to exhibit the eighth step of Xuantian?

"Do n’t be afraid, you saved me today, and I will tell my grandpa when I go back. If Song Ning later cultivated and raised the trouble of daring to come to you, I will ask him to kneel and lick under my feet like a dead dog "" Wang Songshuai's expression returned to normal, and it seemed that he had forgotten everything that had happened before.

Sister Xu Xian sighed, and now it can only be so. Song Ning is far away from him at this moment, and his immortal technique does not work. Although Song Ning's soul was hit hard before, he will not die.

At this moment, everyone in the Baihua Sea, when thinking of Song Ning's words before, felt cold in the back, and always felt that they might be killed next time ...

[Author off topic]: 2 chapters

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