Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 104: change of mind

But this time nothing seemed to happen.

After Yin Lai conducted several human experiments to confirm that the medicine was effective.

the next day.

in the laboratory.

Yin Lai first recorded his own mental power of 23.0, which was an increase of 1.0 compared to returning to the emperor. The increase was not large, mainly because Yin Lai also felt more and more about his aptitude. generally.

Of course, this may have something to do with Yin Lai not spending all his time on meditation. After all, no apprentice will spend most of his time on experiments and studies. Most of them only dare to conduct a small amount of experiments and focus on on meditation.

Yin Lai is the exact opposite, and can only be said to be a freak among wizards.

But it's okay, mainly because he has a lot of time, so he is not in a hurry.

After a brief preparation, Yin Lai took out the configured Krypton Life No. 2, which can also be called Blood Bamboo Flower Potion.

Watching the bright red potion vibrate in the potion bottle, the blood-colored blood turned into tentacles, swaying recklessly, as if trying to grab something, Yin Lai opened the potion and took this strange potion directly.


Yin Lai trembled as the medicine entered his body.

The blood-colored potion was like tentacles, leaning against Yin Lai's cells, Yin Lai could feel his life force flowing directly.

Yin Lai could feel that his spiritual power was indeed improving.

Although this potion is indeed possible, slightly, a little weird, but the effect is still good.

But this is what he can use. If others use it, I am afraid that the spiritual power will not improve, and the vitality will be lost. It is completely worth the loss, especially in this world that may not have enough vitality.

In the end, the blood-colored tentacles slowly disappeared, and this time the potion was finished.

After the end, Yin Lai's mental strength was 23.5.

It has been increased by 0.5 at a time, and it seems that this potion is really powerful. Of course, this is at the cost of 20 years of lifespan for normal wizards, regardless of the rough estimate.

The price and the gain are completely incompatible, but fortunately Yin Lai is doing a business without capital.

"It's really evil!" Even at this moment, Yin Lai still felt weird about the blood bamboo flower. This kind of plant is so outrageous.

Shaking his head, Yin Lai digested the newly increased spiritual power and felt a little happy.

It seems that this time, nothing bad happened!

But when you don't want something to happen, maybe something tends to happen.

Half a month later, just when Yin Lai had just digested the effects of this bottle of medicine and was about to prepare the next bottle, a servant arrived, bringing bad news to Yin Lai.

"Lord Count Gremory has suddenly been in bad condition recently, and he is about to die."


The reagent bottle in his hand fell, Yin Lai closed his eyes, was silent for a long time, and said, "Take me to see her."

What's more, it's the same as what he predicted back then.

In a period of time, he may encounter a large number of deaths and deaths, as if the time is almost the same period of time.

At this time, Yin Lai was also 75 years old, and his friend had reached the time of death.

Sitting on the carriage heading to the Gremory family's territory, Yin Lai closed his eyes and sighed long, feeling both complicated and melancholy.

Unlike the friendship with Alex, the brotherhood with Herman, and the mutual appreciation with Hela, Rias is undoubtedly very special.

Although the two were once alone under the moon, they were not together.

But even Yin Lai had to admit that Rias had feelings for her.

"Forget it." With a sigh, Yin Lai decided not to think about it, and was ready to meet again.

The carriage quickly took him to his destination.

Yin Lai walked in quickly, and the guards at the door did not stop him. All the guards knew that Yin Lai was the only outsider allowed by the Earl to enter and leave all parts of the family at will.

In a room, Yin Lai met Rias Gremory, but it seemed different from what the servant said...

Yin Lai looked at Rias who was looking at him with a smile. After a brief check, he found that it seemed to be correct. At this time, Rias's vitality was running out. There's still a big difference.

"Are you sick?" Yin Lai asked.

"Of course not, otherwise how would I pull you out of the lab, but I'm really sick, so I want to meet you." Rias is only a few years younger than Yin Lai, but because of the potion, her appearance has not changed much. , looks like he's in his twenties and thirties.

"My life is running out, can you stay with me for the next time?" Rias asked Yin Lai, looking at him.

"Okay!" This time, Yin Lai didn't refuse.

The next three months were a wonderful three months for Yin Lai.

He has never rested for such a long time. He has no experiments every day, and no blood cultivation. He just reads witchcraft books every day, and then accompanies Rias.

Getting along is also very common, nothing more than those things, talking about past memories, and happy things, whenever this happens, Rias always laughs.

The two visited many places in King's Landing together, and also went to other places. Rias was as happy as a Yin Lai watched from the side.

Very ordinary happiness, Rias is very satisfied, Yin Lai also has new insights in this environment, not knowledge, but other aspects.

Therefore, Yin Lai was relatively calm until he watched Rias close her eyes on the bed.

"It's over!" Yin Lai looked at Rias whose vitality had also disappeared, and turned to leave.

Unlike the teacher's death, this time, the successive deaths made his mentality change even more violently.

If he used to have more fantasies about worldly things, but now, Yin Lai decided to devote more energy to the pursuit of truth.

The life of ordinary people is limited, and even high-level creatures definitely have their own limits, but truth and knowledge are infinite.

From today onwards, he will be the seeker of truth, and even the master of it!

Of course, this doesn't mean that he doesn't have emotions, that's impossible, it's just a change of attitude.

That's all.

The death of Rias has triggered a new round of title competition, because Rias has no descendants, only his brother left two descendants, but many collateral lineages also want to inherit the title of nobles, Their rights are equal.

The competition lasted for a long time.

However, just when a sideline was happily preparing to inherit the title, the queen suddenly ordered that the son of brother Rias became the new earl.

Everyone was astonished.

And Yin Lai who received the news just smiled.

This is what Rias talked to him within three months. At that time, he just mentioned it casually, saying that he felt guilty about his brother, but his brother's son seemed to be unable to inherit the title for some reason.

Yin Lai still remembered it, so he did it.

It's that simple.

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