Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 105: blood research

Krypton Life II is revolutionary for Yin Lai.

Because this medicine, to a certain extent, is completely different from normal medicines. For example, Krypton Life No. 1 uses the stimulation of cell regeneration to squeeze spiritual power, while Krypton Life No. 2 converts life force into spiritual power.

So this kind of potion has no resistance to a certain extent, it is just the limit of the potion, or whether the extraordinary power is enough to convert Yin Lai's vitality into spiritual power.

For Yin Lai, this potion was enough for Yin Lai to use before at least one ring.

So, in the next days.

Yin Lai was taking a bottle of magic potion every once in a while.

But the research on blood vessels and blood bamboo flowers has not fallen behind.

Another three months.

This time, it was also Yin Lai's last friend in the empire, and Roland also left.

Yin Lai also attended the funeral, but this time he was much calmer than before. He just told Yin Lai and his descendants could come to him if they needed help.

Yin Lai is also considering whether to change his identity to continue his life, but after thinking about it, he still gives up, mainly because it is really unnecessary at present.

Anyway, there are some people in the 80s and 90s in this world, but there may not be that many, and changing identities is cumbersome and meaningless. After all, everyone who knew Yin Lai has basically died.

There is no one friend I met in my youth.

Yin Lai was suddenly a little fortunate that he hadn't met new people since he was a boy, otherwise watching the death wave after wave would make him somewhat uncomfortable.

So, sometimes a little less communication is not necessarily a bad thing.

Yin Lai ignored the outside world.

In the year 361 of the Byrne calendar, which is the year after he made Krypton Life II, another major event happened.

Queen Cynthia, Queen of King Lorraine, has died at the age of 90.

The kingdom of Lorraine is in turmoil, and the surrounding countries are also ready to move.

Queen Cynthia's life was glorious, and she led Lorraine, a backward country, to continuously develop business and military. In the end, even Byrne had to admit that this was a country about the same size as the empire.

Yin Lai was also impressed by that queen.

Whether it is his unique habit of liking perfume, or the people's fanatical belief in it, it is something that Yin Lai has never seen in Byrne. That kind of belief can only be possessed by the queen who has led the country's development all the way, at least Byrne The sixth and seventh generations are not such heroes.

But the impact of the queen's death on Lorraine is of course needless to say, and the impact on Byrne is even more terrifying.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 30 or 40 years ago, the two countries have always been on the same front. It is precisely because of the existence of the Lorraine Kingdom that although the Byrne Empire has always weakened, there has been no war.

But with the new king of Lorraine taking office, no one knows what will happen.

If something goes wrong, it's quite difficult for Byrne.

Because although Anna's ability is not weak and she can manage the country well in a short period of time, it will take time. It has only been a few years, how can it be possible to restore the weakness caused by Bairn VII, that is impossible.

As for Bairn VII at this time, he has been living in a manor, maybe he also realized how bad a king he is.

Everyone is waiting for news.

Yin Lai heard about this, then thought about it, and then continued the experiment.

If something really happened, Anna would naturally tell him that there was no need to worry.

three months later.

Yin Lai's blood experiment has made new progress.

in the laboratory.

Yin Lai looked at the man in front of him. He was still human in appearance, but his nails were sharp bone claws, and his eyes seemed to be a little red, and his body size had increased by one-third.

At this time, the man who had integrated into the blood of the wind wolf was tied to the bracket and swayed wildly, as if he wanted to see if he could break free from the shackles of the rope.

Yin Lai didn't stop him, just watched calmly.

Such a violent experiment may allow him to observe the current real state of this human being.

He was holding notes in one hand and jotting down something from time to time in the other.


The sound of the rope breaking sounded, the man's eyes became more scarlet, and Peng fell from the cross to the ground.

The man was also surprised by the sudden break free. He glanced at the sharp claws on his hands, and the dwarf-like Yin Lai opposite him, grinning and saliva flowing from his mouth.

"go to hell!


The man ran towards Yin Lai, he wanted to kill this man and transformed him into such an inhuman appearance.

"Yes, it's just a template for ordinary people. After integrating into the bloodline, the strength can reach the level of an intermediate knight, and the speed is almost the same as that of an advanced knight." What the man did not expect was that Yin Lai was still calm and calmly recorded the data. The man was even more Furious.

"Go to hell!



A wall of wind suddenly appeared.

The sharp claws hit the wind wall, and the man saw that his sharp claws were torn apart instantly.

He let out a howl in pain, and he looked at Yin Lai with a look of fear.

"Let me see your limit." Yin Lai looked at the man with a "kind" smile.


The sound of fear echoed in the laboratory.

After half an hour, the door opened.

Yin Lai cleaned out the flesh and blood residue in the laboratory and returned.

"Even if it is an ordinary person's bloodline, it is indeed stronger, but it seems that there are still many shortcomings. I need more experimental subjects and real Yin Lai slowly wrote in his notes.

As his research on the bloodline became more and more in-depth, and he understood that this was a good path, Yin Lai felt that he should also integrate into a bloodline in the future to enhance his strength.

"There are still experimental subjects, but where should they be thrown for experiments!"

Yin Lai frowned.

Suddenly, Dongdongdong!

The bell rang three times in a row, and Yin Lai raised his head.

If he remembered correctly, three beeps should be the sign of the beginning of the war.


Yin Lai's eyes lit up, is there a more suitable place for testing than the battlefield?

361 years of the Byrne calendar.

The new King of Lorraine announced to cut off contact with Byrne.

The restored Byrne Kingdom was instantly exposed to many countries like hungry wolves, and for huge benefits, the war began.

This time, it was different from the last time in Yin Lai's impression.

At that time, the country was still under the leadership of Byrne VI, the country was strong and the military was strong, but now, after the ho-ho of Byrne VII, it is rude to say that Byrne at this time is the weakest period in history.

And this time, the first to start the war was the neighboring kingdom of Weiss.

The war started suddenly and ended quickly.

When King's Landing got the news, it was Byrne who was defeated, and the nobles who participated in the war were directly captured.

The first war after Queen Anna came to power ended in such a hasty and difficult manner, but everyone knew that there would only be more intense wars to come.

In this regard, no one dares to say that they are confident, even Queen Anna.

At this time, Yin Lai also chose to do something.

Whether it was for the purpose of finding the ruins or the purpose of experimenting with blood, he should do something.


It is now his personal property.

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