Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 107: Demon Knights at War

within the next half month.

More knights were sent to Yin Lai's laboratory.

Yin Lai was also very happy to see a batch of higher-quality experimental subjects, constantly experimenting with his various ideas, looking forward to testing some ideas in the war.

And after these knights accepted the bloodline, their battles increased one by one, even ordinary low-level knights, their combat power was comparable to that of high-level knights, and high-level knights could even compete with big knights.

The only regret is that there is no big knight to participate, mainly because Yin Lai considers his technique is too rough, wait for a period of time to become proficient, and then integrate.

And these knights who fused blood were also sent to the front line for the first battle.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Department of rice plains.

This is the border between the Baine Empire and the Wes Empire.

At this time, large dark clouds piled up on the sky, and the gray sky brought a lot of oppression. I don't know how many birds were flying in the sky, looking at the humans below curiously.

At this time, a large number of troops have been assembled on both sides of the plain.

To the west is the army of the Kingdom of Weiss. Most of them are wearing blue-black armor, and the weapons in their hands are also carefully crafted, shining with cold light, and the eyes under the helmets are also flashing with a strong fighting intent.

They formed a specific formation, like hungry wolves with open fangs, preparing to brutally divide the enemy.

This is the Kingdom of Weiss, a country that has developed very well in recent years, and the large amount of iron ore in the country also provides them with excellent weapons, and their desires have gradually expanded over the years.

This time, they reached out to the neighboring country of Byrne, a once mighty country.

On the other side, Byrne's army is also ready.

But the difference can be clearly seen. Although the number of people on both sides is similar, if you only look at the weapons, the weapons on the opposite side are as if they have just been maintained. The weapons on this side are the same as seven or eight years ago, and some shields are even dissatisfied. stab wound.

And fighting power.

Byrne's degeneration over the years has further deteriorated the domestic economy, which has led to insufficient funds for the army these years, and the number of knights in the army is far less than the number of knights on the opposite side. Maybe only 70% to 80% of the high-level knights are on the opposite side, which is not good news. .

"That's it?"

At this time, in a tall chariot in the Wes Empire Legion, a large knight stood upright, looking at the Byrne army opposite, and smiled.

Roughly estimated, the number of knights is much less than them, and there is a big gap with them. The only thing that is a little strange is that the group of knights in the southeast seems to be a bit tall, but they are only knights, so it has no effect.

"Lord General, it seems that Byrne is indeed far worse than it used to be." Beside the knight, a rough man said loudly.

"That's right, I've already thought about rushing into the city behind them for a while, where should I go to search for women and money."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The knights smiled recklessly, showing a relaxed expression.

Looking at this scene, the general not only did not teach them a lesson, but also laughed.

Think about when he was young, when Byrne was much stronger than Weiss, but now, times have changed, and weak countries are not worthy of possessing so many resources.

"It's time to let Byrne know how good we are, Zhan!

"The general drew his long sword and shouted loudly.




The army shouted the same, slowly approaching the other side.

"Damn, how can the gap be so big."

On Byrne's side, a fat man wiped the sweat from his head, and his swollen belly showed his combat effectiveness. He was the nobleman who commanded the army this time, Count Simon.

"Lord Count, what should I do, or let's run away, this can't be beat!" A man looked worried.

"Fart, run, where are you running!" The fat man slapped the man fiercely.

Although he was scared, he didn't even think about running.

"Don't worry, didn't Her Majesty still send someone here?" Fatty seemed to remember something and looked at a corner not far away.

On that side, there was an army of about 30 people, basically all high-level knights, wearing special tall armor, and a wide helmet that covered their faces, they could hardly be seen, a very strange army.

"Forget it, don't care, let's fight!"

At this time, on the other side, the Wes Empire was slowly approaching, and he knew that he could not delay.

Immediately began to command, the black dragon flag not far away began to wave, and the army also set off towards the opposite side.


The battle is imminent.

Just a few hundred meters away, the cavalry collided first.

Like two iron currents turbulent, suddenly, the sound of metal collision, the sound of Ma Ming, and the screams of pain mixed together, and I don't know how many people died directly in this round of collision.

The cavalry did not stop after the collision, but plunged straight into the officers on the opposite side, and the battle officially began.

one place.

A Whis knight held a heavy sword and smashed a warrior's shield directly. The opponent was staggered by the sudden force, and the shield also fell to the ground.

Then the knight made another crisp sword. The man was killed directly, but the knight didn't even look at him.

Not far away a chariot of Byrne also passed directly, with spears extending from both sides, constantly harvesting the lives on both sides.

Life is constantly passing, even a knight can't guarantee that he can survive in this environment.

"Damn, Lord Earl, the situation is not very good." On Byrne's side, the earl's guard looked at the situation in front of him and said anxiously.

Nothing could be seen on the battlefield, but they stood at a higher place and could see more clearly. At this time, Byrne, although not one-sided, was almost overwhelmed and beaten.

If there is no power to break the game, then it is completely lost.

"My lord, that group has not done anything." What made the attendants anxious was that the knights sent by Her Majesty the Queen on the other side seemed to be unresponsive.

"If we knew that they couldn't be trusted, let's leave first." The noble also scolded, looking at the worsening environment in front of him, and preparing to leave first.

If you lose the war, you lose, and he can't die.

"Your Excellency General, Byrne is really not our opponent at all." Next to the general, the knight smiled even more brilliantly.

Before the battle, they were still a little nervous, but now, they just want to laugh.

Byrne, it's really not the Byrne it used to be.

"Hey, Your Excellency General, there is a sudden movement of the Knights over there."

Suddenly, someone shouted.

It turned out that the knights were very good and big knights moved.

"Just struggling to the death," said the general disdainfully.

What can a mere thirty knights do?

Unless they can kill him all the way and kill him directly.

But isn't that bullshit?

"The battle is almost over!" Ignoring the Knights, a confident smile appeared on the general's face.

They have already won this battle.

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