Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 108: for the truth


The knights suddenly moved, and the horses with slight monster bloodline at their feet exhaled a heavy column of air, and the armor they wore made them look a little terrifying.

Thirty high-level knights integrated into the bloodline holding weapons, like a small black spot, integrated into the battlefield, so inconspicuous and so insignificant.

But to everyone's astonishment.

The enemy seemed to die in an instant in front of them. Obviously, each of them was only a high-level knight, but the power of the explosion was simply no knight can resist.

Several senior knights on the side of Weiss saw this scene and immediately came to support.

"Byrne's trash, go to hell." A knight took a sharp sword and slashed directly at a person.


The sound of sharp swords slamming sounded.


In the man's unbelievable expression, he was blown away from the horse by the same high-level knight on the opposite side, and the huge force directly made him free from the horse.

"How is that possible!" The man couldn't believe it, but the opponent would not give him a chance, and it was another sword.

In the air, he couldn't stop it at all, he could only watch the sharp blade slashed at his neck, and the blood slashed in an arc.

And after the knight killed him, without even looking at him, a group of knights continued to charge forward.

The target was the chariot where the general of the Kingdom of Wess was.

And the other side.

The general also saw this scene, and his eyes narrowed.

"Who can tell me what that knight order is?" The general opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

So that's a high-level knight knight?

Whose senior knight can suppress the same senior knight so easily.

Is this the great knight?

The general suddenly wanted to withdraw from what he said just now. Each of the thirty people in front of him seemed to be like a great knight. How could anyone stop this!

Thirty great knights.

Stop making trouble, there are only so many great knights in an empire, this is totally unreasonable!

Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he admitted that he panicked when he saw this group of knights all the way in a no-man's land, killing him.

"Kill them for me, and the great knights!" he shouted.

As for the five great knights on the Weiss side, two great knights were unable to make a move at this time. Only three great knights made their move.

Just kidding, four great knights, a group of senior knights, can't kill you.

But after half an hour.

The general looked at the three great knights who fell not far away, touched the blood on their heads, and suddenly felt that he must have seen a ghost.

Looking up, there are ten knights on the opposite side, and around them, there are dozens of low-level, intermediate-level, including high-level knights lying around.

The remaining ten knights were also covered in blood, and the black armor had already been dyed red with blood, and they seemed to lose their minds and rushed towards him.

His throat moved slightly, unable to believe what the **** had happened to him just now.

Almost every one of these people is comparable to a great knight. What is even more terrifying is that as the battle progresses, these people seem to have taken medicine, almost swapping wounds for wounds, and are not afraid of death at all.

How to say, like a beast.

And he looked at the corpse of a knight not far away. If he read it right, was that knight with long horns?

The general felt that he must have not woken up today, how could he have encountered such an outrageous thing.

But when he looked at the ten red-eyed, bleeding, and even rushing towards him knights not far away, everything seemed to be real again.

Consider your own situation.

The general took a deep breath and closed his eyes silently.

"Mother, bless me."

Opening his eyes again, he raised his long sword again, and rushed over.

ten minutes later.

The general looked at the five swords on his chest and a knight near Chi Chi. At this time, his helmet had been knocked off, and there were actually two gray-white horns on his head.

"It really has horns!"

The general made a sound like a sudden realization, and the next second, he lost his life fluctuation.

at the same time.

All the soldiers were already far away, staring at this knight group for a long time. Seeing that they killed the general, the Weiss side immediately lost all momentum, while the side of Byrne rose in momentum and cheered.

The counterattack begins.

at the same time.

miles away.

The nobleman was riding a horse, and when he heard the voice behind him, he was puzzled for a moment, and the next second he ran faster.

When the battle is lost, he has to run quickly so he doesn't get caught.

the next day.

The news of Weiss' defeat was instantly transmitted back to King's Landing, and all the nobles looked in disbelief, because only they knew what the **** their army looked like.

The richer they are, the weaker the army is.

In this way, it is too outrageous to be able to defeat the strong Wes Kingdom.

Soon after, the news of Why Byrne's victory came back. It was actually a secret order of knights sent by Her Majesty the Queen to kill the opponent's general with one blow.

Everyone was surprised, and immediately became more in awe of the Queen.

And everyone also called that terrifying knight order the demon As for the aristocrats who escaped, they were directly ordered to be executed.

The aftermath of the war spread not only within the empire, but also spread rapidly in several surrounding countries, and other countries also had inexplicable fear of Byrne.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Everyone also temporarily stopped some activities on Byrne.

Weiss also shrank his strength, not knowing whether he was inquiring about specific news or preparing to send troops again.

The outside world Yin Lai ignored it.

in the laboratory.

Yin Lai looked at the four knights coming back in front of him and tilted his head.

Sure enough, his bloodline seems to be a little more integrated, the long horns are not enough, and from their description, after five minutes of fighting, he basically completely lost consciousness, relying on the instinct of beasts to fight.

Instinct to kill the strongest knights, which is why the generals were finally targeted by them.

If he was weaker, maybe he wouldn't notice them.

"Small mistakes, in fact, I should have noticed when the horns grew." Yin Lai reflected for a while, and had more in-depth thoughts on the blood integration experiment.

Sure enough, experimenting with this kind of violent experiment in the war, the effect is really good.

But when Yin Lai heard that the war had actually stopped, his brows twitched.

This is not to fight, how is it possible.

And Yin Lai felt that with this wave, he planned to take down the surrounding countries. After all, the ruins are in these countries. It is too troublesome and too slow to send people to other countries. territory.

"Really, is it going to cause a war accidentally?" Yin Lai pursed his lips.

"Do not!"

"It's all about the truth!"

"And as long as it is unified, there will be no war. I am for their own good. I am really a kind person."

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