Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 111: Everything is ready, 1 ring blood bamboo flower

Just when Yin came to learn and memorize the model of solidified witchcraft.

Within the Byrne Empire, I don't know how many people are serving Yin Lai.

in a deep mountain.

A group of knights are fighting a demon wolf in the early stage of the zero ring. The demon wolf is very fast, and every time it dodges, it will launch an attack again. If the knights are not careful, they will be directly knocked down and killed quickly.

"Damn, I'll block him, you guys look for opportunities." A knight said loudly, and then jumped directly at the demon wolf, trying to restrain the demon wolf.

The devil wolf was also shocked, and swayed his body wildly, trying to break through, but seeing that the knight was stubborn and abnormal, unable to break through, the devil wolf directly bit the man's arm.


The knight screamed in pain, but at the same time, more knights had arrived, directly piercing the demon wolf, and the demon wolf died instantly.

The demon wolf died, and the knight finally breathed a sigh of relief. He pushed the demon wolf away. He could clearly feel his arm was broken.



Immediately, a professional staff ran from a distance and began to draw blood from the devil wolf.

The knight looked at this scene and sighed.

For the blood of this devil wolf, they killed two knights.

In a lake within an empire.

Several small boats gathered in the middle of the lake, each with a knight strapped to it.

With the commander's order, several people jumped directly from the boat, Peng's sound disappeared under the water, and then continued to descend, and the rope on the boat continued to extend.

Ten minutes later, the knights were pulled up one after another.

"How, did you find the ruins!" a man asked.

"No, this area has been checked all over, there is no trace, and with the other areas we checked a few days ago, there should be none here." The knight who came up replied calmly.

"Hey!" Everyone sighed again, the leader took out a map, and started to check where they were going next.

At this time, I don't know how many people searched in the empire like them. What they searched was relatively simple, and in some places, even the great knights dared to enter.

Every day is fruitless, but every day, a large number of people still die unexpectedly. If it is not the Queen's order, no one is willing to persist for such a long time.

What are they looking for!

The years are ruthless, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Yin Lai was standing beside the potion field, watching his servants bring out the vat containing the blood of demon beasts, and then watered it directly towards the blood bamboo flower in the center.


As soon as the blood was poured, the blood bamboo flower stretched out as if it smelled delicious food, and the tentacles on the flower also spread out, swaying aimlessly towards the surroundings.

As soon as the blood touched the blood bamboo flower, the blood disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The two servants were already used to it. At first they were surprised when they saw it, but later they were watered like this every day and gradually became numb.

This is a strange plant that feeds on blood, or vitality.

"It's almost time." Yin Lai looked at the increasingly powerful Blood Bamboo Flowers.

Compared with a year ago, the blood bamboo flower has grown to one meter two at this time, and the flowers it bears are also the size of a bowl, like a blood-colored lantern, and its aura is much stronger than two years ago.

If it was said that it was a magic plant in the early stage of Zero Ring two years ago, it is now in the late stage.

In two years, the empire's investment regardless of cost allowed him to advance a bit, and Yin Lai was also very helpless.

The main reason is that the original level of this flower is too low, it is almost an ordinary plant. What Yin Lai is doing now is to directly raise his level, and Yin Lai did not find this plant from Sarin's potion records. This is very likely It was accidentally mutated, and it belongs to one of the miracles of the endless world, but it is a bit weird.

"It only takes a little time, soon." Yin Lai thought calmly about how long it would take.

He had already analyzed the witchcraft model a year ago. There is nothing to say about it. In fact, apart from his talent for meditation, whether it is his understanding, analysis, or reconstruction of witchcraft, or even potions and alchemy, his talent It's all very good, and a model can't beat him.

The only thing to worry about now is how to break through the spiritual power.

Not to mention the Blood Bamboo Flower, on the other side, I have found more than half of the materials for the limit-breaking potion, but the rest have no clues at all, and I can only rely on those people to keep searching to see if they can find it.

"Take your time." Yin Lai sighed. He couldn't improve his spiritual power, so he could only study other aspects. Recently, he began to study alchemy, and it happened that there were still some alchemy magic in Sarin's collection.

Another two years.

Yin Lai looked at the pair of boots in front of him with a satisfied smile.

This is the most satisfying witch tool he has refined so far, and it has reached the level of an advanced witch tool.

Popular Boots, Zero Ring Advanced Wizard.

The main internal imprint of the wind element array can stimulate the speed of the knight, or perform short-distance gliding, and after some modifications by Yin Lai, you can also perform a double jump, or make a sharp turn in the air~www.readwn. com~ is a good witchcraft for escape.

That's right, Yin Lai's idea of ​​refining this weapon was to run faster.

At this time, the materials for the limit-breaking potion seem to have progressed, and there are still two materials that have not been found.

Another six years.

At this time, I found another material for the limit-breaking potion, and there was only one potion left.

But on the other hand, what surprised Yin Lai was that the blood bamboo flower finally reached its limit.

But the problem is that it seems that the ordinary zero-ring blood can no longer improve it, that is, the vitality is insufficient, Yin Lai is also very helpless, and finally makes a decision.

That is to consume one's own life force.

If the quality is not enough, then let's fight for the quantity. At this time, he is already at the limit of the zero ring, and it just happens to be able to play a role.

this day.

Yin Lai stretched out his hand, and the white tentacles wrapped around his arm instantly, and then began to absorb the vitality. The huge and endless vitality made the blood bamboo flower slowly increase.

In the end, after consuming almost five hundred years of vitality.

Blood Bamboo Flower finally succeeded in being promoted to the first-ring Demon Plant.

At this time, the blood bamboo flower is completely the same as before.

The tall one-meter-five body, the bamboo-like body seems to be oozing blood, but it also shows the luster like iron, as well as tentacles, and there are many more spike-like things, and the number has also increased.

The most important thing is that the spiritual power contained in the flower in the center of the flower has finally reached Yin Lai's standard of breaking through the limit. This potion, even if it is a ring, is enough to play a role.

And just when Yin Lai succeeded, the servant walked in.

Another good news for Yin Lai.

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