Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 112: Breakthrough, 1 ring! (three k)

"Have you found the sunflower crown?"

Just after recovering from the good news of the promotion of Blood Bamboo Flower, Yin Lai received another good news.

The sun corolla is the most important material in the limit-breaking potion. It belongs to the top material of the zero ring, and it generally takes at least a hundred years to bloom and can be used.

The latter doesn't matter. Yin Lai always thought that this thing was not available in this land, but it was a pleasant surprise to find it.

But it seems to be normal to find it. After all, tens of thousands of people searched all corners of the empire, covering nearly one million square kilometers of land, and found a zero-ring material. Even if the place is barren, it should not be absent.

Of course, it would be a bit whimsical for normal people to find them.

This was an empire that took a decade to find.

"Well, then hurry up and bring it to me." Yin Lai ordered.

Now that the materials for the potion are available, the next step is to configure the potion to prepare for a breakthrough.

On the third day, all the materials for breaking the limit potion were also delivered to the manor. Yin looked at the dozens of materials in front of him, took a deep breath, and decided to prepare and wait.

Some materials only have one copy, so it is better to prepare more.

Five years later.

in the laboratory.

Yin Lai took a deep breath, picked up a potion, and began to process it. After five years of preparation, he had enough confidence to configure the potion.

Soon, the material processing ends one by one.

Yin Lai began to process the potion according to the recipe. After five years of preparation, he had a thorough understanding of every step, and he had also performed many simulations, so he was very confident.

Soon, one step at a time ends.

An hour later, Yin Lai looked at the medicine in front of him and smiled.

This is a bottle of dark purple potion, which looks unremarkable, but even if he just smells it, Yin Lai seems to feel the seasonal movement of his spiritual power, which makes him feel very happy.

Of course, although the limit-breaking potion has been configured, it is not enough.

Yin Lai needs more preparations. Krypton Life No. 3, that is, the new Blood Bamboo Flower Potion should also be configured.

After five years of growth, the blood bamboo flower has completely become a material for a ring. The flower completely meets Yin Lai's conditions. Yin Lai plans to configure more in case of emergency.

A year later, Yin Lai looked at the ten bottles of Krypton Life No. 3 medicine in front of him, and showed a satisfied smile.

Speaking of which, these medicines are the result of his efforts.

If you want to produce blood bamboo flowers that meet the quality, zero-ring's monster blood will definitely not work, and Yin Lai can only do it himself. These are almost two thousand years of vitality capacity.

It may not seem quite equal, but input and output are not the same thing. He imported two thousand years, but it does not mean that the blood bamboo flower can also produce blood bamboo flowers with the quality of two thousand years. If it can convert a part, it is already very strong.

Therefore, Yin Lai felt that this flower was a perfect match for him.

One needs vitality, and the other has infinite vitality.

"Since everything is ready, it's time to break through." Yin Lai took a deep breath.

three days later.

All personnel of Laidon Manor were forbidden to enter. At the same time, a team of more than a dozen great knights surrounded the manor, and nearly a hundred knights were patrolling.

They didn't know what to do, but the queen's order was not to put a mosquito in it.

in the basement.

The lights illuminated the space. At this time, Yin Lai was sitting in the center, and all around him, there were dense runes, exuding a rich breath, attracting the surrounding elements.

And in front of his body, eleven bottles of medicine were neatly arranged.

When the witch formation was activated, more elements were instantly attracted and approached Yin Lai, instantly reaching three to four times that of ordinary places. Yin Lai had a calm face and directly took the medicine for breaking the limit.

As the medicine entered Yin Lai's body, a cold feeling spread all over his body instantly.

Next second, hum!

Spiritual power, which had not been moved for sixteen years, also began to slowly increase.





As if the shackles of the body were broken, Yin Lai felt as if his spiritual power had broken through a certain limit, and a miraculous change began to take place in his body.

Due to the attraction of spiritual power, more elements began to gather, like a small vortex, they began to circle over Yin Lai's head, and a large number of elements began to pour into Yin Lai's body.

This is also a very important step in qualifying.

Semi-elemental transformation.

It is impossible for an ordinary person's body to fully withstand more than 30 points of mental power, and each world has different methods. Some worlds choose to strengthen their bodies, while others can rely on their innate powerful vitality. As for wizards, it is the choice. to elementalize the body.

This step is also an important difference that really separates apprentice wizards from full-fledged wizards.

Elementalized bodies have made a qualitative leap for wizards in terms of the number of elements they can use, their sensitivity to elements, and even their power.

If the apprenticeship stage may still rely on numbers to defeat high-level apprentices, but it is absolutely impossible for the apprentices to defeat the official wizards, even if it is dozens of third-class apprentices, it is impossible. This is a qualitative leap.

To be promoted to an official wizard, even if it is just an ordinary zero-ring witchcraft, the power can be increased by at least five to six times, and there are huge improvements in all kinds. It can even be said that the apprentice is two races.

There are even some wizards who don't even regard humans as their own race, even if they were once ordinary humans, the transition of life level will make a huge change in mentality.

Of course, it is impossible to completely elementalize in the first stage, and the promotion is only a preliminary elementalization, and the promotion of the first stage is the degree of elementalization and spiritual power, which is what happens after the promotion.

At this time, a large number of elements converged, under the traction of Yin Lai's spiritual power, transforming Yin Lai's weak body.

Remodeling continues.

Yin Lai's cells gradually began to undergo unknown changes. A little bit of elements began to be integrated into them. The cellular components changed slightly, and his physical fitness was also rapidly improving.

And at this moment, Yin Lai closed his eyes, what he didn't know was.

There was another change going on in the mind.

The white beam of light that has always been in Yin Lai's consciousness also emits a little white light spot, and begins to transform Yin Lai's body along the elements, and Yin Lai's cells are gradually stained with the breath of time.

At the same time, what Yin Lai didn't know was that his talent for time was quietly added to his talent.

That is to say, Yin Lai doesn't know, and he doesn't know what it means when he knows it. You must know that the talent of time, even among true spirit wizards, is an extremely rare talent.

Only true spirits have the opportunity to touch, or even touch the traces of time, but Yin Lai, even in this transformation, already has the gift of time.

The transformation proceeded little by little, and suddenly, Yin Lai opened his eyes.

Not a success, but it seems... how the elements are a little bit not enough.

Yin Lai felt the elements around him. Although there were a lot of them, they could not support the end of the promotion. Even the magic circle under Yin Lai was absorbing more elements.

"Is that why there are no wizards here?"

Yin Lai seemed to understand something for a moment.

He always thought that there were no wizards here because of the lack of resources, but he never thought about the reasons for the lack of resources. To trace the origin, it should be the lack of elements, so there are very few resources here, and it is difficult to break through a chain of wizards.

Or maybe there used to be wizards here, but they all left, and then there was Sarin Metatlin who came here.

"Damn!" Yin Lai's mouth twitched, and then he looked at the ten bottles of medicine not far away, thanks to his preparation.

He picked up a bottle of potion and took it directly. Immediately, the huge vitality quickly passed away, and the spiritual power exploded in an instant, but this time the burst of spiritual power did not flock to Yin Lai, but spread.

A large number of elements are once again attracted by spiritual power.

"Not enough!" Yin Lai rolled his eyes and took another bottle.


More elements poured in, although thin, but there are finally a lot.

not enough!

not enough!

not enough!

It took a full six bottles of potion to finally get the elements together.

At this time, above Yin Lai, a huge elemental vortex was formed, with a radius of more than ten meters.

At this time, the patrolling knights outside were also looking at the sky.

"What is that?" A big knight opened his mouth wide, and he felt the fluctuation of mental power there, which was hundreds of times and thousands of times that his body All the big knights were shocked, Totally don't understand how there could be so many elements.

What is even more terrifying is that all the elements are pouring back towards the manor below. Their throats move slightly and their mouths feel dry. What is in the manor?

Just when the knights were shocked.

With the infusion of a large number of elements, Yin Lai's elementalization was also completed quickly.

In the end, it reached the level of 15.6%, which is also the starting point after the promotion of normal wizards. In other words, according to the level, he is already a life ring.

But if you want to become a wizard, this is not enough, you also need to solidify the imprint of the wizard model.

There's nothing wrong with this step.

Start imprinting.

One by one, complex runes began to gather in my mind, and they began to form complex witchcraft models. The solidified models were different from other witchcraft models. Even a ring of witchcraft was rarely more complicated than them.

For ordinary apprentices, it is often more difficult.

But for Yin Lai, after more than ten years of research, he no longer has any doubts about this model. In addition, his natural talent is very good. Even if it is a wizard, I am afraid that he has never seen a better understanding of this sorcery. good understanding.

Three hours later, with the success of the last rune.

Yin Lai finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, in the consciousness space, a layer of translucent membrane began to appear, protecting the entire consciousness and solidifying the magic shield.


At this point, Yin Lai finally completed all the promotion requirements.

On this day when he was 118 years old, which is the year 393 of the Byrne calendar.

Finally broke through.

Become an official ring wizard.

And becoming a wizard, Yin Lai finally understood what Sarin Metatlin's diary meant.

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