The passing of life force is really fast.

Yin Lai closed his eyes and felt that his vitality was at least 1.5 times faster than before. In other words, the original fifteen years of life was equivalent to only ten years of life.

"It's really not right." Yin Lai frowned.

The consumption of life force is not a big deal, but it is really strange.

How could it happen that the higher the level, the faster the lifespan would happen?

But Yin Lai could faintly feel that this change came from the world.

The world really isn't normal.

"There may be clues in the ruins." Yin Lai shook his head, and decided to put this aside and check his own changes.

For the first time, the elemental level was 15.6, and the spiritual power reached 35.6.

The higher the degree of elementalization, the higher the increase can be provided for witchcraft, and the spiritual power directly affects the speed and power of the wizard's witchcraft.

Yin Lai felt that his sorcery power was probably five or six times higher than before, which was not a problem, and his physical fitness had also been greatly improved, but as to how much he improved, it was still a problem.

Need to check it out.

"Forget it, let's figure out my body first today." Yin Lai shook his head and walked outside.

Laidun Manor is very large. In addition to the area where potions are planted, there is also an area where monsters are cultivated. There used to be a forest behind the castle, but it has been leveled and turned into a training ground.

In the center of the training ground, there are several rock pillars with a radius of three meters, up to five meters high, and flashing bright colors in the sun. This is a rock pillar, and it contains some ore, which makes it hard. very horrible.

At most, Yin Lai left a small pit on it.

But now

Yin Lai stood 30 meters away from the rock pillar, took a deep breath, a little spark appeared in an instant, and friction converged in front of Yin Lai's eyes, and in an instant, a fireball the size of a carriage tire appeared.

As soon as the fireball appeared, the surrounding air even exuded a scorching aura, and its temperature was even more terrifying.

Although it is zero-ring witchcraft, it has no meaning of zero-ring witchcraft at all.


The fireball flew out in an instant, and at the speed of almost blinking an eye, it had already arrived in front of the rock pillar and collided directly.


The first is the huge fire mass that the flames expand, and the second is the huge sound of the explosion. The rock pillars are instantly enveloped by the flames, and at the same time, a large amount of gravel is shot towards the surrounding like rain.

After dozens of seconds.

The fire mist dissipated.

The status quo of the rock pillars is also shown in Yin Lai's eyes.

The first is where the rock pillar and the fireball directly contacted and collided, and a large hole appeared directly, almost two or three meters deep, which made the entire rock pillar look a little broken. After the ore was melted, the liquid slowly dripped.


Yin Lai also sucked in a breath of cold air.

He knew the power would be much stronger, but he didn't expect it to be so much stronger.

Is this a ring of wizards?

It's not at the same level as an apprentice, let alone a knight.

Then Yin Lai started experimenting with other witchcraft, experimenting almost all of them. By the time it was over, the rock pillars in the field had already shattered and fell to the ground, turning into rubble.

"It's really good." Yin Lai smiled as he looked at the mess.

Finally become a wizard.

A hundred years after he came to this world, he became a wizard, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

In normal stories, for a hundred years, the normal protagonist should become the strongest in a world. No matter how bad it is, he is also a famous person. When he came to him, he had never seen other wizards except himself.

So weird.

"Tsk tsk tsk, forget it, let's test your physical fitness." Throwing away such boring thoughts, Yin Lai called to the servant in the distance and asked him to call a big knight over.

Soon, a bound great knight was sent over.

If Yin Lai remembered correctly, this should be a prisoner from another country. He recently sent Yin Lai the materials for his experiments. Unexpectedly, the servant sent him here.

But it doesn't matter, he is also a big knight anyway, and it seems that he should be considered powerful among the big knights.

At this time, the great knight who was brought back lowered his head and said nothing.

Five years ago, he witnessed the frontal destruction of his country by Byrne. Since then, he has become Byrne's slave. At the beginning, he still wanted to escape, but as he was arrested several times, he became a slave of Byrne. The idea gradually disappeared.

Without the country, without faith, without everything, if he hadn't had a glimmer of hope in life, he would have committed suicide long ago.

"Raise your head." Yin Lai looked at the man with his head bowed in front of him, why was he so lackluster.

The man did as he did and saw Yin Lai and the ruins of the rock pillar behind him.

His expression was stunned, what happened here, even if a group of golems trampled on it, it would be impossible to make it like this, such an exaggerated scene.

But this only attracted him for a second, and then lowered his head again.

"Uh, what has he experienced?" Yin Lai raised his brows, but the experiment that should be carried out has to continue, so he needs to give some medicine.

"Hey, I need you to fight with me. If you can defeat me, then I can set you free." Yin Lai said directly.


The man was stunned when he heard these two words, raised his head, looked at Yin Lai, a little light appeared in his eyes, and said:

"Are you serious?"

"Really." Yin Lai nodded, just a big knight, it doesn't matter.

"Okay!" The man nodded, understanding that this was his chance.

He raised his head and moved, the shackles on his hands and feet made a kaka, and he was posing, ready to attack.

"Are you going to fight like this?" Yin Lai smiled and said to the guard beside him, "Open his shackles."

The guard looked surprised and said, "Sir, this big knight is very strong. He also killed one of our big knights when he was running away. Wouldn't it be too dangerous to let him go?"

"Let go!" Yin Lai said without any nonsense.

Although the attendant was worried, he didn't dare to say anything. He immediately ran over and opened the manacles and handcuffs for the man. The man was also surprised. He didn't expect the man in front of him to be so arrogant and dare to let go of him.

"Since you promised to let me go, I won't kill you for a while." The big knight said seriously.

"Kill me? Come on." Yin Lai smiled and motioned for the big knight to do it.

The big knight didn't talk nonsense, and rushed over with a single stride. He didn't have a weapon, so he used his fist to smash Yin Lai with a punch, and he was even afraid of killing Yin Lai, so he used his strength.

next second.


The flesh collided, and then the big knight looked at the fist blocked by Yin Lai, everyone was stupid!

What is this!

Just blocked it? Are you not an ordinary person?

He thought it was Yin Lai who wanted to play, but at this moment, he seemed to realize that if he wasn't serious, he might really lose.

Immediately, he took a step back, took a deep breath, and rushed towards Yin Lai again.

The battle begins.

Every great knight comes from a thousand trials and hardships, and close-quarters fighting is naturally not bad, but if you think that Yin Lai is bad, it would be outrageous. For a hundred years, even if Yin Lai only practiced occasionally, That's not something ordinary knights can match.

And the great knight also felt it completely.

Whether it's speed, strength, or even reaction, Yin Lai completely crushed him. Even his proud fighting skills seemed to be seen through in a second, without any effect at all.

After half an hour.

The big knight lay on the ground, his eyes dull.

What has he been through?

Being completely exploded by a person without the slightest power of qi and blood, he felt a little suspicious of life.

Isn't he a great knight?

Isn't the great knight the best existence among knights?

He is dreaming.

He closed his eyes silently, tears streamed down, the already collapsed world collapsed even more, this world is too cruel.

"Pull him down." Looking at the man, Yin Lai waved his hand, then thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, let's pull him to the laboratory, the bloodline experiment is just short of people."

Wait until the man is pulled away.

Yin Lai relieved his muscles and bones, and had a deeper understanding of his own body, that is, to completely hang the Great Knight, the strength and speed should be seven or eight times that of the Great Knight.

This is probably the reason why Sarin Metatlin looks down on the Cavaliers.

There is no road ahead, and even if you reach the end of the road, it is just the beginning of the wizard, it is really boring, and it is too difficult to open up a new road.

Today's test is almost over, and Yin Lai is also ready to I will be busy now. I will start learning about the magic model of the first link and the advanced knowledge of the first order.

Three years later.

Yin Lai just finished contacting a new witchcraft, and unexpectedly received a message from Anna.

Ruins have been found.

Yin Lai was stunned, and immediately entered the palace all the way, and found Anna in a room.

Since Anna also helped Yin Lai to manage the country, Yin Lai gave Anna the magic potion to keep her face long ago, so at this time she still looked in her twenties and still beautiful.

The only thing that has changed is the temperament. As the master of a huge empire, Anna also exudes a noble temperament, much stronger than that of Queen Cynthia back then.

Even ordinary people, even if they just stood in front of her, would only feel that their heart beats faster and their breathing is short.

Of course, that's outside.

"Teacher, the ruins have been found." In front of Yin Lai, Queen Anna smiled and seemed really happy.

Only in front of Yin Lai would she remove her disguise.

"Where?" Yin Lai took a deep breath and asked.

Because he had to search for the ruins for decades, he did not expect that he would find it in the past twenty years. This really surprised Yin Lai, after all, it was the legacy of a true spirit.

"Teacher, do you remember Turin?" Anna asked.

"Turin?" Yin Lai raised his brows, it's impossible to be in Turin.

"Yes, although the ruins are not in Turin, they are in a valley more than ten kilometers outside the city of Turin." Anna took out the map and showed Yin Lai the location.

"It's actually here?" Yin Lai looked at the map, his eyes stunned.

This place, he once passed by when he was touring Turin, was only a few kilometers away.

what is this.

Skip the street?

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