Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 115: 3 apprentices

The valley is actually very safe, otherwise, how could this group of Croin giant snakes have lived here for so long, and thousands of years have passed, even if there are any means here, it is estimated that it has already turned into decay.

At least this witch formation is almost useless.

into the valley.

Yin Lai found out that the inside is much bigger than he thought. Only a small part of the entrance can be seen. The area inside is very large, but there are rocks everywhere, and only the middle area is a blank area.

At this time, in this blank area, except for some leftover Croin giant snake cubs, there was only a large number of bones and corpses piled up on the white ground. At this time, a 15-meter-long giant snake was watching him. .

A snake king with zero ring limit.

However, Yin Lai didn't care much about him at this time. At this time, his eyes were completely focused on the huge rock wall behind the giant snake.

on smooth rock faces.

A bronze door is embedded in it, and various complex runes are etched on the surface of the door, and a faint spatial fluctuation emanates from it, which does not seem to be in harmony with this world.

Yin Lai guessed that this should be the gate of the secret realm.

Anna's judgment is correct. This is the secret realm. Thinking that it is the legacy of a true spirit, even Yin Lai would have to take a deep breath to keep calm. .

Not to mention the items in it.

Yin Lai glanced around, then walked towards the bronze gate.

Snake King Croin:  …

am i air? Ignoring me completely, the giant snake wriggled its body. He felt that he had been provoked. In the past, he would entangle his prey fiercely and squeeze them to death a little bit.


The snake letter slid through the air, and the muscles of the snake king's whole body tensed instantly, and then popped out towards Yin Lai.

Damn people, go to hell!

The giant snake exuded instinctive malice, and quickly ignored Yin Lai, then saw Yin Lai cast a glance at him, then raised his right hand, the giant snake saw a ring on the man's ring finger, as if something was brewing.

The Snake King didn't quite understand what it was, but he could still feel the season of the heart instinctively. He immediately stopped his body and wanted to dodge, but the ring seemed to have finished charging. In the next second, two thunder pythons with dazzling rays of light appeared and arrived in an instant. in front of him.

Electric light filled the air, and the Snake King instantly turned into fly ash.

The snake king died in the end, and he didn't even understand what it was!

I just thought that it would be a bit too much to deal with him.

After experimenting with the effect of the Thunder Python Ring, Yin Lai stepped on the charred snake king directly to the metal gate.

The bronze door showed a special texture. Yin Lai observed it carefully and found that the door should only be an entrance.

If the true spirit is still there, it will definitely not be able to enter, but at this time the true spirit has already passed away, and it should be able to enter only by stimulating a certain amount of magic power.

"Do you need to go in?" Yin Lai looked at the gate calmly and turned to leave.

Too dangerous!

In a secret realm of true spirit, he is only a small part, but if there is any means in it, Yin Lai can't do it. This is really inappropriate, and it may even be a small problem, which may directly make Yin Lai burp!

He shook his head, too dangerous.

"Let's think of a way."

Although he does not intend to enter the secret realm for the time being, how could he give up, this is the legacy of a true spirit, and he cannot give up here for this.

But entering the secret realm requires magic power, which first requires a wizard.

But aside from Yin Lai, where are there wizards here?

"Where is it?" Yin Lai shook his head, but as he shook it, he suddenly thought of Wes for some reason.


This guy is also an apprentice, but also from this area.

Yin Lai pursed his lips, he seemed to think of a way.

Since he is not going to enter by himself, why not train some students and let them in, whether it is to wait until the end of the search to take away the harvest, or to find out the danger and enter directly.

"Just do it!" Yin Lai smiled.

It is impossible to train into a formal wizard, but if it is just an apprentice, it is not a big problem.

And it doesn't take long, at most, it takes more than ten years to train a few students, which is very easy.

More than ten years later, safety comes first.

Go straight out of the valley.

"Teacher, how is it, have you found it?" Anna ran over first and asked.

"Yeah." Yin Lai nodded and said, "You block this place first, and then you will set up a witch formation to hide it. You can't explore this place for the time being, and you need to prepare for a while."

"how long?"

"I don't know!" Yin Lai shook his head, and then said, "Oh, by the way, send all your dead men to me. The fact that I am a wizard can't be exposed!"

Although the dead man is a dead man, it is not safe after all, and it is better to have a soul branded.

"Yeah!" Anna followed Yin Lai back to the chariot.

"Also, take the city of King's Landing, no, first collect the blood of eight to twelve-year-old children in all the cities near King's Landing, I need some students." Yin Lai instructed again.

"Yes." Anna said.

At present, all those who know that Yin Lai is special are his servants, so Yin Lai can be a little more reckless, but he decides to be more cautious about accepting students next.

After all, wizards are different from others, and it seems that it is not a righteous profession in the current wizarding world.


Under Yin Lai's order, Anna's superficial command.

Soon the blood of all school-age children in the nearby city was collected for Yin Lai.

And Yin Lai's purpose is to check whether they have wizard talent through testing.

Soon, among the 10,000 blood, Yin Lai also successfully found three talented wizards.

Yin Lai also quickly learned the information of the three children.

One is a beggar, the other is the daughter of a noble family, and the other is a thief who has just been thrown into prison.

Of course, identity doesn't matter. For Yin Lai, he only wants a few tool people. It's easy to use, and he doesn't need to worry about how long it is. As for what happens when the tools are used up, that's another matter.

Immediately, he ordered the three children to be retrieved.

Some things happened in the process.

At this time, it was in a small town a few kilometers outside the city of Jun's Landing.

in the slums.

A group of children are beating a child.

"Hand over the money, or we'll beat you to death!" A tall child kicked the child under his feet and yelled loudly.


The one who was beaten was a boy who was curled up at this time, holding five copper tars tightly in his hand. This was a week ago when someone collected blood in the city. I went and got the money.

But it was known by other children, so they came to grab it.

His parents had already died, and there was no one to help him.

And seeing that he couldn't get the money, the other kids started to break his fingers, trying to take out the money.

"My money!" The boy was desperate and helpless.



Suddenly a group of people came running from a distance, and one pointed to him underground and said, "It's him."

Immediately, a group of knights ran over.

When a group of children saw this scene, they dispersed in a hurry. The boy was also confused, but he smiled when he looked at the five copper towers in his hand.

The fainted boy was carried by the knight onto the carriage and left here.

Another city.

In a castle, a fat man sat on a chair with a big belly. He had to look at the little girl opposite, and said earnestly:

"Daughter, the earl likes you very much. I sent you there, but I was forced to help. Why did you come back? I understand that I will send you back."

On the opposite side of him was an eleven-year-old girl, wearing a white dress, shedding tears of grievance.

Last night, I went to the count's house for a banquet, but my father actually threw her to the count.

She is twelve years old and understands many things.

Moreover, he is not the biological daughter of a nobleman, but a stepdaughter. He usually encounters various injustices at home. Although the man in front of him is his nominal father, she would rather him die.

"I tell you, Vivica, this matter is not up to The Viscount looked at the crying girl and slapped the table angrily.

Vivica bit her lip.

She wanted to resist, but she couldn't.


Suddenly, the door in the distance was pushed open directly.

"It's her!" The same person pointed out.

"Well, hello, Viscount Christie, we need your cooperation now. We need to take your daughter away, and we will explain it to you later." The knight was also very direct.

"Go away, you know that my daughter is the private property of Count Corona, you can't take her away." The viscount was also stunned, but he still tried to find a bigger noble to press him.

"Count? Then let him come to us." The knight smiled lightly.

Not to mention the earl, the marquis is useless.

He walked slowly to the girl and said softly, "Little boy, would you like to go with us!"

Vivica was still in tears at this time, she just heard her father's words, and it was like this again, so she said, "I am willing."

"That's fine." The knight nodded and was about to leave with the girl.

"Damn it, Reese!" the Viscount was angry, he was out of anger.

There was a senior knight beside him.

Reese, who had been behind, rushed out at this time, but stared at the man holding the girl's hand, but was stunned.

Great knight.

The people behind the knight in front of him are all great knights.

"Come on!" the Viscount still shouted.

Reese's throat moved slightly, **** it!

Just like that, the girl was taken away directly.

And in some prison.

A certain twelve-year-old boy who had just been arrested was suddenly released, and was then taken out of the prison and headed to King's Landing.

In the future, they will become Yin Lai's students.

After becoming an apprentice, he will explore the secret realm for Yin Lai.

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