Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 116: Inside the secret


Yin Lai met three children.

One was dressed in tatters, but had bright eyes, one was wearing a little white dress and looked pitiful, and the other was always hunched over and looked snarky.

These are the three talented wizards Yin Lai picked out.

"From today onwards, the three of you are my students. You will inherit a part of my heritage, and then explore a ruin for me." Yin said it very clearly.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce, my name is Laidun, a third-class apprentice." Yin Lai added.

Originally, Yin Lai wanted to explain that he was a wizard, but after thinking about it, he was still an apprentice, and it was better to be cautious. After all, this time he was not facing a knight, but a few future wizard apprentices.

"Okay, teacher!"

Before they came, someone had explained the situation to them, and they thought they would encounter trouble, but they did not expect that the three of them agreed very simply.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Within three years, all three children had become first-class apprentices, and Yin Lai also taught some zero-ring witchcraft.

Among them, David's progress is the fastest. David is the child in the slum. At this time, his mental power is 5.6. It seems that his own mental power is quite high, so the effect of meditation is also very good, and he is a good seedling.

Vivica in the little white dress was a little slower, and she didn't seem to be very interested in witchcraft, but was very interested in bloodline. At this time, she was fifteen years old, and she had often acted as Yin Lai's assistant. , relieved Yin Lai a lot of work.

The third child, named Rob, likes to cheat and play tricks. Yin Lai is also speechless, so he is left to him. At this time, he suddenly feels the pain of the teacher.

And the three apprentices were also planted by Yin Lai with an upgraded version of the soul brand. Soul enslavement, a ring of witchcraft, is much more restrictive than the soul brand.

And for the sake of safety, Yin Lai spent two years transforming this sorcery into a one-way one. The enslaved people are not allowed to explain Yin Lai's information by any means, except that they have strict requirements, or even feel Yin Lai. any status.

The original soul enslavement, the servant can perceive whether the master is still alive, but Yin Lai transformed it into a complete one-way, only Yin Lai can contact, although the other party can contact, but he does not know whether Yin Lai accepts or not. arrive.

Even if they were lifted in the future, it would have no effect on Yin Lai.

It's important that he can't let anyone know his specific state.

After all, it's okay for now, only Anna knows, but these students don't care.

"Come, come, Vivica, today I'm going to teach you how to perform physical transformation." In the laboratory, Yin Lai called Vivica over. At this time, she was already a pretty big girl, and her smile was always sweet. Sweet, as for his disgusting viscount father, Yin Lai helped him to deal with it.

"Thank you teacher." Vivica smiled.

At this time, David, who was working hard not far away, and Rob, who was fishing for fish, glanced at them, and then continued to lower their heads.

One for work, one for fishing.

Yin Lai was waiting, waiting for a few people to become second-class apprentices, and then went to check the secret realm.

Byrne calendar year 403.

this day.

The 22-year-old Vivica sorted out her clothes and prepared to go to the laboratory as usual. She likes her life very much.

Compared to the perverted life in the stepfather's viscount's house, this is paradise, as long as you want to eat, you can eat, all conditions are excellent.

As for being enslaved, Vivica was quite happy.

It was Teacher Laidun who gave her everything and rescued her from her past life, which is what she should do.

on the way.

He met David and Rob.

David is 1.9 meters tall at this time, tall and handsome, and his mental strength is also the highest among the three, reaching 11.2, and it has been a year since he entered the second-class apprenticeship.

Wei Wei card broke through last month, only Rob, his mental power at this time was only 8.0, the gap between the two was huge, and he was completely lazy.

"Vivica, what do you think the teacher asked us to do!" David asked curiously when he saw Vivica.

"I don't know!" Vivica shook her head.

They had nothing to do today, but suddenly they were called.

"What can I do, I guess it's work. I was in Liuying Lane today, and I was called back suddenly." Rob didn't care.

Vivica looked at David, a little helpless.

There is a reason why Rob's talent may even be the highest among the three, but his mental strength is the lowest.

Soon, they met their teacher.

Come on.

"Teacher!" The three of them saluted.

"No, how long have I accepted you as students?" Yin Lai glanced at him, and several people asked.

"Ten years." Vivica answered first.

"Well, it's almost time, I need you to help me with one thing today." Yin Lai commanded calmly.

"Just as the teacher ordered."

At this time, the three of them also felt that something was wrong, and they always felt that something major was happening.

"Very good, I need you to help me check a secret realm!" Yin Lai smiled.

Ten years later, it's time to harvest.

The second-class apprentice is almost ready to go in. As for Rob who has not made a breakthrough, he can't help it. After all, he is not a philanthropist. This can only blame Rob for not working hard.

"Secret realm?"

The three were puzzled again.

When Yin Lai came to the valley again, ten years had passed.

"Teacher, is this the secret realm you're talking about?" Weika asked, standing behind Yin Lai.

"Yeah!" Yin Lai nodded.

The bronze door is still the same bronze door, but ten years have passed directly.

"You can directly stimulate the magic in a while, and you can go in. I will plant a spiritual seed in your mind." Yin Lai said calmly.

The seeds of spiritual power allow Yin Lai to see the picture when the three of them are in it.

"Okay." The three nodded, and Rob was a little reluctant, but he couldn't help it.

"Then let's go in." Yin Lai didn't talk nonsense. At this time, there was no purpose to cover up.

Among them, David and Vivica completely believed in Yin Lai, so they walked over and put their hands on the bronze door. With a flash of magic power, they disappeared in front of the bronze door in an instant.

Instead, Rob looked at the bronze door and did not dare to move forward for a long time.

"Go!" Yin Lai pushed him away.

Rob also inspired his magic power in surprise and disappeared in front of Yin Lai.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Where is this place?"

The next second is still in the valley, the next second David appears in a garden.

David shook his head and glanced around.

This is a garden, but it seems to be very rundown, with dust everywhere, and dead and withered flowers, not far from a few paths and a flower bed, leading to nowhere.

"What should I do?" David was a little puzzled.

He subconsciously felt that he first checked all around, and then found that there was really nothing here, but there was a rag doll in the flower bed not far away, it was a bear, and it only had one eye, which looked a bit scary.

"Forget it, just ignore it." David shook his head and walked in toward a path.


What David didn't notice was that it was right after he left.

The only remaining eyes of the gray rag doll lit up, and a translucent body slowly squeezed out of the eyes, and then followed towards the trail.

the other side.

Vivica shook her head and looked around.

At this time, the area where she was located was a place like a prison. The area was very large, and it was layer by layer, like an upside-down tower. At this time, he was at the bottom, and not far away was a huge prison.

"Forget it, let's leave." Anna glanced at it, as if she didn't see anything, so she turned around and walked to the stairs not far away, all the way up.

While walking on both sides, Vivica was also observing the surroundings.

It was found that this place was originally supposed to be the prison of He, or the prison of monsters.

In the prisons on both sides, you can clearly see the bones, most of them are huge, and from the perspective of the remains of the bones, most of them are more than one ring.

And they seem to live and die in it like this.


Vivica walked all the way up.


Vivica went all the way up.

At this time, in the prison at the bottom.

This is a completely dark prison, because at the bottom, there is no light at all, and at this time, a large area of ​​shadows gathers, and a pair of vertical children appear in the shadows.

"Sorcerer's apprentice?"

"Has this place been discovered?" The owner seemed a little but couldn't hide the strong excitement.

finally come.

tm, the true spirit here has been dead for thousands of years, and he has been trapped here for thousands of years.

He used to be the same fourth ring, the great world lord, but at this time, his breath has completely fallen to the second ring, and he continues to consume strength to survive. What he has, in addition to the once noble blood, also has knowledge. Nothing else.

Even for some reason, even in this prison, he did not dare to break through.

But now, someone finally came.

"There is hope for someone." The eyes slowly sank into the shadows. This was the happiest day it had been in thousands of years.

It is different from the relatively safe environment of the two.

Rob looked at the tall magical plants all around, his throat moved slightly.

Where is this place?

Botanical garden?

Like the jungle, Laidun didn't give him any hints.

Really a **** teacher? If he hadn't been pulled out of prison, he wouldn't have recognized Yin Lai as a teacher. He had no choice at that time. He had always hated this teacher.

He yearned for a free life, not some **** truth.

"Forget it, let's go." Rob really didn't want to come in, sighed, and decided to leave here first, after all, it's not a good place to look at.



Suddenly, a buzzing sound came, and Rob was stunned, a shield appeared beside him, and then looked around.

Nothing at all.

Where is it?

Suddenly, Rob seemed to realize something and looked down.

A vine was already clinging to his leg.


Sweat shed.

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