Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 117: sudden change

Rob is dead!

Just when the three entered.

Yin Lai was also observing through the spiritual seeds from outside. In fact, Yin Lai wanted to communicate with a few people, but it seemed that the space was out of sync, so he couldn't communicate at all, and he could only see the picture.

"David is in the garden, Vivica seems to be in a prison? Rob is in a garden." Yin Lai looked in three directions at the same time, remembering everything.

But at this moment, he found that something seemed to be wrong on Rob's side.

He was running wildly in the botanical garden at this time, and there were a lot of vines around him. Rob kept attacking all around, but the vines were chasing after him.

Lots of vines?

Yin Lai was taken aback by this scene, because it is very rare for plants to be conscious, and most plants do not have consciousness at all, even high-level plants.

The vines in front of him seem to be the creatures of the zero ring, completely occupying it.

While watching Rob flee frantically, Yin Lai relaxed.

First rule out a place, the botanical garden is safe.

After all, in a place occupied by zero-ring vines on such a large scale, it is absolutely impossible for other creatures to exist, and watching Rob devoured by plants, Yin Lai is helpless.

If he was a second-class apprentice, he might have a chance, but a first-class apprentice would never have any chance.

In just ten seconds, the connection on Rob's side was cut off, no doubt.

Rob, the first to die.

the other two sides.

David seems to be in trouble too.

"Damn, **** it!"

On the trail, David frowned, unable to find his way.

He's been here for half an hour, but it's still here, which makes him have to stop, what's wrong.

David's mental power slowly quieted down, and a faint power began to radiate. This was his original spiritual detection technique, which could see many things that others could not see.

Suddenly, he found that behind him, there was a translucent mass closely followed.


David was stunned, and quickly recognized this creature.

The undead is nothing to a formal wizard, but for an ordinary apprentice, it is really terrible. It is really dangerous for an ordinary apprentice to encounter an undead.

But... he also has the means, but he still wants to use other methods first.

David took a deep breath and rushed forward in an instant.

At the same time, a fireball flew straight towards the undead.


Flames erupt.

The undead was instantly wrapped in flames, and David was blown away by the impact because he was too close!


Painful howls came out, and the undead made a shrill sound. David tried his best to cover his ears, but blood still flowed out of his ears, and the mental attack was really hard to resist.

However, it is also due to the fact that the undead is still in the category of Zero Ring, otherwise he will have to blow his head directly.

But at this time, David was not in the mood to pay attention to this, and his eyes were fixed on the undead, wanting to see how his condition was, but as the firelight dissipated, and seeing the undead that was just a little illusory, David sighed.

No damage.

"Can only use that?" David sighed.

In fact, since he became an apprentice, he has discovered that he has a special talent, that is, spiritual power naturally has a strong sealing ability, but he has never revealed it.

Today, it seems that it has to be revealed.

David sighed, then opened his arms.

Seeing him like this, the undead seemed to be even more excited, howling and attacking him.

The translucent claws approached David, as if to tear him apart in the next second, but in the next second, a special rune appeared in David's eyes, and at the same time, the surrounding air became illusory. , everything starts to distort.

A technique appeared, instantly covering the undead, and then in the blink of an eye, the undead disappeared in front of his eyes.


It seemed that it took him a lot of effort to seal the undead, and he fell directly to the ground, unable to move.

But with the disappearance of the undead, the path in front of him finally became clear, revealing a castle not far away.

"This is?"

"Is this a talent rune?"

On the other side, Yin Lai widened his eyes and saw the scene just now.

If he read it right, the warlock just now should be the talent rune.

Talent runes are a very special kind of rune. Some wizards with extremely talented talents may have them, and they often have power far beyond ordinary runes, and each talent rune is extremely cherished.

Salin Metatlin's book mentioned that the number of wizards with talent runes is about one ten thousandth of a wizard, and there may be one wizard out of ten thousand wizards.

I didn't expect David to have such a talent.

"Talent Rune!" Yin Lai was a little greedy, after all, it was something to cherish anyway.

But let's wait until David comes out.

Among the three, Vivica should be the luckiest. She walked out without encountering any danger along the way.

What's more interesting is that as soon as he came out, he saw David lying not far away.

The prison is right next to the garden.

"It seems that the danger here is very low!"

At this time, Yin Lai shook his head outside. Although the three of them seemed to be in danger, if a one-ring wizard entered, there was no danger at all.

The vines can be solved directly with a fireball, and the undead may also be easily dealt with.

Just look at what's behind?

If there is really no danger, then Yin Lai really doesn't know what to say, but he can't regret it. After all, before entering, no one knew what was going on inside, it just happened to happen.

Keep reading.

Just ten years.

"David, are you alright!"

When David woke up, he saw Vivica beside him.

"Hey, almost!" Seeing that it was Vivica, David shook his head and relieved the severe pain in his head. The seal just now exceeded his ability. If there were other undead, then he would be dead. .

David slowed down for a while, then got up by himself, and then saw the ancient castle not far away.

"Where is it?" David asked.

"I don't know. I saw this as soon as I came out of the dungeon, and I don't know what it is!" Vivica shook her head, and then said with concern:

"David, are you alright?"

"It's okay, just go there and take a look when I have a rest." David shook his head, he knew that everything was seen by Yin.

Up to now, they still don't understand Yin Lai's plan to accept apprentices, but they have no complaints. After all, if it wasn't for Yin Lai back then, they might not be able to live to this day.

After half an hour.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the castle.

This section of the road was relatively smooth, and the two soon came to the front of the castle.

This is a castle like an ancient castle, occupying a large area, and what is even more outrageous is that the gate is open at this time, and there are some other things in the ancient castle.

At the same time, a huge shadow stone was placed in it.

Through the spiritual seed, Yin Lai was stunned when he saw this scene.

If he read it correctly, the things placed in the castle seem to be books, or some materials, as well as some black stones, which should be magic stones, which belong to the wizard's currency.

"What does this mean?"

Yin Lai was stunned.

But it wasn't just Yin Lai who was dumbfounded, David and Vivica were also sluggish.

Shouldn't it be a difficult adventure ahead? They were supposed to go through all the dangers and get what the teacher asked for, but right now, it seems like it's all in the castle.

What does it mean!

At this time, it seemed that something was felt.

The shadow stone suddenly flashed, and an illusory scene slowly appeared.

An old man slowly appeared on the screen. He was wearing a gray wizard's robe, and his eyes were not bright, as if his life was approaching. In his right hand, there was a staff.

He looked ahead, like a moan, like a sorrow.

Then, he glanced at Vivica and David who were coming, and frowned, as if dissatisfied, but then he seemed to feel the spiritual seeds in their heads.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

At the same time, Vivica and David only felt dizzy, and when they came to their senses, they had already returned to the valley, but there was nothing in front of them, no bronze door, and even their teacher, Laidun, had disappeared.

Vivica: …


The two looked at each other, what happened? How did they come out?

And the most important teacher? ? ?

Just a few seconds ago.

Yin Lai was watching this scene through the spiritual seed, wanting to see what it was.

Suddenly, I saw the old man on the screen glanced at this side, and then his eyes lit up.

Yin Lai was startled, because he had an inexplicable feeling that this old man seemed to be looking at him?

Not narcissistic, but really feeling that way.

Yin Lai felt that something was wrong, and immediately prepared to cut off the connection, but the next second, the bronze door was instantly stimulated. Yin Lai didn't even hold on for a second before being sucked away by the bronze door, and the bronze door was also hidden in the void.

Therefore, when Yin Lai felt a dizzy space shift, his mental strength stabilized and he found himself standing outside the castle, where Vivica and David finally arrived.

At this time, the old man in the picture of the photo stone opposite finally showed a smile.

"Hello!" Yin Lai's mouth twitched.

"Hello!" The old man in the photo stone replied with a smile.

It looked harmonious, but Yin Lai took a deep breath, this time, he might have been in hell.

The shadow stone is a common item in the wizarding world to store pictures. Generally speaking, it is not cherished, but it is indeed rare to see such a large shadow stone.

But this is a photo stone!

As the name suggests, it is a record, but what happened to the old man in front of him actually greeted him.

Could it be that this is the original owner of the secret realm, the great true spirit wizard, Yin Lai suddenly felt that he was not cautious enough this time.

"Hello, I'm Nick Zimmerman, the master here, the five-ring true spirit wizard." At this time, the old man spoke again.

Yin Lai said that people are numb!

What is the situation, is this true spirit still alive?

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