Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 120: the disappearing eli

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The battle was fierce on the ground, and Yin Lai waited anxiously under the ground.

Yin Lai was at the bottom of the prison. From time to time, he could hear the violent explosions coming from the outside world. The terrifying elemental fluctuations made the entire prison tremble from time to time. There were only two weakened versions of the true spirits, but their power was still beyond what Yin Lai could imagine.

Time passed little by little.

Yin Lai waited anxiously, and after about three hours, the sound gradually disappeared from the ground.

"Who won?" Hearing that there was no movement outside, Yin Lai asked.

Just when he was about to go out to check, suddenly, Yin Lai suddenly felt that the nearby space changed again, Yin Lai's eyes widened, and the next second, he was teleported away again.

When he reacted, Yin Lai appeared in the castle again.

But at this time, the castle had already disappeared without a trace, and there were only rubble on the ground, and the range of several hundred meters was also devastated.

At this time, Yin Lai was standing on the ruins of the castle, and there were large pieces of rubble under his feet. In the distance in the sky, Nick's figure was already extremely illusory, and on the ground not far away, a shadow was always unknown. How many chains are tied.

At this time, the dragon was extremely miserable. The entire right half of its wings had disappeared, and most of the dark scales were broken. One eye was also dark at this time, and the other eye was tightly closed. More than a dozen chains passed through his body and shattered him. Trapped on the ground,

There is no doubt that the dragon lost.

"Cough, Yin Lai." In the sky, Nick slowly descended, and his figure flashed and seemed to be about to collapse.

"Master True Spirit Wizard." Yin Lai walked over immediately.

"I lost!"

Nick's first sentence made Yin Lai a little numb.

? ? ?

Who is the dragon lying on the ground?

Seeming to know what Yin Lai was thinking, Nick cast a glance at him and said:

"We both lost, I used the chain of rules to trap him temporarily, but as soon as I dissipate, then he will get out of the trap, and I don't have much time."

"I'm sorry, this secret realm may not be available to you. You still have five days to escape. I can still support it for five days. After five days, the chain of rules will disappear in an instant without the support of magic power. will get out of trouble again.

This time I underestimated him. "

Cough cough!

Yin Lai coughed, this turning point changed too fast, one second he was happy to receive inheritance and secret realm, the next second he had to leave here to escape.

"Cough, run, I won't let him run away. I already remember his taste. When I get out of trouble, I will catch him as soon as possible, and then kill him. Your inheritance will end here."

Suddenly, the shadow dragon in the distance opened his only remaining eye and looked at Nick viciously.

"I'm sorry!" Hearing this, Nick turned his head towards Yin Lai and apologized.

This time, it was his mistake.

"Oh, by the way, do you still have magic stones? If you have magic stones, you can also leave some magic power to let the chain support for a while." Nick asked.

"Magic stone? No!" Yin Lai shook his head awkwardly.

If there is a magic stone in this place, it has been excavated by wizards long ago, how could no one come.

"Yes." Nick fell silent, and after a while, he said again, "I'm sorry."

Nick apologized again, but Yin Lai was in the mood to think about it at this time. He was about to face a four-ringed shadow dragon that had recovered. How could he run away?

Have to think of other ways.

Nick just said the magic of the magic stone?

Wait a minute, the magic of the magic stone is not much, can it be able to maintain the shadow dragon Chris, he immediately raised his head and asked Nick not far away:

"Sir, is the magic of the magic stone enough to maintain this chain?"

"Of course you can, not to mention the magic stone, you can too, this is the chain of rules, it is not the chain that traps the shadow dragon, but the power of the rules. As long as there is magic support, the chain can always exist. ' Nick explained, with sadness in his heart.

Because of his initial mistakes, the inheritor who was finally found now will also die.


All the melancholy turned into a sigh.

On the other side, Yin Lai's eyes lit up when he heard Nick's words, and he hurriedly asked, "Sir, then I'll stay here, come in once a day and input some magic power every day, that's fine."

"What are you thinking!" Nick cast a glance at Yin Lai and continued: "I used the power of the rules of the secret realm to trap the shadow dragon. You can leave at most once, but once you decide to do so, you have to stay here forever. , until the shadow dragon escapes, or you die."

"Although this shadow dragon's lifespan is not long, it's fine for a hundred or two hundred years. Although the secret realm will ease the consumption of vitality a little, it is absolutely impossible for a normal one-ring wizard to survive it."

Nick's tone was getting lower and lower, but Yin Lai on the other side clenched his fist.


It is indeed impossible for a normal wizard to withstand it, because an ordinary one-ring wizard normally has a lifespan of two hundred years, and there is a wizarding world that quickly consumes vitality, and can live to about 140 years old at most.

There is also the time of the apprenticeship period, and the elements here are too thin to break through.

It is absolutely impossible for a normal wizard to survive the Shadow Dragon.

But Yin Lai is different. If only staying here for more than 100 years can guarantee the safety of his life, this will not cause any loss to Yin Lai. Anyway, it is only one or two hundred years.

"Sir, I think staying here, after all, I can't escape, it's better to stay here and live a little longer." Yin Lai lied.

"Okay." Nick glanced at him, then sighed.

It's all his fault.

"But I'm going out to get all my things in." Yin said.

"Well, take it, this is the bearer of the secret realm, within five days, you can take it and return again." Nick handed Yin a black ring, Yin took a look, and then put it on his hand.

"Yeah." Yin Lai nodded.

The next second, he was teleported out of the secret realm.

Shadow Dragon closed his eyes in disdain.

He was like this anyway, and he just wanted to go out and have a look.

Can you survive me?

The Shadow Dragon is a famous long-lived species in the endless world.

at this time.

in the valley.

Vivica and David waited in the valley, looking anxious.

It had been three hours since they were teleported out, but the teacher still did not move at all, and the bronze door had disappeared.

"David, you said the teacher will be fine, right?" Vivica asked worriedly.

"I don't know." David sighed.

Just as the two lamented, suddenly, the space in front of them fluctuated, and a figure appeared from the void.


Vivica and David looked surprised and stepped forward immediately.

Yin Lai shook his dizzy head, glanced at the two, and said, "I want to return to King's Landing immediately, I'll go first."

So, in the dull eyes of the two, Yin Lai's feet surged with wind elements, and he took Yin Lai away.

He only has five days and no time to waste.

When he came, Yin Lai and the others were in a carriage, and it took fifteen days, but this time, Yin Lai really tried his best to return, and it took three days to return.

Back in King's Landing, the first thing Yin Lai did was go to the palace.

As for Anna, a very important diplomatic connection was interrupted, and Yin Lai called him away.

"Prepare all these materials for me, the more the better, the more the better, and then send them to Laidun Manor." In the room, Yin Lai directly gave Lai Anna a list.

This time, it was really a hundred years of loneliness.

The materials in the secret realm are limited, so Yin Lai needs a lot of materials and substances to ensure that he can use it for a hundred years. Oh, he has to bring some seed creatures and the like, or he will starve to death in the secret realm.

"Teacher, what happened?" Anna asked.

He remembered that the teacher should have gone to explore the secret realm, why did he come back.

"It's nothing, but it may take a long journey, it may take a long time." Yin Lai touched Anna's head and sighed.

Anna could be regarded as a child he grew up watching, but Yin Lai was also in a complicated mood when he suddenly wanted to leave.

The next time I come out, I'm afraid it's really a different thing.

"Long trip?" Anna was a little puzzled. Even if it was a long trip, was it so melancholy?

Even if the trip is long, it can't be longer than the teacher's last trip for twelve years.

"You help me collect first, remember, you can collect as much as you can, there is no upper limit, I will go back to the manor first." Yin Lai said again, and left quickly, he was too anxious for time.

Looking at the figure of Yin Lai leaving, Anna blinked, and then started calling.

"Come on!


On the other hand, after Yin Lai returned to the manor, he also began to organize all his belongings.

Experimental equipment, experimental materials, magic plants that have been planted, important blood bamboo flowers, some backups for the blood of monsters, flower pots for planting flower seeds...

Yin Lai directly threw everything into the secret realm, and at this time the secret realm was worn by Yin Lai.

On the other hand, under Anna's order, truckloads of materials began to be sent to and from the Manor, almost non-stop, and the materials piled up into hills.

This is also the reason for the short time and geographical restrictions.

Otherwise, with Byrne's current power, it is enough to bury the entire Laidun Manor dozens of times. At this time, Yin Lai is very lucky that he still has an empire to operate. Otherwise, at this time, where would he go to find so many materials.

In this way, for a whole day and a half, the trucks that came to the Manor did not stop.

Yin Lai kept sending him to the secret realm, and even felt a little tired.

At this time, there are still three hours before the five days Nick said.

Inside the manor, Yin Lai touched Anna's head and said:

"I won't be able to help you in the future. The teacher may be away for a long time this time. I have left you a process for how those bloodline knights are made. It's all in it, and you may need to study it."

"Teacher, do you really want to leave?" With tears in the corners of Anna's eyes, she had a faint feeling that this time she left, she really had no chance to meet again.

"Hey!" Yin Lai gave Anna a hug.

He stayed in King's Landing for about a hundred years, and this time he will be away for nearly a hundred years.

A hundred years later, there is really nothing left.

"Take care of yourself." Yin Lai said finally.

For the next two hours, Yin Lai kept sending things to the secret realm to make sure he had everything. The only pity was that David hadn't come back yet. He didn't get the talent rune. Not important anymore.

last hour.

Yin Lai took a quick look around Jun Lin, and finally returned to the manor.

In the study, Yin Lai finally glanced at the outside world and said calmly:

"Goodbye, King's Landing."

The next second, Yin Lai disappeared in place.

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