Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 121: blink 0 years

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At this time, on the ruins of the castle.

Nick looked around. At this time, except for the place where the shadow dragon was and the ruins, various items were piled up in other places, as if there were more hills in the secret realm.

That pile is the seeds of the magic plant, that pile is ores, that pile is daily necessities, that pile is furniture...

Really well prepared!

The corners of Nick's eyes jumped, and he suddenly felt the void in front of him, and Eli jumped in directly.

"You're still back." Nick looked at Eli with a complicated expression. He misestimated the power of the Shadow Dragon and caused the current situation.

At this time, his figure has become more and more blurred. At this time, the secret realm has become impossible to go out because of the competition between the shadow dragon and the chain of rules. At the same time, all connections between Eli and the outside world have been cut off, and there is no room for regret. .

"Eli, I still have a few hours left. If you have any questions, you can ask me." Looking at Eli in front of him, Nick said.

"Really?" Eli's eyes lit up.

Nick: ? ? ?

You are obviously going to be trapped here to death, how can you be so optimistic.

"Of course." Nick nodded.

"Then I'm welcome!" Eli took a small bench directly from a distance, then took out the crystal ball and started recording.

"The first question is, what is the basic composition of the elements? Why can the spiritual force be drawn to the elements."

"Also, I have some doubts about some meditations."

"Oh yes, and this..."

Nick had never imagined that he thought the last few hours of his true spirit should be spent in peace, but in fact, it passed through Eli's hundreds of questions.

Down to basic common sense, up to the multiverse.

In just a few hours, he answered thousands of questions.

Therefore, when he was about to collapse at the end, his mood was not heavy, but relaxed.

He looked at Eli, who was still making up the questions a few meters away, and couldn't understand why he was still so optimistic and eager to learn in such a story that could see the ending. This kind of attitude is rare even among wizards.

"Eli, you are a real wizard." Nick's breath dissipated a little, and he said to Eli.

"Okay!" Eli replied perfunctorily, still busy recording.

"Goodbye!" Nick looked at this scene and smiled instead.

In the next second, the true spirit instantly collapsed and disappeared completely.

"Hey, what did he just say!" On the other side, Eli, who had been recording all the time, suddenly raised his head and saw the collapsed Nick, blinked, and seemed to be a little too involved just now.

"If he dies, you will die too!" Right at the moment of Nick's death, not far away, Shadow Dragon Chris also opened his eyes, looked at Eli, and said mercilessly.

"Humph!" Eli curled his lips, then added a little magic to the chain of rules.

Waste it.

Uncharted days are boring.

In the first month of entering the secret realm, Eli sorted out the broken ground again, and sorted all the things that were brought in into categories.

Open up new potion fields and farmland, cultivate monster farms, rebuild laboratories, set up a home for yourself, put your flower pots in place, and replant blood bamboo flowers.

And these, Chris just watched silently, and soon, maybe in less than a hundred years, he would be able to endure Eli, the thousands of years in prison had passed, and he was anxious to wait.

half a year.

At this time, Eli has returned to normal daily life, but the materials still have to be used sparingly, not as generous as before, after all, some things are used a little less.

The Tide of the Sea Meditation is worthy of being an intermediate-level meditation. Compared with the basic meditation, the effect is indeed much better, and the speed of meditation is at least two to three times faster.

"It's amazing!" Eli shook his head. This is just one aspect. Eli hasn't started to learn the knowledge left by Nick, so he's not in a hurry anyway.

"Hey, it seems it's time to replenish the magic power." As usual, Eli came to the place where Chris was trapped. At this time, Chris saw that Eli was still silent.

He didn't even bother to say hello to Eli.

Eli didn't bother to pay attention to him, anyway, as long as he boiled him to death.

The bloodline and the secret realm are all his.

"I just don't know what's going on outside." Eli shook his head.

At this time, the outside world.

in the palace.

Anna held a document and sighed.

"Teacher, where have you been?"

Suddenly, the teacher seemed to evaporate, and there was no trace of him.

"Maybe I won't live to see the teacher come back." Ana recalled her life, only to realize that she was 63 years old, and she had been following the teacher for decades.

But the teacher is gone, and the empire has to continue.

She sighed and sent out another document.

Abolish the Imperial Relics Department.

"David, are we really leaving?"

Vivica looked at David and asked.

"Well, Her Royal Highness has told me that this time the teacher may go to a far place and will never come back." David sighed, with respect and nostalgia for the teacher in his heart.

On the other side, Vivica's eyes were already full of tears.

"Why did the teacher leave without saying a word." Vivica said sadly, it was Eli who pulled her out of the abyss, but this person suddenly left.

"Forget it, leave the empire, go to the east, the teacher said that there seems to be other places there, to the real wizarding world, do you want to go with me." David sighed and asked.

"Okay." Vivica wiped her tears and said.

In the 404th year of the Byrne calendar, Vivica and David left King's Landing and headed east. No one knew what kind of future they would have.

It's a pity that Rob died in the secret realm.

416 years of the Byrne calendar.

The death of Queen Anna of the Byrne Empire is a national mourning.

All the inhabitants of King's Landing came out of their homes to mourn the great queen, and with her death the army of demon knights disappeared again, and the method of how to make them disappeared completely.

That's right, when Eli handed the solution to Anna, Anna directly destroyed it.

On this day, Eli also took a day off.

No way, since the imprint of Anna's soul in her consciousness is gone, Eli can naturally guess what happened.

"Twelve years?" Outside the potion field, a special rune flashed in Eli's hand, and a plant on the side slowly began to melt, and a little bit of extraordinary characteristics were extracted.

This is Nick's extraordinary extraction.

The source of the substance can be easily extracted, and it will be at least 40% to 50% better when used to configure the potion.

"You're practicing those useless skills again. It's been thirteen years, how long can you support it." Not far away, Chris sneered with his eyes open.

At this time, his other eye had recovered, and the other wounds were still recovering. At this time, he would occasionally taunt Eli.

"No, at least it will outlive you." Eli returned.

"Haha!" Chris smiled.

When Eli came in, he looked at least forty or fifty years old, and now it is estimated that he is at least fifty or sixty years old, and at most fifty years, he thinks Eli will die.

Fifty years later.

"You guy, you're still alive!" Chris looked at Eli, who was now full of white hair, with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

This old guy is still alive.

"It's not up to you to worry about it." Eli glanced at him.

For fifty years, Eli's only communication was with Chris.

However, Eli's mentality is also good, so there is not much change. If Eli first came across, he would have gone crazy. After all, loneliness is sometimes more terrifying than death.

Eli at this time.

The degree of elementalization has reached the limit of 30, and the spiritual power has reached 45 due to the effect of the blood bamboo flower potion, but unfortunately, due to the limitation of elementalization, the spiritual power cannot be improved.

So at this time, Eli, except for a little meditation every day, is doing research the rest of the time, and even started to teach him in front of Chris how to integrate his blood after his death.

There are also deep-seated things in the study of blood bamboo flowers, and at this time, there has been a small harvest.

It seems that he thinks that there is something very interesting about the blood bamboo flower.

Eli named it the Power of Devouring, which is currently in the research phase.

As for the seed, Eli also felt that he was really speechless. After coming to this secret realm, the seed only spread a dozen centimeters. At this time, it was a small sapling, but the breath was really extraordinary, and it was already a high-level plant with zero ring.

Another thirty years.

Eli sighed, the research on the power of swallowing is very unclear and requires a larger laboratory, but Eli can't satisfy it at present, so he can only save it first and talk about it later.

In fact, this is also normal. It is never easy to do research. It is normal to have no success for decades, and Eli will not be discouraged.

Let's go out later.

"You guy, you're not dead yet!" The same words entered Eli's ears, and Eli turned to look.

Where was Chris trapped, all his injuries had already recovered at this time, but he was in a bad mood because Eli was not dead yet.

Thirty years ago, Eli was already grey-haired. Thirty years later, there was no change, and it was still the same as before.

"But you look like you're going to die!" Eli said to Chris after hearing this.

"Heh, you will definitely die before me." Chris screamed in disdain, but there was a deep puzzlement under the dragon's eyes.

Should not be!

How could a ring wizard live for so long? If it was before, he must be very clear that the life consumption of wizards is much higher than before.

"Forget it, UU read and wait."

"Can I still be boiled to death by him?" Chris said disdainfully.

Another fifty years.

At this time, Eli's knowledge of the first ring has been completely memorized, and all the knowledge left by Nick and Sarin Metatlin has been completely digested. Even the wizard of the second ring can never be better than him. Research on ring wizards is deep.

"When will this old dragon die!" Eli walked to the laboratory window and looked out.

Normally, he should be able to see a large chain of lock rules in the sky in the distance.

But today, in the sky, there is nothing.

Eli was taken aback, as if he understood what was going on.

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