Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 122: 1 way east

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Chris is dead.

Its corpse just fell to the ground, its dark scales absorbed the light, its eyes were closed, and its huge body was like a hill, a dead hill.

Looking at Chris's fallen body, Yin Lai was silent.

One hundred and forty-two years.

He finally boiled the shadow dragon to death.

He once thought that the Shadow Dragon should be crazy when he died, and maybe he would gather all his strength to attack the chain of rules in the future, but when it died, Yin Lai didn't even notice it, and died silently like that.

"The shadow dragon with the fourth ring has a much longer life than normal wizards, and still dies, this is the time!" Yin Lai sighed, and then silently returned to the laboratory.

Since the dragon is dead, the materials cannot be wasted.

Dissecting while it's hot.

Nick said that the Shadow Dragon is the most hidden extraordinary creature, so his body material is not bad, so he also gave his faceless mask and wizard robes an upgrade.

And the most important bloodline, Yin Lai also intends to fuse it.

Guess it will take a while.

"I originally wanted to go out immediately, but I'd better go out after everything is ready." Yin Lai shook his head, he had waited for more than a hundred years, do you still care about these three or two years?

time is with him.

And there is no hurry. At this time, there are only two mental imprints in his mind at this time, David and Vivica, and the others have disappeared. It seems that the two of them should have their own opportunities, but I don't know. what happened.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

in the laboratory.

It was rare for Yin Lai to take down the mask. This mask, which Yin Lai has brought for almost a lifetime, is still only a zero-ring item, and it looks ordinary, just like him.

At this time, on the table in the laboratory, in addition to the mask, is the heart of the shadow dragon.

The huge heart is the size of two basketballs, and the whole body is purple and black. There are dark blood vessels all over it, and a lot of mysterious power or shadow power is entangled.

This is the most powerful thing after the death of Shadow Dragon Chris.

It can only be said that it used to be a powerful creature with four rings, and even Yin Lai was shocked by the power contained in it, but this is indeed very suitable for masks.

The invisible controlling hand slowly held the heart in the air in front of Yin Lai's eyes.

The next second, Yin Lai picked up the experimental knife in his right hand and stabbed it in.

In an instant, the blue-purple heart seemed to explode, and a burst of spiritual force swept around. Yin Lai took a deep breath. The mental shield in his mind was protecting his consciousness, and the laboratory's defense magic array had already been activated. .

Even if it is just a heart, it is not easy to deal with.

The release lasted for three minutes. After the end, Yin Lai stretched out his left hand, and the densely packed warlocks slowly appeared, surrounding the heart, and a translucent shadow was slowly pulled out.

This is what Yin Lai needs, belonging to the extraordinary essence of the shadow dragon, hiding.

Without hesitation, I started work directly and incorporated this directly into the mask.

The process was not difficult, and three hours later, Yin Lai looked at the mask and smiled.

The mask still looks unchanged, but its level is directly raised, and even Yin Lai doesn't understand what level it is.

Because the shadow dragon is the king of shadow, change and concealment, not to mention Chris is a shadow dragon with four rings.

This made the quality of this mask go beyond an unknown number of levels. If Yin Lai wore it, even if it was a true spirit, it would be almost impossible to discover it.

If the Mask of the Faceless was useful in the wizarding world, it is equally useful in the wizarding world now.

Yin Lai put the mask on his face, and the breath on his body dropped rapidly, directly to the level of an apprentice.

"Not bad!" Yin Lai smiled.

The mask thing is solved, then that's the rest.

Yin Lai looked at the huge bucket of Shadow Dragon's blood not far away, and had already thought about how to integrate it.

"Oh, there is also the bloodline of the Shadow Dragon!" The bloodline of Sihuan, even among warlocks, is a very strong existence.

Not to mention the shadow dragon's concealment and ability to control shadows, even if there is no talent for witchcraft, it is destined to be a very strong bloodline, especially in this dilapidated world where high-end wizards and warlocks have already left.

What should the fusion blood vessels do?

A bottle of magic blood medicine, a bottle of hemolysis medicine, and a bloodline.

Yin Lai finally found out from the laboratory. It was configured by him fifty years ago, or in front of the shadow dragon Chris. The scene at that time was very interesting.

It should be Chris's most scolding.

Because blood has always been the direction of Yin Lai's research, Yin Lai also knows what to do.

Five days later.

Integration into the bloodline begins.

With the injection of two bottles of medicine and blood, Yin Lai's body seemed to have something erupting. Large shadows poured out from Yin Lai's body, and then wrapped Yin Lai like a heart and liver.

In his heart, Yin Lai also fell into a deep sleep, accepting everything in his blood.

Puff puff!

For a time, the entire secret territory fell silent again for a while.

one year later.

King's Landing outside the city.

The space suddenly fluctuated, and a young man suddenly walked out of it.

He has a handsome face, black hair, a black and gold ring on his right hand, a purple ring, a gray robe, and his boots, which seem to be made of animal skin.

As soon as he appeared, he glanced at the sky and took a deep breath of fresh air.

"It's finally out!" Yin Lai looked at the unfamiliar forest in front of him and was in a good mood.

After the fusion of blood in the secret realm, Yin Lai also practiced for a few months, integrating the skin of the magic dragon into the magic weapon, so that the magician robe and boots have reached the level of a ring.

After everything was ready, Yin Lai chose it.

However, the place where he came out at this time doesn't seem to be the place he used to be, but a place outside the city of Jun's Landing.

"Let's go back to King's Landing first." Yin Lai took a deep breath, then walked to a large road, called a carriage, and got on the carriage after paying a few copper tardus.

Sitting by the carriage window, Yin Lai looked at the scenery on both sides, not to mention how good he was.

At the same time, he also felt that the imprint of the soul that had never moved in his mind moved.

A large piece of information, which was once unable to transmit information due to space reasons, rushed towards Yin Lai in an instant.

Not David's, but Vivica.

"Teacher, David and I have left King's Landing. We went all the way east and decided to go to the real wizarding world."

"Oh, we've traveled to many cities and countries along the way, but we haven't found them, but recently, we seem to have a clue, as if the wizard camp is still further east."

"Teacher, we found it. We finally found a warlock camp at the end of Corinna Kingdom. It is very difficult to find. It is near the Yueqin Mountains. We decided to go together."

"Well, this is a scattered warlock camp, and David and I decided to get used to it for a while."

"It's very nice here, but unfortunately the teacher isn't here, it's just me and David, and David seems to have made new friends and goes out a lot, so I'm a little scared."

"Hey, David took me to meet his friend, who is actually a wizard. You must know that wizards are strictly prohibited here, and David said that he wanted to be a wizard. I don't think so, and a warlock is also very good!"

"David left, he followed the wizard, and I don't know where he went."

"Hey, maybe this is life. David is just the teacher's student. I can't stop him and I won't report him. It's a pity that the teacher is not here, otherwise he will definitely stop him. After all, he listens to the teacher's words."

"Hey, my God, I accidentally encountered the remains of the three-ringed wind element beast. Damn, this is a great thing for me, I need to integrate into this bloodline."

"I joined the Tower of Bloodline, and it's time for me to leave here."

"Hey, the teacher hasn't replied. It seems that the teacher may really be dead. I'm really sad."

Vivica seems to have taken the branding as a record since she left, reporting the situation to Yin Lai from time to time, and then actually let the two really find the wizard camp.

And it seems that the two had a disagreement, and David left, but Vivica was also lucky to have a good bloodline, an advanced warlock, and left there.

After that, she seemed to realize that the teacher might really be dead and never spoke again.

"Hey, it's so far away!" Yin Lai looked at the messages and sighed a lot.

It took so much effort to find the wizard's camp back then because it wasn't far enough.

And from Vivica's information, Yin Lai also learned more about the warlock camp and had a better understanding of the real warlock world.

The only pity is that many are not clear, Yin Lai does not know.

So what Yin Lai should do next, he should also think about it.

Whether to stay here or go there.

In fact, there is nothing to say. Staying here, Yin Lai's strength can no longer be improved. He should go to the real wizarding world to have a look.

In order to pursue stronger power to protect himself, after all, maybe one day there will be a more advanced warlock here, and it would be too sad to have no power to protect himself at that time.

And for Yin Lai, other places are treasures.

The legacy left by the wizards is still waiting for Yin Lai to take over. Just treat it as old trash and use the remnants of the wizarding world to strengthen yourself. It happens that all the high-level wizards have left. This is the best time.

It's not too much to be an eternal garbage collector.

What's wrong with him, but he just wants to strengthen himself to protect his and the other side.

The carriage has also arrived in King's Landing.

After strolling around Yin Lai and discovering that there are almost no familiar places, and the current king is Byrne X, Yin Lai sighed.

All the way to the imperial mausoleum, Anna's cemetery.

Looking at the tombstone, Yin Lai was silent for a long time.

Put a bunch of freshly bought flowers in front of you and turn away.

This is a farewell.

After saying goodbye, Yin Lai went out of King's Landing all the way.

In an instant, it turned into a shadow and set off into the distance.

All the way east.

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