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All the way east.

Travel to a truly extraordinary world.

Yin Lai's shadow appeared outside his body, and his figure flashed and flickered, but every time he appeared, it was tens of meters away, and there were shadows everywhere, as if jumping in the shadows, heading east.

This is shadow jumping. Yin Lai developed a movement skill based on the ability of the shadow dragon. It is very fast. It must be used in shadowy places. It is best to use it at night.

Speaking of blood.

The integration of the Shadow Dragon bloodline not only made Yin Lai's body outrageous, but also allowed him to initially master the shadow, and master concealment and change. It was really just like what Nick said, a bloodline that was very suitable for Yin Lai.

When the time comes, the shadow dragon's imitation ability, the mask, and the wizard's ability are really not a joke. Even if a true spirit warlock comes, it is absolutely impossible to see through him.

"Hey, after I leave, I may really not come back."

At dusk, Yin Lai took one last look at King's Landing, then turned and left without looking back.

There is nothing he misses here anymore.

half year later.

After a long journey, Yin Lai finally came to the Kingdom of Corinna.

This is one side by the sea and the other side by another mountain range. It is about 20 countries away from the Byrne Empire. Of course, they are all small countries, but they are also very far away.

"Yueqin Mountains."

Yin Lai remembered Vivica's words very clearly.

After inquiring about the location of the Yueqin Mountains, Yin Lai continued to head there, but at this time he was no longer in a hurry. Yin Lai put on another face for himself, covered the witchcraft, and his breath gradually dropped to the third level. Apprentice, and then leisurely walked to a large road.

This is the main road to the Yueqin Mountains.

It should be fifty or sixty kilometers away from there.

"The real world of wizards, no, what is the world of warlocks like?" Yin Lai was really curious.

Apart from his three apprentices, he hadn't really seen any other wizards or sorcerers.

"Hey, did you also go to the Warlock Camp in the Yueqin Mountains?"

Yin Lai was walking on the road, but suddenly, he heard other voices.

Yin Lai turned his head to look, and the oncoming one was a carriage. The carriage was very gorgeous, and there were many guards around the carriage, and there were people in front and back.

But it was not the guards who called him, but the people in the carriage.

A man stretched out his hand by the window and said hello.

"Third-class apprentice!"

Yin Lai was stunned. The man looked to be twenty years old, with a smile on his face, but judging from his breath, he was actually a third-class apprentice.

Dude, was the first wizard he met so outrageous?

Twenty years old is a third-class apprentice. If Yin Lai remembers correctly, he is twenty years old, and he has just become a first-class apprentice for two or three years. It's a bit amazing!

"Yes!" Yin Lai didn't deny it either. Judging from the man's words, he should have gone there too. If possible, Yin Lai might be able to get more information about the camp from him. be thrown off balance.

And there is only a third-class apprentice, and some knights, great knight guards, if it is exposed, they will kill them all, but that should not happen.

"Hey, you're going to the camp too!" Hearing Yin Lai's words, the man's eyes lit up and he got off the carriage.

"I also went there. At this time, you should be the same person as me, let's go together." The man, wearing a simple wizard robe, invited.

"Okay." Yin Lai nodded, the man in front of him was too enthusiastic.

Not at all dangerous anyway.

In this way, Yin Lai followed the man into the carriage.

"Hello, my name is Rock, the third prince of Corinna Kingdom." As soon as he got into the carriage, the man was very enthusiastic.

"Hello, my name is... Herman." After hesitating, Yin Lai changed his name.

"Hey, I thought you were a third-class apprentice, so I brought you here. Judging from your appearance, it should be gathered at the Yueqin Warlock Camp this time." Rock asked with a smile.

"Assembly?" Yin Lai questioned.

"Don't you want to join the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy?" Rock was surprised when he heard the rhetorical question.

He looked at the third-class apprentice in front of him. He looked like he was about thirty years old. Maybe his talent wasn't good enough, but he should be with him.

"No." Yin Lai shook his head.

"Hey, that's it." It seemed that hearing this sentence made the man very disappointed, and the enthusiasm just now decreased a lot, but it was only a few seconds before he asked again:

"Brother Herman, are you going to live in the camp, find someone, or buy something."

"Uh, I came from another kingdom, and I have been studying with the teacher. The teacher didn't tell me anything. The teacher died some time ago, so I left there. I heard that there is a warlock camp near the Yueqin Mountains, so I went to take a look. "Yin said.

He really didn't lie about this. Salin was indeed his teacher to a certain extent, and he had been studying with his notes. He died for five or six hundred years, and then he came out to see and see.

"That's it!" Rock nodded.

"I don't quite understand what you said. Can you explain it to me?" Yin Lai asked with a studious expression, like an apprentice who had never seen the world.

"Okay." Rock looked at Yin Lai and couldn't help feeling pity for him, and said, "Do you want to hear about the camp, or something else?"

"All right, okay?"


Rock nodded and said, "Well, let me tell you about the Yueqin camp first. This should be a medium-sized camp among the nearby warlock forces, and it belongs to the camp of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy."

Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock!

Yin Lai remembered very clearly that it should be the force that Sarin Metatlin provoked back then. I didn't expect it to be here, maybe there are wizard forces here.

"Well, are you going this time?" Yin Lai asked.

"Of course I'm going to join the shadow monitor lizard warlock camp. The upper limit of the shadow monitor lizard is the second ring, and it belongs to the middle and upper Warlock Academy on the entire east coast." Rock replied.

Upper middle class?

Yin Lai blinked, but said nothing.

After all, it's understandable not to know at all, and it would be a bit strange if you didn't know anything at all.

"Oh, what is that set?" Yin Lai asked again.

"Assemble, that is, the Shadow Monitor Lizard Bloodline Academy invites newcomers to join the Wizarding Academy every once in a while. If there is a chance, you can also get the bloodline reward and become a powerful Shadow Monitor Lizard Bloodline Warlock." Rock raised his hand, full of anticipation road.

This time he came to join the academy.

"That's it." Yin Lai nodded, "If I read it right, you should already be a third-class apprentice. Is the academy's threshold so high now?"

"Of course not, but my family members are also from the academy, and he is in charge of the Kingdom of Corona, so I followed him to study at home, and this time I came out to become a real warlock.

After all, you also know that if we don’t integrate bloodlines, we just meditate, learn some bloodline knowledge, do some experiments, and we don’t have much power, and I’m not interested in those zero-ring witchcraft. "

not interested!

It seems that it is really like what Nick said, once the warlocks have begun to abandon the things of the wizards and start to specialize in blood, and naturally they need to learn some witchcraft. It seems that the situation in the current warlock world is even more serious.

But this is better, the wizard's things are not valued, and Yin Lai can get more things.

It was also a good opportunity to meet Nick this time, and Yin Lai also asked as much information as possible.

"Well, I also want to ask, are there any rules in the camp?"

"The rules, it is said that it is an open camp, there will be inspections, unless you want to join there, but the inspections will not be very strict, as long as you follow the rules.

After all, warlocks are affected by blood, but many have a very short temper! "Luoke told Yin Lai some common sense and joked:

"It seems that Brother Heman, your teacher doesn't seem to be very responsible. Otherwise, you can go to the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy with me. Anyway, you have nowhere to go. If you join the academy, you may be able to develop further objects." Rock invited.

In fact, he met Yin Lai just now, and that was his plan.

After all, although he has a ring of elders, after all, he has not been in the academy for a long time and has no acquaintances. The royal family's instinct allows him to know more people and expand his strength. If he can recruit a third-class apprentice here in advance, then Nature is a very good thing.

"Academy of Warlocks?" Yin Lai thought for a moment.

The Warlock Academy is indeed a good place, but it is definitely not something Yin Lai should be worrying about now. He has no knowledge of the Warlock world at all. It is better to spend a few decades in the camp first, and then talk about joining forces.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to go to the camp to have a look first." Yin Lai politely declined.

"Well, that's really a pity." Rock shook his head.

"That's right, you stay in the camp first, and if you need it in the future, you can come to me at any time. So you are also the first apprentice I met when I went out." Rock speaks very well.

"Okay." Yin Lai nodded, no one can tell what will happen in the future, maybe one day he will really go to Rock for help.

"His Royal Highness, it's almost here."

The two were chatting, and suddenly the driver's voice came in from outside.

? ?

Yin came to look like Roque.

"Relax, it's just that the camp does not allow apprentices to bring more than two servants, so we have to go on our own." Afraid that Yin Lai would think too much, Rock explained.

"That's it!" Yin Lai nodded~www.readwn.com~ He thought something was wrong.

The two got out of the car directly. At this time, the place had already left the main road. Yin looked towards the front. The front was an area that was covered by fog, and there was another fog-locked witch formation.

"Let's go." The two big knights behind Rock followed them with two big boxes.

Luo Ke glanced at Yin Lai and shook his head. He was really a poor apprentice. He was so poor that he didn't even have anything to go out.

While the other drivers, including the knights, left, Rock walked side by side with Yin Lai.

The two walked towards the mist.

The fog has little influence on apprentices, just preventing ordinary people from coming in.

ten minutes later.

They came to the camp.

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