Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 127: Potions Department Benefits

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Yin Lai successfully joined the Potions Department.

On the way to the authentication, the fat man was very enthusiastic.

"My name is Rooney, or you can just call me Lu, we will be colleagues in the future." Rooney said enthusiastically.

"Can you tell me about the specific treatment of the Potions Department?" Yin Lai asked.

"Of course, the Potions Department doesn't need you to work for a long time every month, as long as you complete a certain share of the work. Of course, if you feel that you want to get more magic stones, you can naturally." Rooney replied with a smile.

"What about the place?"

"It can be at home or in the department, it's all up to you." Rooney replied.

"Our department's basic salary is ten magic stones a month, no more and no less. If you work harder, or your success rate is a little higher, even 20 or 30 is fine. My potions are average, and only 15 magic stones a month. about."

"Well, that's fine." Yin Lai nodded.

"Oh, and, by joining our potions department, you can view some of the potions knowledge left by the wizards in our department. Although many of them can't understand it, it is still very helpful to us.

It's a pity, who would have thought that once so powerful wizards have now been replaced by warlocks. ' Rooney then sighed.


Yin Lai's eyes lit up. Sure enough, there are still a lot of official resources. Just joining a department has such benefits, which made Yin Lai feel a surprise.

He currently accepts a lot of potions inheritance, but it is definitely not enough. After all, it is only the inheritance of a formal wizard and a sporadic thing.

Unexpectedly, I have only been here for more than a year, and I will start a garbage old life.

For a while, benefits are secondary.

"Oh, there are a lot of internal resources, you can also buy them, and 10% off!" Rooney glanced at Yin Lai and laughed.

At this point, Yin Lai has confirmed that he did not join in vain.

"Okay, here we are." Suddenly, Rooney stopped, and in front of him was a three-story circular building like a Colosseum, neither big nor small.

"Let's go, this is where we usually work." Rooney strode over and put on Yin Lai's shoulder.

A gleam of light flashed in Yin Lai's eyes instantly, and his majestic mental power was instantly tense, and then he realized that Rooney should have no malice and was very weak, so he relaxed.

In other places, Yin Lai might kill Rooney in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Rooney asked, not knowing that he was on the brink of death.

"It's okay." Yin Lai shook his head and followed him in.

As soon as he entered, Yin Lai was overwhelmed by the overwhelming smell of materials.

In the three-story building, Yin Lai stood at the bottom and looked around.

In addition to the first floor that seems to be a lot of office areas and storage areas for materials, the other two floors are one by one room, surrounded by a circle, and the smell of refining magic medicine can be heard inside.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in one of the rooms, the door opened, and a pharmacist came out of it with a bewildered face.

"That's the pharmacist of the department. It looks like something happened." Rooney tilted his head and smiled.

"How many pharmacists are there currently?" Yin Lai asked in confusion.

"It's about thirty people, many of them are at home, you can do whatever you want when you're down." Rooney replied as he walked.

"Here." Suddenly, the two walked to a room, and Rooney stopped.

"Give me your ID card and register it. You will be a permanent resident of the camp in the future, and you will be certified by the Pharmacy Department!" Rooney stretched out his hand, and Yin Lai handed over his ID card.

"Does that mean you don't need a magic stone every month?"

"Nonsense, we have all worked for the camp." Rooney said amusingly, took the token, turned and walked inside.

Soon, Rooney came out again and handed the token to Yin Lai. Yin Lai took it and saw that there was a picture of a medicine bottle on the token, which was the picture of the pharmacy department.

Yin Lai took the token and found that the token had been branded into a small witch formation, which should prove his identity.

"Okay, it's up to you to slowly understand what else is going on. Take it easy and enter the department. As long as you don't go too far, you will generally not be fired. That's why the opportunity to join is so precious."

"Hmm." Yin Lai also understood the positioning of this department, a civil servant from another world!

Rooney then brought Yin to several other places.

Where to store materials, where to put potions knowledge, where to work, where to rest...

Among them, Yin Lai's eyes really lit up when he saw the room where the knowledge of potions was kept, but fortunately he held back and was ready to take a look later.

"Also, go see the minister, she seems to be here today." Rooney said, as if he had remembered something.

"Okay." Yin Lai nodded, he hoped that the leader would not be too troublesome.

The two came to the first floor again, and in front of a gate, Rooney knocked first.

"Come in!"

Rooney opens the door and reminds Yin Lai to go in with him.

Open the door, and inside is a small room, full of the smell of magic plants, with a large table and some common furniture, a woman sitting behind the table.

The woman looks pretty, with reddish eyes and long hair, but all white hair, and two white ears can be seen in the hair.

Rabbit girl?

Yin Lai's first reaction was this, and it took a second to realize that the woman should be a first-order warlock who fused the extraordinary rabbit class.

"Minister Yin Funa, this is a newcomer. I'll bring him to meet you."

"Hello, Minister, my name is Herman." Yin Lai said politely.

"Well, she looks good." Yin Fona glanced at Yin Lai, then nodded.

At this time, Yin Lai's state should be around 30 years old. He used Yin Lai's appearance when he was around 30 years old. He looks very mature and attractive.

Eh! No, is this the first time a minister should say something?

"Ahem, my name is Yin Funa, the head of the potions department of the camp, a bloodline warlock of the giant silver moon rabbit." Yin Funa seemed to realize that she had made a mistake and coughed.

"Relax, Minister, I am a friendly person. As long as you don't violate the rules and regulations of the camp, you can tell me at any time if something goes wrong." Yin Fona said with a smile.

"Thank you, Minister." Yin Lai nodded. It seemed that the Minister was very good at talking, and his life would be easier.

"Well, that's it, I'm going to gamble today... No, I'm going to work, so you should leave first." Yin Funa took another sentence before finishing her sentence.

"Yeah." Yin Lai nodded, it seems that this minister has some characteristics.

If he heard correctly, the last one who didn't say it should be gambling money.

After saying goodbye, Yin Lai and Rooney left, and after leaving, the two walked outside.

"Oh, by the way, don't say a single thing in front of the minister." Rooney said, as if he remembered something.

Yin Lai: ? ?

"Don't say the word lose." Rooney leaned over and said mysteriously.


"You'll know this later." Rooney smiled.

"Let's go, I'll be here today, just come here to work tomorrow, and the materials are also distributed by the camp." Behind the door, Rooney and Yin Lai said goodbye.

"Okay, thank you." Yin Lai expressed his gratitude.

Along the way today, Rooney helped him solve a lot of doubts.

"Small problem!" Rooney didn't care.

Onboarding is over.

The life of a migrant worker begins again.

The potion configuration may be troublesome for ordinary apprentices, but for Yin Lai, it can really be done by sprinkling water. After receiving the materials, Yin Lai successfully completed the share after two or three times.

And after the completion, Yin Lai discovered a benefit.

That is to say, there are damages in the department. After all, they cannot succeed every time, but Yin Lai's success rate is ridiculously high, so all the saved materials have entered Yin Lai's pocket.

The peaceful life goes on again.

Yin Lai went to pick up the materials every few days, and then went to the place where the potion books were stored, which was very rewarding, but Yin Lai didn't get into it, so he still looked at it slowly and not too conspicuous.

And about the word "can't say lose", Yin Lai also understood later.

It turned out that Minister Yin Funa likes to gamble on magic stones very much, but she almost never won, so there is this custom, and even Yin Lai found out that the Minister also has a nickname called Big Fat Rabbit.

Take the bamboo shoots!

This also shows how much Yin Funa can lose and how much she can play, but it is true, Yin Lai can only see Yin Funa occasionally in the department every day, but occasionally sees her in gambling places.

As for why you asked Yin Lai to go to those places, of course it was for entertainment.

Don't think that Warlocks have no entertainment, let alone gambling and normal entertainment, there are places like Liuying Street, and some of them should be remodeled or even integrated into the bloodline. There are many more tricks than the mortal world. Yin Lai is amazed.

With this job, Yin Lai finally settled down here.

He didn't know how long he would stay here. Yin Lai's idea was to raise himself to the limit, for those advanced maps, or to wait until he became stronger.

This is the best place for him right now.

Having the resources and collecting the knowledge of wizards, Yin Lai can only say that it is really great.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Yin Lai stayed at home as usual.

"Is it right here?"

It was night, and the bright moonlight shone down.

Not far from Yin Lai's door, an old man stared at Yin Lai's house.

"Damn, he must have done it. He took my place. Damn, there are fifty magic stones. God **** it."

Fifty magic stones are all his magic stones, UU reading www. was counting on going in and earning it back, but it didn't go in after all, and the magic stone was gone.

This made his life quite bad these days.

So he inquired about Yin Lai's entry.

Without money, he is also getting older, and he really has nowhere to go.

"Third-class apprentice, hum, I'm going to kill you." The old man was a third-class limit apprentice, and there was no hope of promotion.

He glanced at the wall, and then the figure gradually became invisible. He merged the blood of a chameleon, and gradually changed into a color with the environment, and then walked into Yin Lai's house.

Losing everything had already driven him crazy, and he wanted to kill Yin Lai.

"go to hell."

He sneered and climbed over the wall.

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