Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 128: Devouring Power

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at this time.

in secret.

Yin Laizheng closed his eyes tightly, doing his daily meditation work, and beside him, there was a small sapling.

This is the sapling from which the seed sprouted. At this time, it was about one meter five in height, but it had been planted by Yin Lai in the secret realm, and as it grew up, it finally had a little different place.

Around the sapling, the element concentration was obviously a little higher than the surrounding area, about 1.2 times. Yin Lai would often meditate next to him.

After three hours, Yin Lai ended his meditation.

"Hey, it took almost two hundred years to grow to this height, which is outrageous." Looking at the tree, Yin Lai shook his head.

He knew that trees would grow slower, but not so slowly.

I don't know, I thought he was being abused!

After pouring some nutrient solution on the sapling, Yin Lai went to other places in the secret realm.

Potions field.

Large areas of potion fields grow recklessly. These are all planted here by Yin Lai. Most of them are the materials of the Zero Ring, and there are also some of the One Ring Demon Plants that Yin Lai replaced later.

Thanks to Yin Lai being able to grow it by himself, otherwise, he might encounter doubts when he often buys materials in the warlock camp.

It is also his main property.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing here is the blood bamboo flower field in the east.

Compared with more than 100 years ago, the range of blood bamboo flowers at this time is larger, there are as many as several hundred plants, four-fifths are zero rings, and the rest are basically one ring, basically the original Yin To be trapped is to feed yourself out of boredom.

Of course, none of these are important. What matters is the tallest plant in the center.

It is a full two meters high, and it is much more ferocious than before. The flowers in it also have a radius of several tens of centimeters, like piranhas, and the breath is also the highest among them.

This is the one that was first promoted to the first ring. After Yin Lai's startling cultivation, it has reached the advanced level of the first ring, but it is limited by Yin Lai's own ability level and cannot be improved.

But even so, the blood bamboo flowers it provided were enough for Yin Lai to use.

Compared with the slowly growing elementalization process, Yin Lai's mental power is much faster.

Unfortunately, the two restrict each other and cannot improve too much.

"Take your time." Yin Lai shook his head.

He walked into the blood bamboo flower field, and all the blood bamboo flowers let their branches open one after another. This was because they sensed a familiar aura from Yin Lai. He ignored it and walked directly to the central blood bamboo flower.

The tall Blood Bamboo Flower also stretched out its tentacles, wanting to get close to Yin Lai.

Yin Lai's backhand was a big push.

Then directly take off the flower, turn around and leave.

Blood Bamboo Flower:…

Take Hua all the way back to the laboratory. At this time, there is a simple device in the laboratory.

A huge transparent device like a cultivation cabin floated in the air, with complex spiritual runes engraved on both sides, and at this time, a withered blood bamboo flower floated in the cultivation cabin.

This is a device made of materials left by Nick to observe the blood bamboo flowers.

Glancing at the withered blood bamboo flower, Yin Lai shook his head, then turned on the device, took it out, and put in a new one.

Start the device.

The runes on both sides began to shine, and in the next second, a hair-thin element hit the blood bamboo flower, and the blood bamboo flower began to shrink in an instant, and at the same time, a magical fluctuation quickly occurred.

Yin Lai quickly ran to the experimental bench to observe.

In the smashed blood bamboo flower, a trace of black power disappeared in a flash. If you look closely, you can see that it absorbs the blood in the surrounding blood bamboo flower instantly.

This is the unique swallowing power of the Blood Bamboo Flower.

Devour blood, or the power to devour life force.

It's a pity that this fluctuation is only for one second, and it spreads very slowly, which makes Yin Lai unable to observe it at all.

"It's still too bad, I need more money." Yin Lai shook his head.

Doing experiments is another kind of money burner in a way.

What burns is money, and what is gained is experience and knowledge.

But not every time it works.

"Slowly save money, or see if there are other ways." Yin Lai shook his head, different from when he was in Byrne, he was too poor at this time.

Magic stones are much harder to earn than Jintar.

After recording some data, Yin Lai started other normal experiments and studies, constantly reviewing the new knowledge of potions learned these days. Unfortunately, not all of the knowledge base can be viewed, and his authority can only read a part of it.

In this way, the ordinary night was spent in the experiment.

In fact, Yin Lai sleeps for about four hours every day. For normal wizards, this time is enough, and there is no need to waste too much.

The next day, Yin Lai walked out of the laboratory.

I stretched my body, and then I sensed that there was no one outside, and went straight out of the secret realm.

Simply pack up and walk out the door.

"Huh?" As soon as he went out, Yin Lai saw a corpse lying under the thorns of the fence.

Thorns belonged to Byrne before. At this time, he was also trained to the limit of zero ring. He was responsible for looking after Yin's home and nursing the hospital for Yin to match up with the witch formation. If Yin Lai saw the body correctly, it was the old man he kidnapped before.

Needless to say, just by looking at the old man, you can tell what happened.

"How can you trespass into other people's houses!" Yin Lai shook his head, and then began to search for the old man's relics.

Only five magic stones!

"Poor!" After complaining, Yin Lai left the house.

"Herman, are you going to the potions department again?" Victor was standing in front of his house, greeting Yin Lai.

"Yeah." Yin Lai nodded.

"Let's have a drink in the bar at night. I got some good wine this time, brewed with a ring of ingredients." Victor was always enthusiastic.

"Of course." Yin Lai did not refuse.

Ten minutes later, Yin Lai arrived at the Potions Department.

Before entering, I heard a whimper from inside.


Did something happen?

Yin Lai walked in and saw Minister Yin Funa in the center of the hall turning around and walking into a room not far away, and there were many scattered pharmacists in the hall.

"Rooney, what's wrong?" Yin Lai asked when he saw the familiar Rooney.

"Hey, don't mention it." Rooney shook his head when he saw that it was Yin Lai.

"Our potion department has not been doing very well recently, especially the Silent Crescent Potion. Recently, the camp has introduced a new potion from outside, which is 20% better and 10% cheaper.

The main interest of the department is the Silent Crescent Potion, so we have less money in the department recently, so our base salary has been reduced a lot. "Rooney sighed.

"That's it!" Yin Lai was a little numb.

"Is there a solution now?" Yin Lai asked.

"Of course not." Rooney glanced at Yin Lai and said:

"However, a bounty has been issued within the department. If you can improve the potion, or provide a new, cheaper, and more effective potion, then not only can you become a deputy minister, but you can also get one-twentieth of the benefits of the new potion. Thirty years."

Deputy Minister?

"There is still a deputy minister in the department?" Yin Lai was puzzled. He has been here for more than a month, but he has not heard of any deputy minister.

"There should have been, but Minister Yin Funa has been here for five or six years, and it has not been set." Rooney glanced at Yin Lai.

"Forget it, I won't tell you, I haven't finished my mission today." Rooney sighed and turned to leave.

The efficiency of the department is not good, and it affects everyone in the department.

"All right."

Yin Lai shook his head, ready to fetch the materials.

"What, the materials are received at most three times a month." From receiving the materials, Yin Lai became even more numb.

"Herman pharmacist, I'm sorry, it's mainly because it's a little difficult to start directly." An apprentice who sent the materials said apologetically.

"Yes!" Yin Lai waved his hand.

It seems that the business of prostitution materials can't be done.

go home.

Time passed little by little.

And within three months, Yin Lai also knew the specific situation.

It turned out that the new medicine was called Sun Corolla medicine. It was the product of a new force in the manager's cooperation, so it was allowed to enter the market.

But what he didn't seem to think about was that the effect of Sunflower Crown's medicine seemed to be much better than that of Silent Crescent, which made the Potions Department suddenly defeated and fell into an unfavorable environment.

Anyway, in the past three months, the potions of the silent crescent industry have been sold less and less by the potions department, which directly leads to less and less of Yin Lai's life. This is not a good thing, at least what Yin Lai got this month. The money is a third less than last month.

In this regard, several members even resigned directly and joined the shop opposite the sunflower potion, which made the situation in the potions department even more miserable.

Yin Lai had no idea of ​​quitting.

The shop called Sunflower Crown also contacted him, but the monthly tasks given were far more than the current one, and they had to work together, so Yin Lai had no interest at all.

There is only one way for Yin Lai.

He wants to improve the new potion.

In fact, after joining, he found that this group of pharmacists did not conduct research on medicines at all, and used the calibrated and seldom improved.

They had never done any detailed research on the plant like the Moon Corolla, but at that time Yin Lai asked, "Good guy, this potion was actually found by a ring wizard who was caught decades ago.

Since a ring wizard can configure this potion, Yin Lai has no reason not to improve it.

Just kidding, Yin Lai's level is not high in the first ring, but when it comes to potions, there are few first ring wizards who have studied for more than two hundred years. In fact, a first ring warlock can live to two hundred years. There are many, but the wizard can't live more than two hundred at all.

It's time for this group of knowledge-agnostic warlocks to feel a dimensional blow.

Just do it.

After taking time to complete the task for a month, Yin Lai bought a large amount of potions and began to experiment.

For nothing else, just for the one-twentieth profit.

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