Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 129: Improved Potions - Silent Moon Spring

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For Yin Lai, improving the potion was already a familiar path.

Generally speaking, the first step is to analyze the material, but this time Yin Lai did not intend to do so.

Yin Lai's first step was to directly extract the extraordinary elements of the extraordinary materials of all the potions, using the inheritance left by Nick, and then began to directly configure the extraordinary elements according to the potion formula.

Soon, a potion appeared.

After a test, the potion's potency was at least 1.7 times normal.

But Yin Lai is definitely impossible to hand over this, because ordinary pharmacists do not have this knowledge, and it is impossible to configure it to this level. As for handing over the knowledge, it is even more outrageous. Yin Lai just wants to introduce new ones from it. Pharmacy formula.

Each material is destined to have some different and useless things, but if it is configured normally, it may be used, but Yin Lai's direct extraction of extraordinary elements will not.

What Yin Lai has to do is to get rid of those bad ones, and then make a new potion to remove impurities, so that even if it is really handed over to Yin Funa at that time, it will not cause too much impact.

After all, adding and deleting materials directly is a huge difference from changing the proportions slightly. The former will make you instantly attract huge attention, the magic medicine genius, and the latter is just average.


Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

For Yin Lai, the experiment went well.

Soon, he removed some impurities, and the effect of the medicine was slightly improved, but this was not enough, Yin Lai was still working hard.

the other side.

Affected by the Sunflower Crown shop, the Silent Crescent Potion is now almost sold out. After all, there is a better alternative.

The potions department's economy mainly comes from other potions, but its competitiveness is also average, which makes the potions department look bad recently, and the atmosphere is very sluggish.

Yin Funa saw it, but there was nothing she could do.

There are very few warlocks who are good at potions. If they are masters, they are usually among the various major forces. If she wants to change this situation, she can only start from the manager.

But when she went to seek help, she realized that the manager who signed the contract was helpless.

And Yin Lai, this little transparent, naturally no one cares, everyone is thinking about their own way out.

In the blink of an eye, another two months passed.

Inside the secret lab.

Yin Lai took a deep breath as he looked at the potion that had just been made in front of him.

The potion improvement work is finally over.

At this time, there was a new bottle of potion on the table. The potion was different from the light blue of the silent crescent before. This potion was dark blue and looked very similar.

In fact, the two potions were originally one, but the current potions are much simpler than before.

This potion has discarded some materials, such as Silent Crescent Moon. It turned out that all of this plant can be used, but this new bottle can only use the sprouts, which avoids other parts from damaging the potency of the potion.

After Yin Lai's general inspection, the effect of this medicine was 1.4 times that of the previous one, and the maintenance time was also increased from the previous three hours to twelve hours. The only regret is that the cost has not been greatly reduced.

At best, there will be some leftover scraps, but not much.

But Yin Lai already thinks it's okay, after all, it's impossible for everything to be perfect.

He's not at that level yet.

Holding the potion, Yin Lai walked out of the secret realm and prepared to go to the potions department.

"Herman, I heard that there is a problem with your Potions Department." At the door, Victor asked curiously.

"Small question." Yin Lai replied with a smile.

Soon, Yin Lai came to the potions department.

But before entering the door, I saw three familiar pharmacists walking out with things.

"Where are you going?" Yin Lai wondered.

These people are all old people from the Potions Department, why are you ready to leave today?

"Hey, Herman, sorry, we don't want to leave either, but the department's effectiveness is getting worse and worse, and we can't do anything about it." A pharmacist spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Indeed, I can't afford to live. I can only go to the Sunflower Crown. They also need a pharmacist there."

"Or else you can go with us." The three persuaded.

"Then let's go." Yin Lai shook his head and walked three more. At this time, the department estimated that there were only half of the people left. Who would have thought that the department that was hot a year ago would be half left in the blink of an eye.

"Well, then you come on." It was a polite sentence, and the three of them left.

Looking at the backs of the three, Yin Lai shook his head.

It's over when it's over, it doesn't matter.

He glanced at the empty building, then walked towards Yin Fona's office.


In the room, Yin Funa sighed.

This period was the most difficult stage for her to take over the department.

The intervention of Sun Corolla Pharmacy has reduced the department's income by at least half. After removing the department's operations and wages, there is really almost no money, which makes her regret choosing here.

"Lord Phil probably didn't expect this to happen." Yin Fona shook her head.

If it goes on like this, the Sun Corolla of the camp will sooner or later occupy the camp's industry, which is often the case. This kind of small profits but quick turnover is the competitiveness.

But transforming the potion is a long way off. In fact, there is not even a pharmacist in the current camp, which is also related to the disadvantages of the warlock.

Many warlocks will subconsciously choose stronger bloodlines when they choose to advance. These bloodlines have their own attributes. Although they will strengthen some attributes, they will also reduce some aspects.

This makes it difficult for most apprentice pharmacists to prepare some pharmacies after they are promoted. This still does not consider the influence of the mental instability that the bloodline itself may bring.

In fact, this is one of the disadvantages of warlocks.

Once in the wizarding world, potions were originally made by wizards, and warlocks basically did not touch them.

Now, this has become one of the factors limiting the development of warlocks.

"Hey!" Thinking of this, Yin Funa sighed deeply again.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Yin Funa raised her head suspiciously, who would come to him at this time.

"Please come in!"

"Master Minister, I'm Herman." Yin Lai walked in.

"Heman, what's the matter? Why, do you want to leave too?" Yin Funa asked.

In fact, most of the people knocking on the door these days are for this purpose.

"No." Yin Lai shook his head.

"Oh, what's the matter with you?" Yin Funa was even more puzzled.

"I made the improved potion." Yin Lai replied.

"Oh, the improved potion, what did I think,...what, the improved potion!" Yin Funa jumped up suddenly, her two rabbit ears stood up instantly, and her reddish eyes widened.

She stared at Yin Lai, this new member, can he improve the medicine?

"you sure?"


"you sure?"


After confirming it twice, Yin Funa sat on the chair and slowly pulled down her raised ears.

"Then have you brought the potion?" Yin Fona asked.

"Master Minister, this is a potion." Yin Lai took out the potion prepared in advance.

Looking at the dark blue potion, Yin Fona blinked, and then took it over. It seemed normal!

"Forget it, let's test it directly." Yin Fona thought for a while and pulled a bell.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

An old acquaintance walked in, Rooney.

Rooney was at work, but suddenly received a call from Yin Fona and rushed over in a hurry.

"Herman." As soon as he came in, he saw Yin Lai beside him, a little puzzled, what's wrong?

"Rooney, go and test this potion." Facing the doubtful Rooney, Yin Fona didn't give him time to think, and handed the potion to Rooney.

"Okay." Rooney took the potion. Although he was puzzled, he glanced at Herman and walked out.


Next was the waiting time, Yin Funa and Yin Lai were silent.

Yin Funa was anxious in her heart. If it succeeded, it would be a good thing for the Potions Department. If it was a fake, it would be a waste of joy.

Look at the results.

Time passed little by little.

After half an hour.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Yin Funa stood up.

Rooney walked in, but it was different from the previous state. At this time, his face had a ghost-like expression, and the hand holding the potion even trembled.

Before Yin Funa spoke, Rooney said in a trembling voice: "Master Minister, the ingredients of this potion are almost the same as the Silent Crescent Potion. Is this an improved potion?"

"Yeah." Yin Funa glanced at Yin Lai, then nodded.

Yin Lai stood silently by the side and did not speak.

"What's the effect?" Yin Funa asked directly.

"Master Minister, this should be improved by which master you found. The effect of the potion is simply too powerful. The effect of the potion is 1.42 before. What's more outrageous is that the time is also extended by three times." Rooney gasped. , unable to remain calm.

Yin Funa was stunned when she heard the result, and the rabbit ears stood up again.


The medicine is real!

Yin Funa looked at Yin Lai, she couldn't believe that the members recruited a few months ago might actually want to save the Potions Department.

No, you have to ask about the cost. If the cost is too high, it is useless.

"Herman, what is the cost of this potion." Yin Funa looked at Yin Lai seriously.

"It is about the previous and the steps are similar to the previous ones, except that it may be a little more troublesome to process the materials." Yin Lai replied.

Yin Funa closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

If so, then this potion is really the savior of the Pharmacy Department.

When she opened her eyes again, she looked at Yin Lai and said sternly:

"If everything is true, then you will be the deputy head of the Potions Department in the future."

Rooney: …

At this time, Rooney looked stunned, but after hearing the words of the deputy minister, his body instantly stiffened. Looking at Yin Lai on the side, his mouth gradually opened wide.

No way. .

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