Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 130: explosive potion

Herman walked out with a confused look. He couldn't imagine that it was Yin Lai who improved the potion, which was too strong. "Hey, but that's fine, at least the department is saved." Rooney shook his head, looking forward to the next thing. A week passed in the blink of an eye. this day. Without warning, the Potions Department requested some cooperative stores to put on a new potion, Silent Moon Spring. At first, everyone was very reluctant. After all, the Sunflower Corolla Pharmacy has now crowded out a large amount of the market, which makes them also very reluctant. It was difficult, but the department's request could not be refused, and everyone could only ask for a small amount of medicine. Everyone thinks that this is the struggle of the Potions Department. After all, it is not an easy thing to make a potion that surpasses the Sunflower Crown in a short period of time. Suresh Pharmacy. On this day, clerk John looked at the goods in the store boredly, and with a glance, he saw a bottle of Silent Moon Spring that was not for sale next to him. "The price is the same as that of the Silent Crescent, or a little more expensive than the Sun Corolla, and it doesn't tell the specific effect, really." John shook his head. At this moment, someone came in from outside the door. "Lord Chuck, what do you want to buy?" The person John knew was an old customer of their shop and a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a department of the camp, but it does not belong to the camp entirely. He only issues some tasks, and then the favorite warlocks will accept and complete the tasks and get paid. They are generally free warlocks. "A bottle of sunflower potion." Chuck said. "Okay." John smiled and went to pick it up for Chuck, but returned a few minutes later with an apologetic expression: "Sir, I'm sorry, it's sold out, you can go to the pharmacy in the sunflower crown to buy it." "No more. ?" Chuck frowned. "I'm really sorry, sir, you also know how popular this kind of potion is recently, but recently the potions department also has a new potion, the price is the same as before, do you want to try it." John looked apologetic. "Forget it, I'll go somewhere else." Chuck shook his head and prepared to leave. "Chuck, the mission suddenly changed, we have to rush over in half an hour, and the captain called to assemble." Suddenly, a woman ran out of the door and said to Chuck. "What?" Chuck exclaimed, frowned, and turned to John behind him: "Then give me a bottle of that new potion, **** camp, can't the mission give an exact time? ?" "Hmm!" John immediately handed a bottle of Silent Moon Spring to Chuck. John took it directly, didn't even look at it, pretended to be, and then hurried out with the woman. The left John and the woman ran all the way, and soon came to the gate of the camp. At this time, there were already three or four apprentices waiting for them outside the camp. "Captain!" Chuck said as he walked to the leader. "Chuck, Carly, this mission is that a group of human-faced spiders appeared in the distant forest. We need to deal with them and collect their venom glands." The captain said directly. "Let's go now." Soon, the camp's exclusive carriage was pulled over, and the group quickly got on the bus. On the way, everyone was silent. Suddenly, the captain opened his mouth and said to Chuck who was not far away: "Is your medicine ready?" "Ready!" Chuck said carelessly. Knowing that there is no hope of promotion, many apprentices will integrate into the low-level bloodline during the apprenticeship stage. The same is true for Chuck, but he integrates the bloodline of the Explosive Monitor Lizard, which is considered strong in the zero-ring bloodline. The only bad thing is , If the battle is too intense, it will fall into a state of excitement and frenzy, and potions like sedatives are indispensable. "That's fine!" After hearing the exact answer, the captain nodded. Soon, they arrived at their destination, next to a grotto on the edge of a mountain range. "Is it inside?" the captain asked. "Yes." "Let's start then." The captain nodded, then took out a bottle of potion from behind with his right hand, motioned for a few people to avoid, and then threw Peng's into the grotto. hum! Immediately, the stench

The smell came out, and in the grotto, it seemed that something was coming out. The few people who had been hiding for a long time were looking at the cave and waiting. Soon, the purpose of their trip, Warcraft, came out. A human-faced spider with zero ring limit. The huge body is more than one meter high, but the legs are more than two meters long. They are inserted into the ground one by one, shining with dark light, like long knives. "Go!" The captain made a secret signal with his right hand, and everyone started at the same time. In an instant, a group of six shot at the same time. One person took out the witchcraft, and a large piece of vines drilled out from under the spider in an instant, entangling the spider. The Human Face Spider was also confused, but instinctively, he still wanted to break free, his sharp limbs cut off the vines and jumped to the side. But at this time, a fireball of Chuck, who was in ambush on the other side, flew over directly. Peng! The bursting flame made the spider let out a long hiss, and at this time, three other attacks had arrived, a wind blade, an acid jet, and a sound wave attack. Peng! The spider was directly seriously injured. "Everyone pursues the victory and resolves the battle within five minutes." The captain looked at the injured Human Face Spider and said loudly. The battle begins. The human-faced spider retreated steadily under the attack of the six people, and soon retreated to the bottom of the cliff. Just when everyone thought that the battle would go smoothly, suddenly, the spider let out a long hiss, and in the forest in the distance, huge spiders appeared, and at the same time, there were two middle-stage demon spiders. "Damn, doesn't the camp say there is only one?" The captain gritted his teeth, and then immediately said to Chuck who was not far away: "It looks like there will be a long battle, take medicine." The battle is already very difficult, but we can't Let Chuck backstab. "Yeah!" After Chuck heard it, he nodded, and the power of blood was instantly activated. The bursting flame appeared in his hand, and Chuck's eyes were slightly red, but he remained calm. "This potion doesn't seem right!" As usual, at this time, he should feel particularly belligerent, but at this time, it doesn't seem to be so obvious, how can the effect of the potion be better than that of the sunflower crown. Weird. But now is not the time to think about it, let's fight. A large number of human-faced spiders had already rushed over at this time, making bursts of neighs, and the injured zero-ring limit human-faced spiders were also directly sprayed with venom, and everyone ducked. A single spider isn't scary, but a swarm is troublesome. In the spider group, everyone fought with all their strength, and Chuck's side was even more flaming, burning the spiders to death directly. There were many spiders, and the battle continued until the night before it was over. "Damn it, Chuck!" During the battle, the captain seemed to suddenly remember something and turned his head to look at Chuck, because according to normal times, Chuck should be in a state of excitement at this time. But at this time, Chuck still looked very calm. team leader:? ? ? The captain was surprised. What kind of medicine did Chuck take today, and he still found a solution. But when I didn't think about it, I continued to fight. After two hours, the battle was over. Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Chuck smiled, it was too dangerous today. However, when he raised his head, he found that several of his team members were looking at him covered in blood. Chuck blinked and wondered: "What happened?" "Your state." The captain spoke at this time. "My status?" Chuck's brows furrowed, but he immediately stretched out, even with his mouth wide open. "Damn it!" "There is something wrong with this potion, there is definitely something wrong with it." Chuck understood that he could keep calm during such a long battle. . "What's the name of the medicine you bought?" the captain asked. Chuck didn't know either, so he took out the previous potion bottle and showed it. "Silent Moon Spring, produced by the Pharmacy Department." Looking at the words on the potion bottle, everyone fell silent. "What about the price?" the captain asked again, the effect was so good

, it must be expensive. "It's the same as the silent crescent moon before." Silent, everyone was silent After a few seconds, the captain suddenly said: "Quick, after collecting the poison glands, we will return to the camp immediately." "Don't need anything else. ?" A team member looked at the other corpses. "No, you want a ghost. Now we have a huge extra money in front of us. Go back immediately and buy Silent Moon Spring. The price of this potion will definitely increase." The captain said excitedly. Everyone finally understood at this time. So after collecting the poison glands, he quickly returned to the camp. Silent Moon Spring Potion exploded! It really exploded. In just two days, everyone knew that the Pharmacy Department had improved the potion, and the effect was very good. Not only the effect is 1.4 times the previous one, but the duration is 3 times longer, and more importantly, the price is the same as the previous silent crescent moon, which is simply conscience. As for the Sun Corolla Pharmacy, although it is not bad, it is still a lot worse than it. You are not fools. Although it is slightly cheaper, the effect is really bad, and they have become customers of the Pharmacy Department again. As for the Sun Corolla Pharmacy, sales plummeted. When asked about the reformers, the Pharmacy Department stated that it was jointly transformed by the Pharmacy Department, but one of them, Herman, played a certain role. This made Herman a little famous to a certain extent, but the operation of the Pharmacy Department also greatly reduced it, and the main firepower was all taken away by Minister Yin Funa. And Yin Lai also smiled after knowing this. The benefit is greater than the cost. And he is also a wizard of the first ring. Although he is currently hidden as an apprentice of the zero ring, there are few who can crush Yin Lai in this camp, which is why he dares to do it. One-twentieth of the benefits, and the right to view the potions department's formula. Yin Lai felt that this was enough for him to digest for a long time. There is still a lot to dig in this camp. Take your time, don't rush.

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