Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 131: laid-back deputy minister

Just as Yin Lai waited patiently, some people were not very calm.

Sunflower crown.

"Who can tell me what's going on with this potion!" An old man held Silent Moon Spring in his right hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Boss, we don't know either. It seems that they developed it suddenly, and we have no news at all." A man looked confused.

"Damn, there are only a few people left in this group of potions department, and they actually made a mess." The old man sighed, and then asked again: "Then how is the sales of our potions currently?"

"Except for the sales of Sun Corolla Pharmacy, which has almost halved, others have also been affected to varying degrees, and this impact will gradually increase over time." The man sighed and replied.

"Is that so?" The old man was a little unwilling.

"Have you checked that Herman?"

"I checked, but there is no news, it looks very ordinary, but I still sent someone to contact him, but he has not known where he is recently, and he can't find it at all." The man sighed.


The old man seemed to want to say something, but in the end it all turned into a sigh.

At this point, there is no benefit at all in dealing with Yin Lai, and they will not do this meaningless thing, mainly because they are too unwilling.

After half an hourglass, he said again: "What if I want to improve the Sunflower Corona Potion?"

"It may be difficult, there are very few masters of pharmacy." He shook his head.

"Forget it, it seems that there are capable people here." The old man shook his head and said.

"You go first."

"it is good!"

at the same time.

In the camp, the most central building, in a room.

"What, the Potions Department developed it by itself?" A man's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

He is the current head of the camp, Kratos, the second-ring shadow monitor lizard bloodline warlock. Originally this time, he wanted to introduce a chamber of commerce to increase the vitality of the camp, but it seemed to be counterproductive. The foreign invasion severely hit the camp's industry, but made him industries have been affected.

How could he endure this? He immediately found a magician who was good at potions and wanted to improve the potion, but there was no progress yet.

"Not bad."

Kratos laughed, which saved a fortune.

With a big wave of his hand, he said, "Tell the pharmacist that he is no longer needed, and there is still one more ring, but that's all."

"Yes!" The reporter turned to leave.

"Minister Yin Funa, really, we really love the department."

In Yin Funa's office, the three apprentices bent over and smiled flatteringly.

They were one of the apprentices who left without mercy.

"I heard that the benefits on the side of the Sunflower Crown are also good!" Yin Funa looked like she was in a good mood with Erlang's legs up and her ears up and down.

The three apprentices were a little speechless, because as the profits of the Sunflower Crown decreased, they began to lay off people, and they were the first batch to be discarded.

This is not without work, so he licked his face and returned.

"You can go back, but there is one condition." Suddenly, Yin Funa said with a smile.

"Sir Minister, you said." Their eyes lit up, and there was still drama.

"That means you will have no salary in the future." Yin Funa said with a smile.

"Minister, stop joking." The corners of the apprentices' mouths twitched.

"It was you who joked with me first, who gave you the courage to stand in front of me." Yin Funa suddenly changed her face, her rabbit ears pricked up, and at the same time, the aura belonging to a ring of warlocks came out.

The three apprentices shivered suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

Yes, Yin Funa is a one-ring warlock, they must be crazy.

"Naturally, you have your own reasons for quitting. I don't want to hear it. If you leave, don't think about coming back. I don't care about the others, but if you three, if any chamber of commerce dares to ask for it, I will make them look good." Yin Funa was also angry. .


The three apprentices were already extremely regretful at this time, but they did not dare to say more, and then left quickly.

On the way out, they met Yin Lai who just arrived.

Same encounter, same location.

But at this time Yin Lai looked very good, but the three of them looked very embarrassed.

Yin Lai ignored the three and walked directly inside.

He came to see Minister Yin Fu Na today.

Knock lightly on the door.

"Come in!"

Yin Lai walked in and saw Yin Funa who had recovered. She glanced at it and said with a smile, "It's Yin Lai, sit down."

"You have helped a lot this time, don't worry, one-twentieth of the benefits will not be lost to you." Yin Funa assured.

One twentieth is really a huge profit.

If it is put on a bottle, it is not much, but if it is a department, how can it give Yin Lai a profit of dozens of magic stones a month, which is enough to make Yin Lai live a good life.

"Well." Yin Lai is for this today.

"Well, there is also the Deputy Minister, this is your new token." Then Yin Funa took out a new token, which was also engraved with the logo of the Potions Department, but the material was completely different from the previous one.

With this, Yin Lai reluctantly entered the power level here.

"There are other rights, you know it yourself, such as checking the potion formula, working less, and you can usually apply for materials from the department, or housing, etc." Yin Fona explained to Yin Lai one by one.

Yin Lai also listened silently.

"Well, that's all. The reason why there is no deputy minister is that our department has almost no work. Generally speaking, managers are in charge of transactions, so it is actually very leisurely." After explaining, Yin Funa said easily.

The fact is, if she is really busy, Yin Funa doesn't have time to gamble often.

"I'll take you to gamble today, but it's fun." Yin Funa smiled, looking really good.

"Sorry, Minister, let's forget it, I still have something to do today."

"Then tomorrow?"

"There will be something to do tomorrow."

"It's worth it, forget it, I'll go by myself."

In the end, Yin Lai rejected Yin Funa.

After all, it's okay to follow a one-ring warlock to gamble for money, and I still don't know what will happen. Although Yin Lai's gambling skills are good, let's forget it, and that's fine.

Just become a deputy minister, so don't be too ostentatious.

This is his years of experience.

If it weren't for this opportunity, Yin Lai wouldn't even take the initiative to improve the potion, and he would be much more stable in the future. The first step is often the most troublesome.

Saying goodbye to Yin Funa, Yin Lai returned home.

From today onwards, his wallet will be much richer, and it is time to start slowly collecting the wizard's things, and slowly modifying the experimental device to study the power of devouring.

And most importantly, grow slowly.

Yin Lai has never forgotten that strength is the foundation of everything, and there is no strength. If one day he is really exposed, he also hopes to have enough strength to protect eternal life.

Yin Lai returned home all the way.

After quickly finishing today's work, he began to continue to do experiments, just like he was in the library back then, and he also expected that such days would continue forever.

When I came out the next day.

Yin Lai found an extra letter in the mailbox.

At first glance, it seemed to be the sunflower crown, and Yin Lai opened it.

"Dear Herman.

I'm Lai Yin, the owner of the Sunflower Crown Store. I would like to invite you to discuss at Silver Moon Restaurant at 6 o'clock this evening. Please rest assured that no third person will know. "

It turned out to be the person in charge of the Sunflower Crown Chamber of Commerce. Yin Lai thought about it and threw him directly into the secret realm.

It is impossible to go. Anyway, he has inquired about it. The person in charge is also an old man with zero ring limit. If he wants to do something, Yin Lai doesn't mind hitting him directly, it's very relaxed.

In this camp, with Yin Lai's strength, there is still a certain guarantee, at least it is much better than accepting Rock's invitation to go to the Shadow Monitor Lizard Academy together.

After finishing the letter, Yin Lai was about to leave, the door on the side opened, and Victor saw Yin Lai.

"Congratulations, I heard that you became the deputy head of the Potions Department, congratulations." Victor said with a smile.

"Thank you." Yin Lai nodded.

"Yin Lai, it's like this, I need some medicine, can it be cheaper?" Victor asked, seeming to have been waiting for Yin Lai for a long time.

"Of course." Yin Lai nodded.

In the Potions Department, many potions can be purchased at a discount, and Yin Lai, as the Deputy Minister can even take away a batch of potions at the original price, of course, the quantity should not be too much.

Victor and Yin Lai have a good relationship, so naturally he will not refuse.

"Thank you, it's not much." Victor knew what to do and handed Yin Lai a list with a smile.

Yin took a look.

Antidote Potion, Axix Shield Potion, Heal Potion…

Most of these medicines should be brought out only when going out. How could Victor need it, but this is Victor's business, and Yin Lai will not pay attention to it.

Putting away the list, Yin Lai set off towards the camp.

Soon, Yin Lai felt the difference of becoming a deputy minister.

The apprentices who used to be at the entrance of the camp would not greet him when they saw him, but at this time they made him slow down on the road. When entering the department, some pharmacists who were not familiar with him would also take the initiative to say hello.

This is the change of status. Of course, after going through everything by Byrne, Yin Lai has been very peaceful about it all, just working the same as before.

Seeing that Yin Lai hadn't intervened too much, the people from the Potions Department were relieved, that's the best way.

And just like that, a peaceful life begins again.

In addition to work every day, Yin Lai often goes to the Potions Department where wizard books are kept, and has also learned a lot of new skills and methods, which has improved Yin Lai's potions skills again. At least in the Potions Department, Yin Lai feels that His potion skills should already be top notch.

Yin Lai also bought the potion and gave it to Victor. Yin Lai didn't ask him what he was going to do, but in recent days, he often saw Victor going out, as if he was looking for someone.

In this regard, Yin Lai just shook his head, it seems that Victor should have encountered something, otherwise he would not be so busy at ordinary times, but he didn't care, it was Victor's own business.

a month later.

Victor is out.

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