Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 132: Dark Wizard Ruins

It's been a month since I saw Victor again. This evening. Yin Lai had just returned from the Potions Department, had just walked to the mountain where the house was located, had just walked near the door, and then saw Victor lying outside the door next to him. "I knew something must have happened." Yin Lai's eyes widened and he walked over quickly. At this time, Victor's eyes were closed, his lips were a little black, and his mental state seemed a little sluggish, he seemed to be seriously injured, and he didn't know what he had experienced. After checking for a few minutes and confirming that there was nothing else on Victor's body, Yin Lai helped him back to his home and took a ring of healing potion. After all, this is also a friend, and a little help is nothing. Of course, his help was limited to that. After treating him, Yin Lai returned to the yard to water the vines. Cough cough! Half an hour later, there was a sudden coughing sound from the door. Yin Lai turned and looked back, Victor woke up on the bed in the door. Cough cough! Victor coughed and opened his eyes with a pained expression, seeing an unfamiliar place. "Where is this place?" Victor frowned. He remembered that he was seriously injured and wanted to go home, but fell down at the door of his house. At this moment, Yin Lai walked in. "Herman." Seeing Yin Lai, Victor naturally understood what happened. "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I might have lost everything in my body." Victor thanked him, sensing that there was no shortage of things in his body. "Small question, we are friends." Yin Lai shook his head. "Well, thank you anyway." Victor coughed twice and said with difficulty. "Well, I haven't seen you for more than a month, it looks like you must have experienced something." Looking at Victor, Yin Lai asked. "Hey, don't mention it." Victor sighed, but didn't say anything. "I should have taken the potion. I will give it back to you when the time comes, and you can rest assured that my injury has nothing to do with other warlocks and will not cause you trouble." Victor seemed unwilling to give the answer. , got up to leave. "Well, then be careful." Yin Lai nodded. He has so many secrets, how can he force others to tell his story, and what happened to Victor has nothing to do with him. "It's mainly because I'm also in a mess. If I have a chance, I'll tell you what happened." Victor got out of bed and walked towards the door. Yin Lai closed the house and entered the secret realm as if nothing had happened. It's been half a year. In the past six months, a lot of things have happened. For example, the direct sales of Sun Corolla has plummeted due to Silent Moon Spring, and they not only did not choose to leave, but chose to cooperate with the potions department and join the camp. This step Yin Lai can only say is that the world is bustling, all for the benefit, and the world is busy, all for the benefit. And Yin Lai was unknown in this process. Except for Yin Funa and Rooney, everyone else still thought that Yin Lai played a key role in the transformation of the potion, and they didn't know that it was Yin Lai who transformed the potion. Even on the day of the cooperation, Yin Lai met the owner of the Sunflower Crown shop. The two shook hands amicably, and even offered to cooperate in person, but Yin Lai politely refused. "Hey, I thought the normal script would be that the shop owner sent someone to kill me!" At that time, Yin Lai thought the thought in his head was funny. In fact, according to the external news, it was the department that transformed the potion under the leadership of Yin Funa. Only Yin Funa knew what the potion was, so naturally, she would not attack Yin Lai thankfully. There may have been some ideas before, but after the cooperation, the idea is completely nonsense. Therefore, although Yin Lai has become the management, he is still a little transparent, but he is very satisfied. And Rock, this guy also sent a letter to Yin Lai, telling him that he had joined the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy, and that a second-ring warlock had accepted him as a student. Yin Lai wrote back to express his blessings. After everything was over, another half month passed. Victor finds Yin Lai. "You mean, you want to invite me to join you

's adventure. "Yin Lai asked with a puzzled face. "Yes." Victor nodded, and then said: "Actually, when I went out more than half a year ago, a friend of mine stumbled upon the remains of a small school of dark wizards and wizards and invited me to explore together. As a result, due to insufficient preparation half a year ago, we not only It failed, and the losses were heavy. "After half a year of cultivation, we were ready again, but we were missing a pharmacist, so we found you. "Victor said sincerely. Hearing this, Yin Lai frowned and asked suspiciously, "Victor, how could you be involved in this kind of thing." "Victor was not like this before." My grandson is about to break through, but there are still a lot of magic stones. Although most of the wizard ruins are worthless, there are still good things occasionally. I need magic stones. "Victor looked sincere. "Help me, Yin Lai." "Victor knew that Yin Lai's potions level was very high." Ruins? "Yin Lai thought about it and asked, "What configuration do you have? "At present, there are six people in total, a newly promoted first-ring warlock, five zero-ring apprentices, plus you, there are seven people, don't worry, it is very stable, nothing will happen. "Victor said, "I'm sorry, I refuse. "After thinking about it, Yin Lai still refuses. Ruins or something, it is very dangerous to hear. He was like that last time, and he was almost affected. If there is another accident this time, Yin Lai doesn't want it. Take it. "That's it! "Victor sighed. "However, I can provide you with potions, on the condition that what you get back from the ruins, I can participate in it, of course I will pay money. Yin Lai said. The ruins may not be involved, but Yin Lai is a little jealous of the wizard knowledge in the ruins. "Is that so? "Victor hesitated after hearing this, and then said: "Yes, but I have to ask the team leader, maybe we have to meet." ""sure. Yin Lai nodded happily. As long as he doesn't go directly, he can do whatever he wants. Three days later. In a bar, Yin Lai met Victor's team leader. It was a man with red hair, but he looked very old, Tong The color is blue, and the body is exuding a slightly scorching aura, it seems that the blood in the body cannot be fully controlled not long after the promotion. "Hello, Herman. "Hi, my name is Gino, and I know you, Deputy Head of the Potions Department. Gino looked at Yin Lai and said with a smile. "Let's talk inside, everyone else is still waiting." Victor on the side looked at the atmosphere and said with a smile. Yin Lai was brought by him. If the cooperation is successful, he can get an extra copy. "Okay. The two walked into the room on the side together, and there were five other people waiting in it. Yin Lai glanced at it, and they were indeed apprentices. "Let's talk, I heard that you want to participate in it, but you don't Go to the ruins, but want to participate in the division. Gino sat on the main seat with his signature smile, but Yin Lai felt it was fake. "Well, but I will provide all of your potions, and if everyone knows, most of the wizard's things are useless to the warlock." Yes, you should sell them when the time comes. I can buy them at the market price, and I can also buy knowledge-based things. Yin Lai Chen Ken replied. In fact, his purpose is to participate in the purchase first-hand. To buy those "useless knowledge" for warlocks. "That's it!" "Other apprentices were angry when they heard it at first, but after hearing about Yin Lai's contribution, they seemed to think it was quite reasonable. After all, they didn't lose anything, and they even bought potions for nothing. "Is that so? Gino thought about it for a while, and was also a little moved, but he still tried to invite: "Well, if you join in, I can give you a little more from my share." "A pharmacist is sometimes very important in expeditions. Because of some poisonous mist or some abnormal conditions, targeted medicines need to be made on the spot. "I'm sorry, I'm just a pharmacist. Perfect for me, but I can put the potion

The best batch of potions for you, these potions are enough for you. Yin Lai gave a positive answer again. It is impossible to You can sit in the camp and fish for fish. Gino frowned, then stood up and stretched out towards Yin Lai a few minutes later. Hand: "Pleasant cooperation. ""It's a pleasure to work with. "In this way, Yin Lai obtained the right to purchase and view the spoils in advance after the exploration of the ruins at the price of providing the potion. It seemed that he was losing money, but Yin Lai felt that he had made a profit. He made a rough estimate, and the potion was based on The price on the market should be close to 200 low-quality magic stones. According to the cost, there are 70 magic stones, which is only equivalent to the money Yin Lai shared from Silent Moon Spring for two months. Therefore, Yin Lai only spent two Months of money, and then eliminates the risk of possible ruins exploration, as for the purchase later. It is a bit of a loss from the perspective of Victor, Gino and others, but from the perspective of an immortal, Not only is there no loss, but there may be a small profit. You may make a small profit, but I will never lose. Farewell to Gino, Yin Lai and Vic return. "Herman, if I have a problem, you will help me when the time comes. Money sent to my grandson who is a student at the Shadow Monitor Wizarding Academy, contact details are. On the way, Victor said suddenly. "Relax, you'll be fine." "No, Herman, I'm serious, I'm not young anymore, my son died many years ago, there will only be such a grandson, he has difficulty advancing to the first stage, I can't help this. "Victor said with such a stern face. "I have already told everyone else that if I really have an accident, you can ask them directly. ""Okay, okay, I promise you. Yin Lai agreed. "Thank you, Herman." Victor thanked him. Half a month later, Victor and the others set off with Yin Lai's potion, targeting the ruins of the dark wizard. Yin Lai watched the group leave. Yin Lai didn't know how it was going, but A month later, he received the news that Gino and others had returned.

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