Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 133: Relic Harvest

"We have returned, and we are currently dividing things up at my house. You can come here and bring enough magic stones. The address is house 386."

Looking at the letter written by Gino, Yin Lai was a little happy.

"It seems that the exploration of the ruins should be completed, but I don't know what to gain. I don't seem to know much about the witchcraft that dark wizards are good at." Yin Lai thought with interest.

As far as the knowledge he got from Sarin and Nick, it should be mainly based on elemental witchcraft, which is inherited from the white wizards who used to be in the wizarding world.

According to Yin Lai's understanding of this place these days, the area where Yin Lai is currently located should be the area near the Kleins Mountains, but in the former wizarding world, this place was called the West Coast, where dark wizards gathered.

Therefore, there are a lot of dark wizards here, which is why Yin Lai is so looking forward to it.

"With more magic stones, it seems that I have gained a lot."

Yin Lai checked and found that he still has more than 300 magic stones, which is still a large amount of profit after deducting the total number of magic stones that supported them before.

It can only be said that Yin Lai underestimated the demand for Silent Moon Spring in a camp.

With the magic stone, Yin Lai set off.

Gino was in a relatively remote residential area, far away from the camp. After about twenty minutes, Yin Lai arrived at the target area.

Behind a big tree, Yin Lai stopped.

After all, it's Gino's territory, so be careful.

A little shadow gradually appeared in Yin Lai's palm. In the shadow, a translucent eye gradually appeared, and then fled towards the distance, the goal was Gino's yard.

A ring of self-created witchcraft - Eye of Shadow.

A sorcery with shadow as its main body and spiritual power as its main body, it can create eyes that have been hidden in the dark, and pass the eyes to Yin Lai.

It is also one of the uses of the Shadow Dragon bloodline.

Be cautious.

Soon, the eye of shadow jumped along the shadow, and soon came to the outside of Gino's house, looked at the high wall, and moved his eyes directly to another big tree not far away.


Everything in the house yard came into Yin Lai's sight.

Gino stood in the center with scars on his face. Not far away stood two people, both of whom were the apprentices he had seen before, who were also injured. On the side of the yard, there were a lot of things piled up, it looked like they were them. harvest.

"Where's Victor?"

There was nothing wrong in the yard, but Yin Lai didn't see Victor.

It won't happen, will it?

Yin Lai blinked, and then the shadow suddenly collapsed.

Since there are no ambush and traps, let's go in, and what can a newly promoted first-ring warlock do.

When he walked to Gino's door, Yin Lai knocked on the door.

"The door is unlocked!"

Yin Lai pushed open the door and walked in.

"Are you injured? What happened?" Yin Lai looked surprised when he saw this scene.

"Herman, you're here!" Seeing Yin Lai's expression, Gino's face immediately pulled down, showing a sad expression, and said, "Victor is dead."


Yin Lai was stunned for a second. He was surprised to see Victor's absence just now. It seemed that he was really gone.

"Then the other three apprentices are also dead?" Yin Lai asked again.

"Yeah!" Gino nodded, regretting: "There have been many accidents in the ruins, you don't know how dangerous it is, there is a powerful ring of extreme undead inside the ruins, if it weren't for Victor's introduction We couldn't even get out after he left, and we never saw him again, and it looked like he was dead too."

"That's it." Yin Lai shook his head, not to mention sadness, just a little regret.

Having gone through everything of Byrne, the separation of life and death is no longer so important to Yin Lai, and he knows that the ruins may be in trouble, and this evil spirit with different limits, even him, may encounter danger. .

Still, be cautious.

"Well, I called you here today, there are two things in total. One is that according to our previous contract, you can give priority to buying these dark wizard relics, and the other is what was promised before. The reason why Victor agreed to lead the evil spirits away , just for a fleshy flower." Then Gino spoke again, stepping aside to show what was behind him.

"These are all things, let me make a classification."

"There are a total of seven things of value, four of them are former witches, one is a ring, three are zero rings, and the one is a pendant that can send out a mental shock. I will not say about the zero ring. always sold.

There is another one that is ten grams of elemental crystals, and it is also something of a wizard, which is useless, one is a sophisticated observation instrument, and the last is a low-quality magic stone of more than 100. "

Gino took out the piled up valuable items and displayed them one by one, while the others were left in place. There seemed to be books or something underneath, as if he didn't care.

After Yin Lai heard it, he was quite interested to be honest, but he was most interested in a ring of witchcraft, elemental crystals, books and instruments.

Needless to say, wizards are definitely good, but elemental crystals are really good things. This thing can greatly increase the speed of wizards' elementalization. It is one of the things wizards need very much, but it is complicated to make. very.

There is also the last book, although I don't know what it is, as long as it is a wizard, he is interested in it, and there are instruments, which may be helpful to his experiments.

"What do you want? Say it, but I'm going to keep this ring of witchcraft. The rest are useless to us and I'm going to sell it." Gino asked.

Well, witchcraft can be used by sorcerers after all.

"Then I want this crystallization, as well as the instruments. Oh, I'm studying the magic potion knowledge of wizards these days, and I have encountered a lot of difficulties. I will also brand a copy of those books, maybe they can give me some inspiration." Yin Laisuo thought For a moment, said.

Hearing that Yin Lai wanted something useless, Gino nodded.

"Well, although we can't use the elemental crystals, their value is not low. The market price is ten magic stones per gram, and there are instruments. This may be used by your pharmacist, but the precision is quite good. A magic stone, the last book, garbage, you can copy it as you like, as long as you don't spread it out." Gino thought for a while and gave the price.

Hearing Gino's words, Yin Lai's mouth twitched, he wanted to hit someone.

What is garbage? That's called knowledge. If you put it in the wizarding period, you are lucky if you don't get beaten for this kind of behavior.

"Okay, a total of 150 magic stones." But Yin Lai was fine, but he was a little upset.

"Well, that's it, take these away." Nick saw the magic stone's eyes lit up and put it away.

Yin Lai took the bottle containing the elemental crystals, took away the small observation instrument, and then took out all the books, and then prepared to start branding.

On the other hand, Gino began to distribute items to the two wizard apprentices. The two of them took about 40 magic stones each, but if Yin Lai was right in his estimation, the remaining items were also worth 300 or 400 magic stones, especially A ring of witchcraft.

Yin Lai didn't say anything, capitalists exist everywhere.

While flipping through the branding, Yin Lai quickly learned that these books were about necromancer sorcery.

That's right, it is black witchcraft based on the manufacture of bones and the manufacture of undead. The representative is the natural disaster of the undead, one of the famous wonders of the wizarding world. It is a very characteristic black witchcraft system.

Yin Lai is also very happy, this is the knowledge of witchcraft he has never been exposed to.

In his heart, the value of this data has surpassed everything here, but unfortunately some people do not know the goods.

Soon, half an hour later, Yin Lai was finished.

Packed everything up, then looked at Gino, and asked, "My things have all been disposed of."

"Well, then I won't send it." Gino said generously.

"Uh, what about Victor's fleshy flowers?" Yin Lai didn't forget that this was also what he promised Victor.

"Meat flower, or I'll give it to you tomorrow, it's not very convenient today." Gino began to shirk.

"No, just today, I have something to do tomorrow." Yin Lai refused.

In fact, carnivorous flowers are not simple things. With some means, this thing can make human cells regenerate new limbs. It is a very precious material.

Even if it is a zero ring, the value of seventy or eighty magic stones is very easy, but Gino can't be lost.

"Okay then." Gino smiled awkwardly, then returned to the house and took out a small box, which was a little inconvenient.

When the box was opened, there was a blood-colored plant that looked like Ganoderma lucidum.

No wonder Gino was reluctant to give up, to know that a ring of fleshy flowers can be used even by a ring of warlocks, which is enough to explain its value, generally at least 500 low-grade magic stones.

Yin Lai was stunned when he saw that it was a ring, no wonder...

But Yin Lai had no idea. When the time comes, he will sell it and send it to Victor's grandson. Since he agreed, he will not break his promise, just a fleshy flower.

"Here." Gino closed his eyes and hesitated.

Although this was obtained by Victor desperately, Gino still subconsciously regarded it as his own. There were hundreds of magic stones. He had just advanced, and it was when he needed money.


A few seconds later, Gino seemed to remember something and handed it to Yin Lai.

Yin Lai took the and brought his own things, and was about to leave. The other two apprentices also left. At the door, the three moved in different directions.


Gino looked at the backs of the three, and then locked onto Yin Lai's figure.

He hesitated for a moment, then sneaked up.

He didn't want to do this either, but who made the value of the meat planting flowers too high, he really didn't want to give up just like that. The promotion spent all his savings, and he was very short of money now.

"I'm very euphemistic, can't you be more interesting?"

"As an apprentice, if you don't look down on me as a one-ring warlock, you should teach him a lesson. That's right, that's it."

Gino's will gradually became firmer, and his eyes gradually became fierce.

Apprentice and Warlock are two stages.

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