Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 134: unexpected person

Because Gino's address was relatively remote and far from the camp, there was no one else except Yin Lai on the way to the camp. The other two apprentices took other paths.

"Necromancer sorcery, it's interesting." Walking on the road, Yin Lai was thinking about the new knowledge he had acquired.

After all, it only cost a little money, which is really worth it.

However, when Yin Lai walked around a corner, his pace suddenly stopped for a moment, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

In perception, Gino's figure is getting closer and closer to Yin Lai.

"Hey, it looks like he is going to kill people and steal money. Why do you even care about the property that the old man gave to his grandson?" Yin Lai sighed and walked towards the path.

There is no doubt that the moment Gino appeared, he was already Yin Lai's enemy and had no other choice.

As for why he was sure that Gino was in a bad mood, Yin Lai had never seen anyone chasing someone and hiding his figure. His mind was very clear.

Not far at this time.

Gino looked at Yin Lai's figure and walked into the path, and also showed a grin.

This is just right, the path is more hidden.

Seeing that there was no one else around, he walked directly towards the path, but soon, he found that Yin Lai's route had deviate from the path, and was walking towards the mountain forest.

"Has it been discovered?" Gino wondered, "Forget it, it's better this way, it's more hidden outside."

In his consciousness, he was crushing Yin Lai, he was a first-ring warlock, and Yin Lai was only an apprentice of the zero-ring, and he was not a latitude at all.

As he chased, he was getting closer and closer to Yin Lai.

Soon, he stopped in front of a valley, and Yin Lai was inside.

He strode directly into the valley, and then, when he walked into the valley, he suddenly felt that the entrances behind him appeared one by one, instantly blocking the valley, and Yin Lai's figure also appeared not far away.

"This is?" Gino ignored Yinlai, but looked at the rune behind him curiously.

"This can hide the fluctuations here, and there will be no sound coming out." Not far away, Yin Lai replied.

"Is that so? That's even better?" Gino was not surprised but happy, looking at Yin Lai with a sinister smile.

By now, he was too lazy to pretend.

"Give me the blood plants."

"No, this is Victor's property left for his grandson. I have already agreed." Yin Lai shook his head and refused.

"Then die."

Gino didn't talk nonsense at all, the power of the blood was aroused, and a trace of flames wrapped around him, while the skin grew fluffy and rushed towards Yin Lai.

This is the bloodline he merged into, a ring of lava fire lions.

When Yin Lai saw this scene, large shadows poured out from his body, and the child's hole gradually turned into a golden vertical child. There were also looming scales on the outside of the skin, and an icy feeling instantly radiated.

Since he was integrated into the bloodline, he has not fought yet. Today, the newly promoted Gino is just right.

And Gino, who was charging at this time, also widened his eyes at this time, because at this time, he felt this terrifying sense of oppression and extreme sense of danger from Yin Lai.

can not fight!


Gino didn't know why Yin Lai in front of him became so terrifying and wanted to change his direction.

But the next second, Yin Lai had already rushed over.

One claw!

"don't want!"

Gino's eyes stared, his right hand blocked subconsciously, and in the next second, he felt the huge power and the pervasive shadow, but in an instant, the skin began to crack, and his body flew out directly behind him.



Gino's figure entered the rock wall like a cannonball, making a loud noise, but because of the effect of the rune, it couldn't get out.

When the smoke cleared, Gino's figure embedded in the mountain was also revealed.

At this time, he was covered in blood, several bones were distorted, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Who are you?" Gino struggled.

This tm is obviously a one-ring warlock, how could it be an apprentice, he didn't see it at all, but looking at Yin Lai who rushed over again, he knew it was too late.

Immediately, he stretched out his pocket and used the previous witchcraft in an instant.

An attack of spiritual power instantly moved towards Yin Lai.

Gino struggled to climb out of the mountain. In his impression, except for a small number of bloodlines, most of the bloodlines had little resistance to spiritual power witchcraft, not to mention that Yin Lai looked like an extremely violent bloodline. .

But when he looked at Yin Lai out of the corner of his eye, he was stunned.

The mental attack passed through Yin Lai, and Yin Lai seemed to be unaffected at all, his speed was even faster, and he had come to him in the blink of an eye.

"Do not…"

Before begging for mercy, the attack has come, and in an instant, Jino's head instantly turned into minced meat, Peng fell to the ground with a bang, and the spiritual power pendant also fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"That's it!"

In front of the corpse, Yin Lai shook his head.

So weak!

This ring warlock is too rubbish, he thought he would let him fight!

But it's normal. The bloodline is a strange path. When there is no level gap, the high-level bloodline has the crushing power over the low-level bloodline.

Not to mention that Yin Lai has been promoted to a wizard for a long time, and has been integrated into the bloodline for several years. It is reasonable to easily defeat a wizard who has just integrated into the bloodline.

There is also the mental attack just now, thanks to the fact that he chose the mind shield, otherwise it might make Gino delay for a while, it seems that choosing this solidification witchcraft is the right choice.

"It's a miserable death, people still can't be too greedy!" Looking at Gino's dead figure, Yin Lai shook his head, extracted his broken spirit, and burned it directly, so as to ensure that he would not turn into an undead. .

After confirming that Gino was dead, Yin Lai began to touch the corpse. Because it was a sudden pursuit, he didn't take many things, only that one ring of witch tools and more than a hundred other magic stones.

After cleaning up the traces, Yin Lai continued to leave the road.

As for what might be left in the house, Yin Lai thought about it and let it go. After all, he got everything he wanted, so there was no need to cause other things for those three melons and two dates.

When he returned, everything went well, but when Yin Lai returned to the door of his house and looked at the person lying in front of the door next to him, he was stunned again.

Yin Lai's mouth twitched.

If he wasn't blind, Victor should be lying in front of the door.

Almost the same position as last time, the same serious injury.

If it weren't for the different wounds, Yin Lai would have thought that he had dreamed back more than half a year ago.

I don't know what Victor experienced, but he came back alive in front of the undead in the ring.

But still alive.

Like last time, after checking that there were no other traces, Yin Lai dragged Victor into the house and performed simple treatment.

Just like that, two days passed.

No one has found out about Gino's death so far, and Victor's injuries seem to have healed, but his mental power seems to be damaged. just got better.

Two more days.

Victor finally woke up from his sleep.

"Herman, you saved me again." Victor opened his eyes weakly, and then felt that his wounds and injuries had healed.

"It's nothing, a small problem." Yin Lai shook his head, he didn't lack this potion.

"Why, I heard that you took the initiative to lure away a ring of undead, you are really brave!" Yin Lai joked.

"Don't mention it." When Victor heard this, he looked indignant and said, "Actually, Gino forced me to go, and even took out the blood plants as a temptation, so I reluctantly agreed."

"Hey, is Gino back? Did he mention the blood sprigs?"

Suddenly, he realized something and asked Yin Lai.

"Here, your blood sprout flower." Yin Lai smiled and went to another room to retrieve the wooden box of the blood sprout flower and handed it to Victor. Since Victor is still alive, it is natural to return it to the original owner. .


Looking at the blood sprouts in the box, Victor took a deep breath, but immediately became suspicious:

"Gino actually gave it to you, I thought he would refuse it?"

"No, it was going well at the time, and it felt pretty good. I didn't expect that he would force you to seduce the undead. I saw the wrong person." Yin Lai thought about it and slapped Gino to death. Okay.

"Is that so?" Victor was surprised, this was not the same as Gino in his impression.

"Then how did you escape?" Yin Lai changed the subject.

"Uh, I was chased by the undead at the time. I was about to die, but suddenly I arrived at an exit early, and then ran out. After I went out, the undead didn't chase me and ran to other places." Victor recalled Take that nightmarish memory.

"Is that so?" Yin Lai nodded, it seemed that Victor took his life.

"I'm almost there, then I'll leave." Victor was as unwilling to trouble Yin Lai as last time.


Watching Victor leave, Yin Lai did not stop him.

"Yin Lai, thank you for helping me keep the blood plant flowers." Suddenly, Victor turned his head and thanked him.

"It's just what it should do." Yin Lai replied with a smile.

three days later.

Yin Lai's door was knocked suddenly, and it was Victor when the door opened.

"Yin something happened, Gino is dead!" Victor said in disbelief.

"Dead? How did you die?" Yin Lai was also surprised.

"I don't know, Gino's friends all went to him last night. Not only did they not find out where Gino went, but also found that his soul slaves were all dead, so he should be dead." Victor gasped, Feeling happy.

"That's a pity, then find out who killed it?" Yin Lai asked again.

"No, they searched the neighborhood and finally found some traces in the valley, but the treatment was so clean that there was no clue at all. It's a pity." He sighed.

"It's really a pity." Yin Lai nodded in agreement.

A one-ring wizard just died!

No one even knows who killed it, which is a pity.

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