Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 135: New Wizarding System - Necromancer

Gino's death soon dissipated with time.

After Victor's grandson received Victor's magic stone, he successfully advanced to the first round. He also returned to the lazy days he once had, but Yin Lai was a little busier.

Whether it is high-precision observation instruments or knowledge of witchcraft, Yin Lai's life is once again pleasantly surprised.

a month later.


Yin Lai carefully removed the crystal of the spiritual necklace, placed it in another earring that had long been engraved with runes, and then began to assemble it.

Soon, a sorcerer was born again.

The appearance of this sorcerer is in the shape of an earring, with three small circles surrounding the gemstone in the center. This is the result of Yin Lai's transformation of the previous sorcerer in order to avoid being discovered.

Moreover, Yin Lai also spent a lot of money for the composition of this external witchcraft, mainly because his main attack direction is still potions, and alchemy may not be that good.

"It's called Ocean Tears." Yin looked at the earrings and put them on.

After all, it is not bad to be able to issue a mental attack one by one at any time.

After making this, Yin Lai turned to look at another place.

In the huge experimental equipment, the blood bamboo flower was constantly passed through by the element particles, showing its specific internal structure and changes, and with the change of time, Yin Lai was also waiting for the emergence of the power of devouring.

Soon, just when the blood bamboo flower was about to be completely shattered, the mysterious power of devouring appeared again for a moment.

And this scene was recorded by an observation instrument at the end of the instrument. It was the instrument that Yin Lai bought from Gino at a high price.

Looking at the end of the record, Yin Lai walked over.

Through close observation, this time Yin Lai finally found something.

At the moment when the blood bamboo flower shattered, a magical wave emanated, followed by the emergence of the power of devouring, and then the next scene.

"Is this the external manifestation of the power of swallowing?" Yin Lai looked at this scene and smiled.

As long as this fluctuation is completely simulated, he may be able to grasp the power of this devouring.

"However, the instrument still can't fully observe this scene." Yin Lai shook his head. This kind of fluctuation level is quite high-end. It is still impossible for this instrument to record it completely. If it can record a little bit every time, it is very powerful.

"It's not enough, it needs more time." Yin Lai shook his head, just to this extent, it may take decades to truly perceive the structure of fluctuations, and to materialize it, it is estimated that it will take a long time. .

In other words, this is another long-term project.

"Take your time." Yin Lai is helpless, it's only a few decades, it's just one of his experiments anyway, it doesn't matter.

After fiddling with the experiment for a while, Yin Lai walked out of the laboratory and came to the laboratory next door.

Compared with the next door, this place is very simple, basically all experimental materials.

In the corner, there is a huge white skeleton, occupying almost a small half of the room, it is the skeleton left by the shadow dragon Chris before.

But even though it was just a skeleton, you could still feel a lot of shadow power remaining on it. Yin Lai was always reluctant to let it go, so he didn't throw it away.

Didn't you learn Necromancer recently, so you just wanted to give it a try?

But when Yin Lai hadn't walked a few steps, he stopped again and patted his head.

"Really, this is the shadow dragon of the fourth ring. Isn't it a waste to use the level of my ring now?" Shaking his head, Yin Lai turned around and left, let's buy some by himself.

Buying the corpse was easier than Yin Lai had imagined.

If the warlock was integrated into the bloodline during his lifetime, then the corpse after death also has a certain value, and can squeeze out part of the value, so this market exists.

After spending dozens of magic stones, Yin Lai purchased nine apprentices of the zero ring, and the corpses of one ring left the market.

a month later.

An empty space in the secret realm.

Yin Lai was standing aside, and not far away were a dozen corpses.

Yin Lai waved his right hand, and a witchcraft model slowly reappeared in his mind, and the thin Gossamer's mental power instantly stabbed at a dozen corpses, entwining them tightly.

And the muscles on the surface of the corpse slowly began to dissolve, and above the pale bones, runes slowly appeared one by one, and finally turned into a simple but not crude witch formation in the skull.

This is necromancer sorcery - undead making.

And with the appearance of the witch formation.

Whoa whoa whoa!

In the next second, a mysterious flame emerged from the heads of these skeletons, the fire of the undead, which is the flame that the undead will form during the formation period.

With the appearance of the fire of the undead, all the skeletons also climbed up from the ground, and then instinctively looked towards Yin, knelt down and offered their loyalty.

Yin Lai made them, so his should belong to Yin Lai.

"Not bad." Looking at the skeleton in front of him, Yin Lai smiled.

It seems that his sorcery talent is really good, and he succeeded the first time.

Moreover, compared with human intrigue, the undead are much simpler. They declare allegiance, which is permanent allegiance, and there is no need to worry about betrayal. After all, the fire of their souls is in the hands of Yin Lai, as long as Yin Lai is willing , ready to crush their undead fire.

However, they are all undead of the Zero Ring, and their combat power is quite average, so Yin Lai has other arrangements for them.

Soon, under Yin Lai's instructions, the undead picked up tools and began to help Yin Lai organize the secret realm, water the magic plants, and feed the raised beasts.

Looking at this scene, Yin Lai showed a satisfied smile.

This is the correct way to start the undead!

Although the undead's spiritual intelligence is not so high, some small damage will be caused in the process, but compared to the whole, the advantages must outweigh the disadvantages, especially for Yin Lai.

With such a big secret realm, Yin Lai has to do so many things every day, which is also very troublesome. Now that the undead help him deal with it, he will have more time to do other things in the future.

I just don't know that the brutal dark wizards who once knew about this matter will not return from the multiverse driving the Sky City and knock Yin Lai's head off.

Of course, skeleton control is only one part of necromancer sorcery. The inheritance of witchcraft that Yin Lai has obtained is mainly below the third ring, which is also very new to Yin Lai. In such a short period of time, he has only studied the skin .

After all, the legendary necromancer is also a war machine in the dark wizard, but it is not that simple.

Although Yin did not go to the ruins of this expedition, he became the biggest winner, which can only be said to be too wonderful.

Another month has passed.

Yin Lai received another interesting thing.

That is, in an area dozens of kilometers away from the camp, the camp found an undead. At first, the camp left and sent people to capture the undead, but they found that it was a ring of undead, and the capture plan failed.

After the failure, even the camp joined forces to arrest them together, and even Kratos, the head of the camp, sent people out to arrest them, but in the end, unfortunately, by the time everyone went there, the undead had already left.

And Yin Lai knew from Victor that that direction was the area where the undead were.

This makes Yin Lai very interesting.

And at the same time.

In a deep mountain.

An undead is hiding here.

"Hahaha, I actually survived." The undead Nikolai showed ecstasy.

He used to be a Warlock of the Third Ring. In the face of that huge cataclysm, because of some accidents, he didn't get to the Sky City in time, and he was left here.

Perhaps because of this, in order to survive, he gave up his body, transformed himself into an undead, and finally had no choice but to seal himself.

Some time ago, someone broke into the ruins and woke him up again.

However, a long period of time has already degenerated his strength to a point.

"Jie Jie Jie, I finally survived, but my soul power is still too weak. I have to find a place to slowly recover, and wait until I recover and the second ring will show up."

"And my soul core, which is also in that shaman tool, lacks that point, and the fourth-ring level is hopeless. I will take it back when I have the second-ring, which is almost thirty years."

He heard that these people seem to be from a wizard camp. Generally, the wizard camp on the west coast, the second ring is in the sky. When that time comes, he will go there, and by the way, he can kill and collect some souls.

"Jie Jie Jie, this area will be replaced by the nourishment for my promotion."

The undead cast a glance around, and then entered the deep mountain. Now that he is not strong enough, he still has to develop.

Twenty years later.

For Yin Lai, twenty years is just a short period of time.

He clocks in at the camp every day, and then studies undead sorcery. At this time, he has hundreds of undead, and he has collected more than a dozen warlocks in one ring, all of which have been refined into undead.

The fluctuation of the blood bamboo flower is also developing rapidly, and it has developed to about two-thirds at this time, which makes Yin Lai very happy.

Of course, these are normal daily routines, and the only thing that makes Yin Lai feel is that Victor is dead.

That's right, this guy is dead, this time for real.

Last time, Victor suffered irreversible damage in the ruins, which damaged his mental power to a certain extent, and then he was old, and he died a few days after the time.

After Victor died, Yin Lai buried it himself.

Then he also met Victor's grandson, a one-ring warlock.

And from his mouth Yin Lai got the news of Rock.

This guy actually died, three years ago.

It is outrageous. It is said that it is because he is too talented. Eight years after breaking through the first ring, he has a new encounter, and he will break through the second ring in the blink of an eye.

As a result, one night, someone found his body in his room.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

This guy, Rock, is a real genius. He is about to break through the second ring in his thirties. Such talent is a dimensional blow to Yin Lai, but his life is not even a fraction of Yin Lai's.

What about a genius, if he is not careful, he will die.

He stayed in the camp every day, without any threat.

"Sure enough, I can't be in the limelight!" Yin Lai exclaimed.

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