Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 136: The wizard in the camp?

The death of Victor had no effect on Yin Lai.

a month later.

"Deputy Minister Herman, good morning!"

As soon as he walked out the door in the morning, Yin Lai heard a crisp greeting.

Turning to look, there was a strange woman standing outside Victor's yard. It was the new tenant after the yard was taken away by the camp, Ti Jie.

A sorceress with zero ring, with long red hair, wearing a **** leather jacket wrapped around the chest on the upper body, and the same leather pants on the lower body, which outlines a pair of long legs.

"Good morning." Yin Lai nodded calmly and turned to leave.

It's better to stay away from such a beautiful woman. This woman just moved in a few days ago, but it always makes Yin Lai feel a little strange and incongruous.

Yin Lai didn't know where this feeling came from, but decided to go further.

Looking at the back who walked away quickly, Ti Jie's mouth twitched, and she touched her face, doubting her own charm.

According to the information, the deputy head of the Potions Department should be in pink places often, and she should be very sensual. She specially dressed up so beautifully, just to seduce Yin Lai, but looking at it now, it's a bit of a failure!

"Forget it, try to get close to Herman first, and approach other targets at the same time." Tijie shook her head. This time someone contacted their organization and wanted to make a scene together here. She was the first to spy on intelligence. .

She took a sip, then turned and walked into the room.

Just after she entered the room, in the shadow not far away, a black eye also disappeared like a bubble.

"There is indeed a problem."

On the other side, Yin Lai, who had already walked several kilometers, frowned.

Since he felt something was wrong, it was impossible for him not to investigate this factor clearly, so although Ti Jie didn't know it, Yin Lai had already spread all kinds of detection methods around her house.

After leaving just now, Ti Jie's expression was thoughtful and meaningful. It was hard for Yin Lai to feel normal.

"Looks like I'll have to pay attention to this neighbor for a while."

Shaking his head, Yin Lai continued to walk towards the camp.

Maintaining the Eye of Shadow a few kilometers away is not a problem for him now. At this time, he has made great progress compared with 20 years ago. His mental power has reached 58, and elementalization is due to the help of elemental crystals. , has also reached 50%.

Of course, this progress is not fast, especially compared to a top genius like Rock, but Yin Lai is very satisfied. His own qualifications are too poor, and he can only rely on time to grind.

This is still him using the intermediate meditation method, or it will be slower.

Ten minutes later, Yin Lai came to the Potions Department.

At the door, Yin Lai met Yin Funa.

"Minister Yin Funa."

In twenty years, Yin Funa's appearance has not changed much, and she still looks beautiful.

"Herman!" Looking at Yin Lai's figure, Yin Funa smiled. No matter who has an employee who has been working hard for decades, she will not say much.

And at this time Yin Lai has been fully recognized by Yin Fona and the camp. After all, even an undercover agent or a spy will not spend so much time.

Time is the best way to test loyalty.

"Oh, by the way, Herman, this is the bloodline you purchased through internal channels some time ago." As if remembering something, Yin Funa took out a bottle of blood from her pocket.

The whole body is green, with a hint of red, exuding a ring of energy activity.

This is a ring of bloodline that Yin Lai purchased some time ago, called the Thorns Tree Demon, a kind of plant-type monster.

The main reason is that Yin Lai, an apprentice, is not too young, and it is not polite to be alive, so Yin Lai plans to "promote" to the first-ring warlock.

After the promotion, Yin Lai can also access higher circles and items in the camp. In the current circle, the things that can be obtained are really limited, it is time to climb up.

"Well, thank you Minister." Looking at the bloodline, Yin Lai took it with a smile.

After working hard for more than 20 years, and then getting the bloodline of the camp, he is simply a person with the right roots in the camp!

"Well, the camp is currently short of people. When you become a first-tier warlock, the battalion commander will definitely arrange a higher position for you, and there will be other benefits at that time. It is a pity that the positions of the minister are all full, otherwise You can be a minister too." Yin Funa said with a look of relief.

With Yin Lai to help with auxiliary work, she has more time.

"Well, I must live up to the high hopes of the camp."

"Well, that's all I've said, eh, I suddenly remembered the little trick you told me about gambling last time. It's really easy to use. Can you teach me both?"

After dealing with this matter, Yin Funa suddenly came over and said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Yin Lai regretted a little.

Occasionally, he and Rooney talked about some casino skills, and then happened to be met by Yin Funa. As a result, the minister joined in with excitement, and then often asked Yin Lai some questions.

"No, no, the Minister's technology is no longer a problem." Yin Lai found an excuse to leave quickly.

Yin Funa pricked her ears with anger, but still said loudly:

"I wish you success in integrating into the bloodline!"

"I know the minister." A distant echo came.

The bloodline has already been obtained, and Yin Lai is already thinking about when to "integrate" into the bloodline.

In fact, it is completely impossible for him to integrate, but he is only going to use the blood of the Shadow Dragon to simulate this bloodline. As for this blood, it is used to strengthen the camouflage.

It will take a while, but not long.

Moreover, Yin Lai is more concerned about who is his "beautiful neighbor"? for what purpose?

Watch him pull her out little by little.

Another half month has passed.

After investigation, Yin Lai did find that something was wrong with his female neighbor.

First of all, whenever Yin Lai came out, he would deliberately get close to Yin Lai, but whenever Yin Lai left, he would go to other places in the camp to meet various people.

Secondly, although this woman is integrated into the bloodline, the strength of the bloodline is not high, and it is obvious that the bloodline is rarely tempered, which is not in line with the habits of ordinary warlocks.

In the end, it was Yin Lai who sometimes felt magical fluctuations of spiritual power next door. Although it disappeared in a flash, Yin Lai guessed that it was some kind of communication tool, possibly to connect with the outside world. The most important thing is that this kind of spiritual power Volatility is generally used by wizards.

To sum up, there is something wrong with his female neighbor, and there is a certain possibility that he is a disguised wizard apprentice.

The sorcerer camp actually had a wizard apprentice infiltrated, and it had bad intentions.

This may affect the stability of the camp, and Yin Lai is also very confused about what to do.

But after thinking about it, Yin Lai felt that he should ask first.

So, Yin Lai sneaked into Ti Jie's house one night when he could not see his fingers.


Ti Jie was lying on the bed wearing a light gauze. Through the moonlight, she could see her beautiful figure. At this moment, she closed her eyes and was resting.




A huge mental force instantly suppressed her, and Ti Jie also sensed this, and opened her eyes instantly, but her body was completely suppressed, and a few vines had already entangled her tightly.

She wanted to break free, but couldn't do it at all.

What frightened her even more was that she didn't even know what happened when all this happened, but due to the suppression of her huge mental power, she couldn't even breathe and couldn't make a sound at all.

"Tell me, a wizard apprentice, what are you doing at the warlock camp?"

When the voice came out, Ti Jie's body was also pulled up by the vines, and sank into a large shape. On the stool not far away, there was a man in a black wizard's robe sitting.


The action was too shameful, and Tijie blushed.

She knew that she had been exposed, but she couldn't figure out how she would be found out. She didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I'm afraid normal people wouldn't think that it was just because she was close to Yin Lai. I felt that something was wrong and investigated her.

"Sir, I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm just a little warlock. If you offend your lord, please forgive me." Ti Jie said quickly, sensing the gradual disappearance of the mental suppression.


With just a cold snort, the vines outside Ti Jie slowly began to entangle Ti Jie, and gradually increased their strength, as if to strangle her directly.

Ti Jie only felt that it was difficult to breathe. At the same time, the vines scratched her body with wounds, and a little bit of blood flowed out and was absorbed by the vines. Soon, Ti Jie's gauze was dyed red.

"I have seen all your actions in the camp these days. Tell me, which wizard force's apprentice are you." Yin Lai asked calmly again.

And Ti Jie, who was enduring the pain, also widened her eyes, how could it be possible.

She slowly raised her head and looked at Yin Lai. At this time, Yin Lai also slowly stood up, took off her wizard robe, and said:

"My name is Roland, a ring wizard, and I am temporarily living here."


Tijie blinked.

But the next second, he saw a skeleton coming out of the shadows, and the burning undead flames slightly illuminated Yin Lai's face. He was a very handsome young man.


Or a Necromancer?

Seeing this scene, Ti Jie suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it was not from the Warlock Camp, there was still hope for survival.

As for necromancer so far, no warlock can achieve the same effect. The one in front of me is definitely an official wizard, and only a full-fledged wizard can suppress her with mental power so easily.

The only thing that made her uneasy was that the method of the wizard in front of her was a bit rough, but she could barely understand it, after all, she was a necromancer.

"My lord, I'm a wizard from the iris wizard camp. My real name is Ti Jie. I can tell your lord anything you want to know. Will you let me go first?" Ti Jie spoke slowly, she knew that she What is completely in the hands of this wizard named Roland.

Seeing the gradual stabilization, Yin Lai also nodded, put Ti Jie down gradually, and then threw a bottle of medicine.

"This is a therapeutic potion," Yin said.

"Yeah." Ti Jie nodded, but didn't take it.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

Seeing Ti Jie stabilized, Yin Lai also asked his curious question.

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