Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 137: leave camp

in a dark house.

Yin Lai was sitting on a chair, and Ti Jie was standing on the ground wearing a red gauze.

"I am a wizard apprentice with zero ring, and this time I was sent here to collect as much information as possible, including where there are high-value items, the composition of warlocks, how many high-level warlocks there are, etc. A raid will be organized."

Ti Jie explained this matter succinctly.

Yin Lai: ?

Is the wizarding camp here so strong?

Doesn't it mean that wizards are weak? How dare you attack the warlock camp.

"Is the wizard camp you belong to strong?" Yin Lai asked curiously.

"Uh, there are about three official wizards and twenty or so apprentices." Ti Jie replied.

"That's it? Are you ready to attack the warlock camp?" Yin Lai looked like he had seen a ghost. The warlock camp didn't say anything else, there were at least two rings, and there were always ten of the first ring, and even more so for apprentices. Say, about a hundred.

With such a big gap, you told me you were going to hit the camp?

"Well, it's not an attack. Our purpose is to destroy and loot some resources at the same time." Ti Jie replied.

Destroy and loot resources?

That does make it easier, but it shouldn't be enough.

As if seeing Yin Lai's thoughts, Ti Jie added: "We are not the main force. We are only responsible for sabotage and looting in the camp when the time comes. The main force is another force."


That makes sense!

"What is that force?"

"I don't know about this, I only know that it seems to be the power of a warlock." Ti Jie took out a bottle of her own potion and took it, and the wounds outside her body healed little by little.

"Yeah." Yin Lai nodded.

It's really stupid. I thought I just found an apprentice, but I didn't expect to know such a conspiracy suddenly. Yin Lai said that he was a little caught off guard.

"So should I report to the camp, or should I just pretend that nothing happened?" Yin Lai frowned.

Reporting at this time, he made sure to eliminate his own danger from danger, but how to explain it is another problem, even if it is hidden and reported, there is a risk of being discovered.

So reporting may not be a good idea, so you can only hide it.

He concealed everything he knew, and then left here temporarily, waiting for the end of the matter to return. It just so happened that Yin Lai could temporarily leave the camp on the grounds of a breakthrough, and then return after everything was over.

After thinking about this, Yin Lai felt a lot more relaxed and continued to ask:

"Then when are you going to start?"

"I don't know, we have just started to infiltrate and search, and we are just starting to prepare. We are restrained by that force. When they say to do it, we will do it. This time may be half a month, or it may be a year. Two years, it all depends on when they need it, and it is estimated that it will not exceed two years at most." Ti Jie thought for a while and answered seriously.

"Hmm." Yin Lai understood.

Let's go tomorrow, the camp is in danger.

After all the dust settles, Yin Lai will return at that time. Anyway, there is a high probability that the camp will still exist at that time, and Yin Lai may be taken seriously because of the loss of personnel.

Three birds with one stone.

And how to leave, Yin Lai also had an idea.

But before that, Tijie's problem has to be resolved.

Yin Lai looked at the little apprentice with a kind smile and asked:

"Do you want to live or die!"


The room fell into silence.

the next day.

Yin Lai came to the hall early in the morning.

"Deputy Minister Herman, why are you here today?" Alice, a familiar teller, said with a smile. Unlike the mortal world, the magician's face-saving medicine is actually quite common and easy to configure, so many times you see it. There is only one face.

"I'm going to be promoted recently, but I still lack one material and money, so I'm going to take a mission to earn some money." Yin Lai replied.

Yin Lai was planning to leave here on a mission.

"Is Lord Herman also short of money, but I heard that Lord Heman is quite cool in the camp!" Alice joked with a smile.

"It's because he's too chic, so he has no money." Yin Lai replied with a smile.

"Your lord is really free and easy." Alice was speechless, and then took out a photo stone.

It is a task to put out a clear picture.

"Does your lord need any tasks?" Alice asked.

"Uh, don't have too little money, don't be too close to the camp, the time can be longer." Yin said his conditions.

"That's it!" Alice nodded, and quickly chose a task.

"Lord Herman, what do you think? Go to the royal palace in Corinna Kingdom for five years. During this period, you will maintain the peace of the kingdom. The reward is 200 low-quality magic stones. Fifty." Alice looked at a task and introduced it to Yin.

Five years?

Yin Lai was a little hesitant, five years is a bit long!

After all, this destruction is estimated to end within three years at most.

But it is indeed a very suitable task for him.

"If your lord is worried about safety, you don't need it. There is still a first-ring warlock in the kingdom at this time. Your lord hardly needs to do anything, and no one dares to be presumptuous." Alice explained.

"Okay, that's it!" Yin Lai nodded.

Soon, Alice handed over the task to Yin Lai.

Yin Lai also found Yin Funa after taking the certificate.

"Minister, I have a mission, it may take a while." After all, it is a long time, so it is necessary to say something.

"Hmmmm." Yin Funa nodded, indicating she knew.

Taking a mission is a personal choice, and they have no right to interfere.

And it's just a mission. It is estimated that Yin Lai also took a short trip and will be back soon.

She never thought that Yin Lai would take on the task for too long.

that's it.

Yin Lai knew in the early morning that the camp might be in danger for a period of time in the future, and the time was uncertain. At noon, Yin Lai was already packing up and preparing to leave.

Outside Ti Jie's door, Ti Jie looked at Yin Lai who was about to leave with a look of surprise, a little confused.

As one of her goals, she actually left like this, wasting her so much effort.

With a sigh, she returned to the house and launched a new message towards a soul imprint in her mental power.

"Master, Herman, the deputy head of the potions department of the camp, is about to leave the camp. It seems to be a long-term mission. Everything else is normal. It is currently uncertain when to invade!"

On the other hand, Yin Lai received the message and smiled playfully.

Good guy, it's really a different feeling to see your news from others.

Last night, in order to easily know the specific information and the location of the future wizard camp, Yin Lai also planted a soul slave on Ti Jie and became Yin Lai's person.

It's just that Tijie thought his master was Roland who changed into Roland.

"Let's go!" Yin Lai said to the driver of the big knight he bought after confirming that he had taken all that he should take away.

In this way, the carriage quickly left the wizard camp and set off towards Corinna Kingdom all the way.

three days later.

Yin Lai arrived at the capital of Corinna Kingdom, Corinna City.

Sitting in the camp's carriage, Yin Lai also went all the way to the palace.

In the palace, Yin Lai directly met the Queen of Corinna Kingdom.

"Hello, Her Royal Highness." Yin Lai greeted respectfully.

"There's no need to be cautious." The Queen smiled.

She is about fifty years old, with a very temperamental appearance, wearing a long red dress and luxurious jewelry, and judging from her breath, she is actually an apprentice, or may have been an apprentice.

It is different from the situation where there are no wizards on the side of Byrne, because Corinna is closer to the wizarding power, so there is actually a wizarding family on this side, and the Corinna royal family is a wizarding family, and Yin Lai used to have only one side. The Fate of Rock is also from here.

"My Lady Queen, just tell me what I need to do." Yin Lai asked directly, not wanting to talk nonsense.

"Your mission is to protect Rose, Rock's son." The Queen thought for a while and said.

Yin Lai: ? ? ?

How is it related to Rock, and this guy actually has a son?

Seeing Yin Lai's expression, the queen also asked suspiciously, "Do you know Roque?"

"I used to be friends with Roque." Yin Lai said without denying it.

"Well, that's better. Roque's son is called Ross. He is about six years old now. He may have inherited Roque's talent. His talent is also very good, but he is still young. He is currently studying in the royal family. All he has to do is keep him safe for these five years, after which he will be sent to the Wizarding Academy." The Queen nodded and said.

"Okay." Yin Lai nodded.

Although he had some doubts, he didn't plan to ask any more. Anyway, some things would be known gradually.

"Well, someone will take you to see him later, I'll leave first."

Ten minutes after the queen left, someone came and took Yin Lai to a small castle in the palace, where they met Roque's son, a little guy who was always full of arrogance.

"Are you the one sent to protect me?" Ross looked up at Yin Lai with a lump of baby fat on his face.

"Well, I will protect your safety from now on." Yin Lai nodded.


The little boy was still very sensible. He chatted with Yin Lai stupidly, and then went to play the game of knight and princess. Yin Lai smiled and was taken to a room in the castle. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Sir, this is your room." A servant opened a room.

Yin Lai walked in, and it was a very luxurious room. After all, Yin Lai was also a "third-class apprentice", and the hospitality couldn't be too bad. He was a protection, not a nanny.

"If the adults need anything, you can tell us at any time."


After dispersing the maid, Yin Lai entered the room, checked the inside and outside of the room, and then arranged several witch formations before he began to breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally left the camp.

Although I don't know when the attack will take place, I still run first.

As for the existence of the camp after the camp, it is naturally the best, without Yin Lai, I don't feel distressed. It's a big deal to go to other places, and then slowly go up. It's a small matter.

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