Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 141: Return to camp, entrusted with important tasks

Leaving Corinna City, Yin Lai did not return to the camp directly, but entered the mountain forest on the way, chased away the bear in the tree hole, and entered the secret realm.

In the secret realm, Yin Lai looked at the hill formed by magic stones and other miscellaneous objects in front of him. He felt a little short of breath. He hadn't seen so much money in a long time.

Inventory, there are 3,000 low-grade magic stones in total, there are also three zero-ring wizards, one one-ring wizard, and two bloodlines of one-ring, more than a dozen bloodlines commonly used by blood wizards, and some rare ones. Strange things, one of the black boxes caught Yin Lai's attention.

The box is dark black, with red patterns like blood vessels all over the body, and there are witch formations under it, which looks very strange and strange.


At this time, the box was stained with blood, which should have come by accident during Corinna's time.

This is actually nothing at all, but with the blood contamination, the box emits a bright light at this time, and the strange and evil aura slowly radiates out.

Yin Lai silently retreated a few kilometers.

In the next second, all the witch formations in the secret realm were called, and the box was suddenly wrapped in various forbidden packages, and an undead was ordered by Yin Lai to open the box.


The pale bones slowly touched the box, and a wave of darkness and shadows slowly climbed up, but the box slowly opened at a firm speed, revealing a purple-black heart inside.

The heart is about the size of a basketball, its surface is black and purple, with strips of blue-black blood vessels clinging to it, while a shadow and dark aura emanate from it.

"Heart of the Shadow Monitor Lizard!"

When he saw the heart, Yin Lai relaxed. It was just the heart of a shadow monitor lizard. However, looking at the breath, there should be the second ring in front of him, so there was such a strong breath.

The restrictions were lifted layer by layer, and Yin Lai walked over slowly, letting the undead hold the heart.

How to deal with it?

Yin Lai frowned. It stands to reason that the blood of the second ring is quite valuable, especially if it was taken from the second ring creature, whether it is fusion or other purposes, it is worth at least a thousand magic stones.

The best deal should be to sell it, but Yin Lai didn't plan to do that.

Shadow monitor lizards are almost the standard configuration of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy. If they are sold privately, they will definitely attract their attention.

That's right, thanks to the fact that the shadow monitor lizard and the shadow dragon are actually very compatible, so Yin Lai can use some means to improve his bloodline compatibility.

Anyway, the magic stone he currently lacks is limited, so he might as well use it to improve his combat effectiveness as a "warlock".

Just do it.

Yin Lai took it to the laboratory and began to deal with it.

Half a day later, Yin came to see a bottle of black and purple blood in his hand, and then drank it. At the same time, the fit of the Shadow Dragon bloodline was also rapidly improving.



Three days later, Yin Lai opened his eyes and smiled after sensing the 49% fit.

Although it seems a bit of a loss, I am very happy to see my strength improve.

at the same time.

Yin Lai suddenly sensed that the sign belonging to the camp had moved on his body and sensed the information.

"The Corinna family has terminated the mission ahead of schedule, and the camp has now returned to stability. You can also come back, Herman."

When I saw the signature, it was Yin Funa.

Yin Lai looked at the information, stood up, hid outside for more than two years, and it was time to go back.

And if Yin Lai remembers correctly, many ministers died this time, deputy ministers!

Going back this time may be very different.

Five days later.

After Yin Lai simply adapted to the ascended bloodline, he returned to the camp.

At the same time, his aura has gradually risen to the level of the first stage, and at the same time, the gentle aura of a plant blood is also exuding from his body.

I have to say that it is worthy of being a shadow dragon. The camouflage ability is very good, and with the help of the faceless mask, even the three rings are absolutely impossible to find. As for the true spirit, with Yin Lai's improvement and insight , I can't say for sure, it would be bad if I slapped my face.

The only pity is that although his things are of good quality, they are all at one level, mainly because his ability is not enough. After the alchemy and level are enough, they can be directly improved.

Five days later, Yin Lai came to the edge of the camp.

Walking on the road, there are traces of battle everywhere, and there are even a lot of blood and magic left in some places, and the house has collapsed a lot. It seems that the battle should be quite fierce.

Yin Lai did not return to the camp directly, but went home first, and there was no damage, and his "warlock neighbor" Ti Jie had already left.

Judging from the news that Ti Jie gave Yin Lai, she had already left here with the wizards and was going to re-establish a camp somewhere, but Yin Lai told her to tell Yin Lai the location when she settled down.

After all, maybe one day he will have to take refuge again, and it would be good to visit the wizard camp at that time. As for Tijie, if it is convenient, he will also give some help to make her a higher status.

After setting things up, Yin Lai went directly to the camp.

The further you go inside, the more buildings you can see destroyed, and there are very few people on the street. Compared with the previous prosperity, the degree of prosperity has dropped by more than one level. It will take time to recover.

At the gate of the camp, Yin Lai actually met an acquaintance.

"Lord Herman, long time no see." Alice looked sad.

"Well, it looks like you're in a bad mood, what happened?" Yin Lai asked.

"Uh, it's just that I grew up here. It's very sad to see this place become like this." Alice sighed, then looked at Yin Lai, and said in surprise, "Sir, are you in the loop?"

"Yes, there was a breakthrough from outside."

"Congratulations, sir." Alice congratulated.

"Well, then I'll go first. If you encounter big trouble, I... um, if you encounter small trouble, you can come to me at any time." Yin Lai originally wanted to talk about all the trouble, but after thinking about it, let it go.

Ripe, but not that ripe.

"Hmm!" Alice nodded, watching Yin Lai leave.

Potions Department

Bang bang bang!

"Come in!"

Yin Lai walked into Yin Funa's office.

"You've advanced!

! "Yin Funa looked at Yin Lai who came in and was surprised.

"Well, the blood is integrated outside." Yin Lai nodded and smiled.

Looking at Yin Funa at this time, the appearance has not changed much, but the power of blood is obviously much weaker. It seems that he should have suffered a lot of injuries in the battle at that time.

"I knew you could do it." Yin Fona smiled.

"Right now, the camp is in ruins, and it's the time when you need people. You will definitely be valued if you advance to the first stage. I'll take you to see the battalion commander then," Yin Funa said.

"At that time, you should be able to get a good position, and if you enter the first ring, you will be one of the best in the camp, but only by entering higher management can you bring more."

As Yin Lai expected, the first link will bring new changes.

"I really didn't expect you to be successful, tsk tsk tsk!" Yin Funa stood up, shook her head and sighed, her two rabbit ears wiggling.

Yin Lai: …

I am so disrespected!

"Well, tomorrow, I'll take you to see the battalion commander tomorrow. I've been really busy recently," Yin Funa said.


He was already looking forward to tomorrow.

the next day.

Under the leadership of Yin Funa, Yin Lai followed her to find Battalion Commander Kratos.

On the way, Yin Lai looked at Yin Funa, the rabbit-eared girl in front, and asked, "Minister, can you tell me about the battalion commander?"

Although he has been here for many years, he has no contact with the battalion commander.

"Uh, battalion commander, he's actually quite a good person. He treats others gently, but he looks cold and is very protective of his opponents. Anyway, he's a strong but tender man." Yin Funa thought for a while and said arrive.

"Well, then..."

"Don't ask, I'll know when I see you." Yin Lai wanted to ask, but was stopped by Yin Funa.

At this time, they have come to a wizard tower. The reason why the wizard tower is not the warlock tower is that it is simply called that.

After entering and reporting to the guards, Yin Lai was taken to a room.

"I won't go in." Yin Funa said with a smile.


Nodding, Yin Lai knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A hearty voice came out, Yin Lai opened the door and walked in.

Inside is a small room, but the layout is quite distinctive, basically brown, with magic lamps like oil lamps hanging on the walls on both sides, a bookshelf full of books on one side, and a shelf on the other. There is a devil wolf specimen.

In the center is a large table, and a man is looking at him at this time.

Short brown hair, dark boy holes, his face looks very comfortable, but there is a transverse scar at the eye, but the overall look is very friendly.

"Hello, Mr. Kratos, I'm Herman." Yin Lai introduced while observing secretly.

Yin Funa, who was in the first ring, didn't respond to his disguise, let's see how the battalion commander reacted.

"Not bad, I heard Yin Funa's introduction, but you are qualified in the After all, you have been here for more than 20 years, and you are conscientious." Kratos said with a smile. With the power of the second ring warlock.

"It's all adults who managed the camp well, otherwise I wouldn't have such an environment!" Yin Lai said.

"Hahahaha!" Hearing this, Kratos smiled, after all, everyone is willing to listen to good things.

"Well, I'm not here for other things. The main reason is that a lot of first-ring warlocks have died in the camp, and there are a lot of vacancies. I've been very troubled recently."

"I am willing to relieve the worries of adults." Yin Lai said.

"Well, I have prepared two positions for you here. One of them is an important department. I don't worry about leaving it to others. You have been with Yin Funa for decades, and Yin Funa is my confidant, so I believe in you." Kuito s admired.

"Which two?"

"The head of the magic planting department, and the head of the wizard's legacy disposal department."

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