Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 142: Double Minister, Rawls

"Magic Planting Department, Wizard Legacy Processing Department?"

Yin Lai blinked.

"Yes." Kratos nodded.

"The magic plant department is one of the most important departments in the camp, along with the potions department and the alchemy department are the most important departments in the camp. They are responsible for the cultivation of magic plants in the camp. Managed, but died in battle, so it had to be rearranged," Kratos said.

"What about the wizard's relic disposal department?" This is what Yin Lai was curious about.

"Uh, what does this department say?" Kratos frowned and said, "Even as you know, there are occasionally some wizard relics in our area, and then the camp will send people to collect them, so there are this department.

This department is mainly responsible for managing and storing the unsellable sundries, such as those that no one wants. In fact, there is no job. You just need to take care of them at that time. The main reason is that the camp is currently too short of manpower. . "Kratos shook his head and said apologetically:

"I'm a little embarrassed, but it's really troublesome to have two positions."

"It's okay, this is what I should do!" Yin Lai nodded.

Just kidding, trouble?

It's too late for him to be happy. Forget the magic plant department. Yin Lai also has a lot of magic plants planted in his secret realm, but he has never been able to find a suitable reason to shoot. Now he can mix it up.

Of course, this is not bad, mainly because of the wizard's legacy processing department.

What does a warlock need?

It's nothing more than those things that can't be used, or some "useless" knowledge, but these are what Yin Lai needs. It's like sending him to the golden room.

In the future, Yin Lai doesn't need to spend money to buy wizard knowledge, he just collects it in the department silently, where is he still need so much.

"Well, but don't worry, the Ministry of Magic Planting should be too big, so it has always been handled by two people, half of each side, and I also called the other person today." Kratos replied with a smile.

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao was coming. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"He's here." Kratos smiled at Yin Lai and said, "Come in, Rawls!"

Yin Lai turned his head.

The door opened and a man walked in.

He has blond hair, reddish eyes, a slight smile on his face, a tall and well-proportioned body, and looks very elegant in a black top and trousers.

"This is Rawls. Just like you, he has just advanced to the first ring. He is fused with the blood of the second ring of the Balor Flame Demon. He will have the opportunity to break through to the second ring in the future. , but was rejected by him." Kratos introduced with a smile.

"This is Heman, a bloodline of the thorn tree demon. In the future, I will manage half of the Demon Planting Department with you. He is very good at potions." Similarly, Kratos also introduced Yin Lai to Yin Lai.

"Nice to meet you." Rolls smiled and held out his hand.

Yin Lai did the same, and the two shook hands.

It seems that it is very polite to work with him in the future.

"Well, it seems that you guys feel pretty good!" Kratos laughed heartily when he saw this scene.

"Then I'll assign your tasks. The potion field is currently on the east and west sides. Because the wizard's relic processing department is in the east, then Yin Lai is in charge of the east, and Rawls is in charge of the west. What do you think?" Kratos assigned.

"Yes, I will definitely not live up to the expectations of adults." Rawls said.

"I can too." Glancing at Rawls, Yin Lai also nodded. He suddenly felt that there might be something wrong with this colleague.

"Well, then Rawls, please leave first, and I will arrange other work for Herman." Now that he was done, Kratos waved directly to Rawls to leave.

"Herman, you also know Rawls, but I have to remind you that although Rawls looks good, there is still a small problem. I hope you will not be affected." Kratos said.

Yin Lai: ?

"Well, that is, Rawls is probably very competitive in everything and wants to beat his opponent, so he is always serious and does a lot of work, which is good, but I hope you don't get too affected and be yourself. That's alright, and he's still a little cautious, you try your best to bear it." Kratos explained politely.

That's it!

Yin Lai understood, this is a small eye roll king!

However, if he wanted to affect his three-hundred-year-old salted fish, he still thought too much.

"Well, I see." Yin Lai nodded.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. You and Rawls will get to know each other slowly. In fact, he is good in other aspects. Hey, you can just do your best." Kratos hesitated, and finally said nothing. Leave Yin Lai with a cheering expression.

Yin Lai was inexplicable.

Then Kratos told Yin some things to pay attention to, and then Yin Lai left.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Yin Lai has not yet begun to take over the position, but through the promotion stage, he was brought by Yin Funa and also met many new first-stage warlocks, and the level of the people he knew was raised again.

Yin Lai also understood why Kratos looked complicated at the end.

The principle is that although Rawls is always personable and polite outside, he is actually a person who likes power, is a little cautious, and works extremely hard. If you mess with him, you should be careful about being reported by him. Gotta be pua often.

But fortunately, Rawls is very disciplined and will not make up out of thin air or slander, so many people have mixed emotions about him, but the general public is still good.

Knowing that was the case, Yin Lai also relaxed. What did he think? He is such a conscientious, law-abiding and good person, what does it have to do with him breaking the law.

Just like that, another half month passed in the blink of an eye.

Yin Lai took office.

He first came to the Magic Plant Department.

The magic plant department is located outside the camp. Next to the large potion field, there is a three-story building that looks very simple and has a plant similar to a creeper attached to it.

What Yin Lai didn't expect was that he happened to meet Rawls.

"Rolls, long time no see." Yin Lai greeted.

"Well, I remember your name is Herman, I hope the work together goes well in the future." Rawls gave Ti a standard smile and walked over.

The two met at the door, and at this time there were two deputy ministers at the door.

"Minister Herman, I'm Rhone, and I'll help you with your work from now on."

"Minister Rawls, I'm Erdo, I'll handle it for you in the future."

Because the area of ​​the magic planting department is too large, it is almost equivalent to two departments together, so almost everything is two, the only thing may only be public property and the buildings of this department.

In this way, Yin Lai and Rawls were invited in by everyone.

And the two people's office is a large room, each occupying half.

"Rona, tell me about my current job." Yin Lai glanced at Rawls, who was not far away, and said to Rona.

"Master Minister, the current potion field in the east has a total area of ​​100 acres, mainly planting more than a dozen kinds of magic plants, including silent crescent moon, dragon blood grass, cross flowers, etc. These are our jobs, in fact, as long as the quality and output are guaranteed That's it," said Rona cautiously, whose temper with the deputy minister was unclear.

"Well, then what you were like before is still the same now." Yin Lai nodded.

How can the minister be in charge of everything, mainly depends on the people below.

"Okay." Rona nodded, it seemed that the minister was very good at talking.

"Okay, that's it, I'll talk about it later." Yin Lai nodded and prepared to leave.

At the same time, Erdo had just finished introducing Rawls.

Rawls also nodded.

He looked towards Ji Yin, and he also inquired about Yin Lai. The information said that this person is usually very leisurely, he can almost lie down instead of sitting, he is very salty, and he often goes to entertainment venues.

"Such a person is really the cancer of the camp!" Rawls shook his head, looking down on Yin Lai a little.

He hates people who are lazy and don't do things. Life should work hard!

See him manage it well at that time, strive to increase the output and sales of his side at that time, and then kick Yin Lai out of the Demon Planting Department.

After all, two ministers in one department always made him feel awkward, and the potions department's profits were quite large.

At this time, in his eyes, Yin Lai was ready to leave after understanding.

"Herman, are you ready to leave now?"

"Otherwise, don't you understand everything?" Yin Lai asked strangely.

Rawls: …

Looking at the back of Yin Lai's departure, Rawls' mouth twitched, and he said to Erdo who was beside him: "Go ahead and get all the information on the potion field. I have to study it carefully so that we can cultivate it better."

He also has a certain understanding of magic planting, otherwise it would not be possible to come here.

"Okay." Erdo went to get it immediately, but there was a twitch on his face.

Are you going to work today? He suddenly felt that his choice to follow Rawls might not be a good idea.

He looked at Rona, who was also preparing to leave next door, with an envious look.

Is the king the boss?

Rhona was already starting to feel bad.

Yin Lai, who left, didn't know what Rawls was thinking, and he couldn't wait to go to another department of his to have a look.

Wizard's Relic Disposal Department!

This is simply what Yin Lai prepared!

Soon, Yin Lai crossed several trails and saw the department in a remote corner of the camp.

But looking at the overgrown ground and the low two-story building not far away, I suddenly realized that this department seems to be far inferior to the Demon Planting Department.

However, Yin Lai still followed the road and walked in.

Soon, someone will bring Yin Lai to get acquainted with Paul, is there only six people in our department? "Yin Lai confronted Paul on the side.

Paul is the deputy head of the department, a thin old man with few hairs, looking very thin.

"Well, my lord, it's just a few of us." Paul nodded.

"Yeah!" Yin Lai could only accept his fate.

Soon, Paul introduced him to the job, which is to store and transport the useless things after exploration. Often he can be idle for a few months a year. This may be because Yin Lai is already the minister of another department, but he is still being used by him. assigned here.

"Forget it, let me go to the department warehouse." Ignoring these details, Yin Lai said to Paul.

Yin Lai is interested in the legacy of the wizards here.

I don't know if the warehouse here has what he wants.

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