Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 143: **What is it?

The warehouse is located halfway up the mountain behind the department. A space is dug out directly from the middle of the mountain for storage. Although there are many things in it, most of them are worthless.

Because those who explore will take away valuables when they explore, but they will not leave valuables to Yin Lai. Of course, for warlocks, for wizards, there are still some that can be used.

at the foot of the mountain.

Yin Lai's mouth twitched as he watched Paul take out a bunch of keys from his waist and skillfully open the door locked with iron chains.

This is the first time he has been in the camp for such a long time. Whether it is the Potions Department or the Magic Planting Department, there are not only various witch formations, but also warlocks patrolling. Such a gate that exists in name only.

"Will this protective measure be too hasty?" Yin Lai asked with a deep breath.

"Sloppy?" Paul wondered for a moment, then said: "But there is nothing valuable in the adults, most of them are useless waste."

Yin Lai: …

Well, it seems that he thinks highly of this department.

"Okay, I'll go in and have a look." Shaking his head, Yin Lai followed Paul into the open door.

Using a simple zero-ring magic, the entire space is instantly illuminated.

There is a huge space in front of you. The ground area is about the size of a football field, and the height is about ten meters. Various items are placed on the shelves on both sides, and more are piled up in the depths.

It's more of a garbage dump than a warehouse.

"My lord, this is all the stuff. If your lord sees something, just take it as you like. There is no record of these things, and no one cares." Paul reminded.

"Mmmm." Yin Lai nodded and walked inside.

"Hey, this is it?" Yin Lai was surprised by the things on it as soon as he walked to the first shelf.

On the third layer of the shelf, there is an item like a monocle, with a golden frame, and the other section is a chain, which looks a bit interesting.

"My lord, this is dug up from a ruin, belonging to the legacy of a former wizard. It seems to be a thing to observe the fluctuations of the soul. Unfortunately, it seems to be connected to the spiritual power. Only wizards can use it. It is estimated that it has some value in the former wizarding world, but No one needs it now."

Yin Lai blinked.

Observe the soul fluctuations.

This seems to be exactly what he needs for his experiment!

"It looked good, so I took it."

Yin Lai took it directly.

Paul nodded, it didn't matter.

Taking away the glasses, Yin Lai continued to look inside. He thought that the good things here should be good, but he realized that he was completely wrong. There were hardly many, only a few bits and pieces. The glasses before may already be the high-value thing in this place. .


Yin Lai was a little disappointed.

"Sir, you have to go inside. Going further, there are some books that the wizards used to be, basically introducing the world, and other things." Paul kept walking and said, telling Yin Lai to all the people here. kind of thing.


Hearing this, Yin Lai's interest rose again.

At the end of the warehouse, there were various books piled up on the ground, some of which seemed to have been bitten by insects, and many of the rest were somewhat rotten. Yin Lai looked at it with great pain.

Damn, don't these warlocks know how to keep books well?

"Paul, go find a few people, sort out the books on the left and right, and send them to me. I'll take a look at them, and I'll take care of the garbage." Yin Lai frowned, as if he was a little uncomfortable with the pile. Joy.

"Okay, Minister, I also think it's time to clean up, so many books are not as good as the previous pair of garbage." Paul nodded, and then suddenly felt a cold behind his back.

Turning his head to the side, Yin looked at him, still smiling kindly.

"Strange?" Paul asked curiously.

"Well, that's it, I'll come over once in a while in the future, and it's still up to you to manage this place." Nodding, Yin Lai said to Paul.

"Okay, Minister." Paul smiled.

After dealing with the department's affairs, Yin Lai's life is back on track again.

Everything is developing in a good direction, as if it is a life of two points and one line again.

I go to the potions department for half an hour every day, and then I usually do experiments at home.

And the gold wire glasses also helped Yin Lai a lot.

in the laboratory.

A blood bamboo flower was put in again.

With the activation of the instrument, a few elemental particles penetrated the blood bamboo flower. In a state of extreme speed, mysterious fluctuations reappeared, directly sucking the blood in the blood bamboo flower to empty, but the fluctuation was caused by Yin Lai on the side. Keep watching.

"So it is!"

Under the lens is another world. At the moment when the fluctuations appeared, Yin Lai saw that the Xuezhu words first generated a rapid frequency, then a dozen small fluctuations, and finally the power was generated.

This was also the first time Yin Lai felt that he was so close to this power.

However, it is close, but it seems that the experiment time is longer than Yin Lai expected, mainly because the frequency is too long, but it is too fast. If all of them are analyzed, it may take a long time.

"So, everything has to be overturned and restarted?"

The corners of Yin Lai's mouth twitched. After today's observation, he realized that his previous thinking was completely wrong. He originally thought it was just a fluctuation, but he didn't expect that it was actually a dozen short paragraphs put together, and the direction was completely wrong.

It has to start from scratch. Decades of hard work are broken. If there are other wizards, it is estimated that they will vomit blood, but Yin Lai shook his head and started to arrange the direction of the experiment again.

It took decades of trial and error, and that's a thing.

Anyway, I don't expect this short-term solution.


Yin Lai's eyes gradually became firmer, which was also his advantage. In an infinite time, his trial and error costs would be infinitely compressed, and time would always be with him.

Just after the failure of the experiment, Paul also sent all the books to Yin Lai.

Yin Lai starts

Among them, 40% of the books have been damaged and cannot be read, the remaining 50% are basically popular science, and 10% are sporadic knowledge, which is very broken.

Yin Lai first looked at popular science, basically introducing some places in the wizarding world, or the geography of the world, or the otherworldly enemies he encountered.

He watched it with relish, and at this time he also understood how powerful the former wizards were, and the different worlds surrendered at their feet, and even had the title of slave owner of the endless world.

But it was such a huge civilization that suddenly changed more than 4,000 years ago. The wizards who had the ability left the wizarding world, and the incompetent stayed here. As a result, it developed into the world it is today.

But Yin Lai also found some clues from it.

Such a passage in one of the diaries caught Yin Lai's attention.

"This is a horrible **, we are not opponents, we have failed."

**What is it?

The time of this log is almost the world from which the wizard escaped. Yin Lai was very curious as to what it was. It was this wizard who didn't even dare to write his name.

What happened to them?

A world with many seven rings, even eight rings, turned into this in an instant.

"Forget it, this is not something I can think of." Yin Lai shook his head and continued to read other books.

As for other knowledge books, most of them are limited, but they also gave Yin Lai some new ideas.

In short, Yin Lai in this department is still right.

Time passed little by little.

This morning.

Yin Lai went to the office of the Mozhi Department as usual.

He lay on the recliner, looking at the reports these days.

Rhone was also sitting on the sofa not far away, drinking tea, and the years were peaceful.

On the other side, Rawls was sitting in a chair, seriously dealing with various matters in the potion field, and actively arranging various matters. Erdo on the side was also constantly flipping through the documents.

For a time, the whole office is two kinds of pictures.

Erdo is busy with his work, and looks at Rhona enviously from time to time, so cool!

Rawls also kept his eyes away from packing up the documents, but when he came out to play and saw Yin Lai who was ready to read the documents and was about to leave, he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Yin Lai, are you leaving again?"

"Yes, it's time!" Yin glanced at Herman.

"Then why don't you carefully check the properties of the potion field, the spraying of various nutrients, and other matters?"

"No need, I've already arranged it, that's it!" Yin Lai glanced at Rawls inexplicably.

"Uh." Rawls was speechless for a while, and said: "You are so careless, the output of the potion field will not lie, I forgot to tell you, I have already told Kratos Battalion Commander, if you Too bad, I'll definitely let you out of this department."

"Of course, it mainly refers to the potion field. The cultivation of potion is very complicated. I suggest you practice more instead of sitting here. I will go there in person every day, how about you?"

? ? ?

Yin Lai glanced at Kratos, I have been farming for more than a hundred years, and I still need you to teach me.

"Oh!" Yin Lai snorted and left without caring.

Rock was also surprised that their minister was so brave, but he followed up immediately.

Rawls' mouth kept Could you look at me more?

oh what do you mean? Don't care about me at all?

Erdo on the side also opened his mouth wide, but when he saw Rawls looking over at random, he immediately lowered his head.

"Erdo, you go to get all the materials in the potion field today. I will study it carefully and redistribute the planting modules to increase the output."

Erdo's mouth twitched, brother, can you stop working so hard? He hasn't left here for over a month.

"Hmph, as soon as the output comes out, you'll know who is more suitable here." Rawls glanced at Yin Lai's back and said angrily.

Work, how can you be so fishy?

This is the minister's confidence in them.

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