Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 144: Angel investor Eli

The experimental potion fields are located on both sides of the camp, Yin Lai is in the east, and Rawls is in the west, so if nothing else, the two sides are almost invisible.

Rawls wants to drive away Yin Lai, of course he will not do nothing.

Yin Lai was already very proficient at planting the potion field, so he spent half an hour re-planning, and then instructed how to plant each potion and how to configure a specific nutrient solution. It took a few minutes. Hours.

After that, Yin Lai completely ignored the potion field, and only went to see it occasionally, and even the department went there once in a while, while Rawls often went to the potion field.

And Yin Lai also received news about Ti Jie. The new wizard camp is located in the Chris Mountains, far away from the warlock forces. He took the potion that Yin Lai gave him, advanced to the first stage, and has become the leader of the camp. head of a small department.

Ti Jie is Yin Lai's servant, but Yin Lai's idea for him and her is to let him help him explore the current influence of the wizarding world, so he still gave some investment to help him climb up.

Of course, the same is true for Little Ross. Yin Lai will invest when necessary. Yin Lai expects that he can become stronger and climb higher in the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy.

Of course, this is just one of his investments. It doesn't matter if he succeeds or not. Anyway, he has invested in a lot of people. Even if one of them is successful, Yin Lai's cost will be paid back.

This is also one of the joys of the eternal, cultivate it.

He was just repeating what he had done in Byrne.

Speaking of cultivation, of course Yin Lai will not forget his two resentful students, Vivica and David.

Judging from the perception, it seems that David is no longer here at this time, and the path he chose seems to be a wizard, and it is ashamed that he has already broken through the second ring and surpassed Yin Lai.

Vivica, on the other hand, has gone all the way through the bloodline, and may still be in this continent, but she is not very close to Yin Lai. She is currently at a limit level, and she is about to break through. Yin Lai feels that it should be soon. .

As for other information about the two, Yin Lai didn't know.

As for whether or not to meet in the future, it depends on fate.

The two of them still have Yin Lai's imprint in their minds. Yin Lai is not too worried at the moment, but just feels a little embarrassed, and feels that the level of both of them has surpassed Yin Lai.

"Hey, but they all have to die!" Shaking his head, I hope they can last until the day they meet him.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Everything in the camp is slowly recovering, but there is a small problem in the potion field in the camp.

"What kind of bug is this?" Yin Lai frowned, looking at the small bug on Silent Crescent Moon.

About half the size of a fingernail, the whole body is blue and white, with black spots all over it, and they are clinging to the silent crescent, destroying the enchanted plant.

This is a small bug that suddenly appeared in the Silent Crescent planting area in the camp yesterday. The current number is not very large, but it does great harm to Silent Crescent. It will continuously release a pheromone and destroy the extraordinary characteristics of the plant.

"My lord, this kind of bug was discovered yesterday, but we have already used a lot of methods, and it doesn't work at all. What's more troublesome is that this kind of bug reproduces very quickly." Rona said anxiously.

Silent Crescent is the most planted magic plant in the potion field, so it can't be unexpected.

"Well, I see, have you done ultrasound, magic medicine, and blood pressure suppression?" Yin Lai asked with a frown.

"Currently our potion is useless, and this bug seems to be very resistant to sound waves, and the bloodline is useful, but only if the bloodline above the second ring continues to emit breath, these bugs will leave slowly." said.

"Is that so?"

Yin Lai frowned.

The reduction in the production of potion must have an impact on him. As the minister, they will take part of Mozhi's profits. This is destroying Yin Lai's property!

As for the bloodline, it's okay, but Yin Lai doesn't have the heart to stay here all the time.

"Well, you guys use other methods first, I'll go back first." Frowning, Yin Lai thought for a while, caught a few bugs and left.

the other side.

Rawls also frowned at this bug.

This is not what he is good at!

Immediately, he immediately found some wizards of the insect bloodline that he knew and began to understand, but these wizards only studied their own bloodlines, so how did they know about insects.

He walked around and found that none of the warlocks understood.

"These people only study their own blood." Rawls finally sighed helplessly.

Isn't this the current status of the Warlock world, even if he is.

Leaving the family again, he came to Yin Lai's potion field by ghosts and spirits. This was also his first time here.

"Hey, he actually made some adjustments." Rawls was surprised to find that the layout of the potion field was different from before, and he thought he didn't do anything.

Yin Lai is not lazy either!

Rawls recognized Yin Lai a little, but when he walked to the silent crescent area and saw that there were only a few people using human power to expel him, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He was the one who looked up to Yin Lai.

"Really, it seems that it will be stable to drive him away." Rawls relaxed a little bit. Since Yin Lai is so loose, then it will be much easier to drive Yin Lai away.

However, Rawls always felt that other potions seemed to grow well.


Most of the plants here are biennial, and he can't see anything now. He just thinks it's an illusion.

After observing for a while, he left here.

Back to the lab with the bug.

Yin Lai started a new experiment, began to study this bug in a targeted manner, and prepared to solve the bug problem.

The method Yin Lai chose was to prepare for a change in reproduction. It would be difficult to kill directly, but it would be alright to make it lose fertility after taking it.

Anyway, the lifespan of this bug is very short, it is estimated that it is only one or two days, so it is very suitable.

For similar research, Yin Lai did a lot when he was studying bloodline creatures, and now he is just doing it simply, so two days later, Yin Lai made the potion.

Take the potion to the potion department, let Yin Fona make the members produce a lot, and then return to the potion field.

"Minister, does this really work?" Rona asked suspiciously, looking at the potion sprayed.

"Tomorrow you will know." Yin Lai smiled.

the next day.

"My goodness!

! "Rona knelt on the ground and picked up the corpse of the bug in the potion field, looking shocked.

On the ground, there are small rice-like insects from the production place, but these insect eggs have not hatched, there is no breath of life, and they are almost completely dead.

It's all made by that potion.

"Boss, this isn't something you configured, right?" Rona said with a stunned expression.

"Nonsense." Yin Lai glanced at him.

Rhone was convinced.

Soon, the matter of the potion gradually reached Rawls's ears.

However, he only knew that the Potions Department had potions that could solve this bug, but he didn't know who configured it, so he could only go to Yin Fona and ask for some of them.

Yin Funa did not give an answer that day, but came to ask Yin Lai.

"Give it to him, it doesn't matter." Yin Laicai didn't care about this.

In fact, Rawls is just like that, but the layout is a little small. Yin Lai, who has seen a lot of them, doesn't care, just tell Yin Fona not to tell him that the potion is configured by him.

Soon, Rawls also got the potion.

That night, he looked at the bottle of potion with deep puzzlement.

"How is this configured, and what is the principle?" The Rolls people are stupid and don't understand the principle at all.

After simply analyzing the potion, he became even more lost in the lake.

"Which master configured this?" Rawls shook his head, feeling that no one in the camp could develop a potion so quickly, which was outrageous.

Others don't seem to care, but only he knows how high the level of this potion person is.

"It's a pity I don't know each other, if only he taught me potions." Rawls sighed, "No, am I worthy?"

"I do not deserve!"

"This kind of potions master must be at least a second-ring warlock to have such in-depth research. The current level of potions is really average."

From the wizarding world to today's world, warlocks have given up too much, and potions have declined. The formal warlocks are insensitive to some elements because their bloodlines are insensitive, so the number of pharmacists is very small, and there are even fewer high-level pharmacists. .

At least in the field of potions, Yin Lai is the strongest in the camp, and there is no doubt about his mother.

In this way, Rawls used Yin Lai's potion without knowing it.

After seeing the effect the next day, I also sighed.

"so amazing."

He finally breathed a sigh of relief when the bug thing was resolved.

For him, as long as this matter is resolved, it will be time for him to slap Yin Lai in the face after a year.

"How can a department have two ministers?" Rawls sneered.

He just wants to defeat Yin Lai upright, so he must be very easy to work so hard.

In this way, Erdo spent the busiest year of his life.

Every day, watching Rawls down the potion field, he worked diligently to handle potions, disperse bugs, etc. Yin Lai heard about it, and turned over from the reclining chair.

He rolls as he rolls.

He has done a lot of work, UU reading and it's all very scientific. If he needs to do it himself, it's too fishy.

Rawls is very convoluted, but he is a warlock. Although he has research, compared with Yin Lai, a wizard, he lacks research and practice. Some things are done according to experience without understanding the reasons. There is no comparison.

It can be said that this is both a match between Rawls and Yin Lai.

It's also a battle of minds between wizards and warlocks.

Warlocks who have lost their longing for truth rely on digging power to become powerful, but wizards, knowledge and truth are their weapons, and potions is one of them.

"I miss the wizarding world of the past!"

In the office, Yin Lai looked at Rawls who went out again, sighed, and then turned his body over again.

It is comfortable to lie on your side at work.

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