Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 146: Cursed witchcraft?

Rawls is gone, and he is gone.

He looked at Yin Lai's back and sighed, but then cheered up again, silently vowing that he must surpass Yin Lai and hit him hard.

"Wait, hum." Rawls snorted coldly and left here.

Yin Lai sensed Rawls' voice behind him, glanced at it, said something inexplicable, and turned to leave.

The reporting work of the potion field has ended, and the magic plant has begun to be sold and sold, and Yin Lai also began to collect part of the magic plant that he mixed in the secret realm in the process. To be honest, this part is no better than the camp at all. So Yin Lai only sold a small part, waiting for the gradual sell-off after getting familiar with it.

And Kratos also gave some benefits. Yin Lai's magic stone reserve came to the terrifying number of five thousand for the first time, which was a lot for him.

However, although he has gained a lot, Yin Lai has also consumed a lot, especially the experiment of the power of devouring. He needs at least a few hundred magic stones every month, which is why he can support it now, otherwise he would have let him directly in the past. bankruptcy.

During this process, Rawls also checked Yin Lai, and wanted to see if Yin Lai had any secrets. After all, many ministers used to do this for profit.

But after checking, he found that Yin Lai was really clean and outrageous.

He can hardly take any part of the department, which makes his idea of ​​using this to take down Yin Lai shattered, and what makes him even more aggrieved is that he has to learn how to grow potions with Yin Lai. After the process, he was also a little convinced that he was not wronged to lose.

Of course, this is another matter, whether it is pleasing to the eye or not.

He still wanted to drive away Yin Lai and enjoy it all, but he had no chance. Facing a seamless egg, he was helpless, how could he be so disciplined!

And when Yin Lai heard him check the accounts, he smiled.

Just take it slow, why take the risk?

Time blinks past five years.

Yin Lai went to the Potions Department as before.

Walking on the road, I can hear a lot of gossip, mostly about the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy, and about the battalion commander, as if something happened.

Yin Lai came to the office with doubts.

"Rona, what happened recently?" Yin Lai asked the deputy minister, Rhone.

"Uh, did the minister also hear about it?" Rhona stood up straight. Compared with five years ago, his hair had a lot of white threads.

"I heard that a large wizard relic was found nearby recently, and then a group of people from the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy went there. As a result, many people died, and a few were trapped in it."

"Then the academy ordered the battalion commander Kratos to go and take care of the people, but the battalion commander refused, resulting in the deaths of all the people in the academy. After that, they sent people to explore the ruins and pull the things back." Rona looked at There was no one around, he whispered.

"That's it!" Yin Lai frowned. He was in the secret realm all the year round, and often only came out once a few days. This time, this happened when he was in the secret realm these few days.

"No, someone from the academy took the things away yesterday, but the commotion was very stiff." Rona spread his hands and said helplessly.

"It was moved away!" Yin Lai hissed, a pity.

He just wanted to say go and see if there is anything that can be used. Bai was happy.

"Okay, I'll just come over, it's time to go." After a brief look at his work these days, Yin Lai turned around and left.

The next purpose is the Wizard Relics Disposal Department.

"Lord Minister, walk slowly." Rona sent Yin Lai out of the department.

Ten minutes later, Yin Lai came to another site of his.

"Minister, recently, there are some of your favorite book junk... um, items, do you want to take a look." In the department, Paul asked.

"New thing?" Yin Lai was surprised.

"Yes, it's the most recent ruin," Paul replied.

"Didn't they all be moved away?" Yin Lai looked strange.

"Uh, my lord, the things in the ruins were indeed taken away, but the garbage was sent over before, and then they didn't seem to want it, so they stayed here." Paul accidentally said what he said in his heart.

"Take me to see." Yin Lai came interested.


Soon, they came to the warehouse, opened the warehouse, and Yin Lai walked in.

At the end of the warehouse, there was a pile of new books, his eyes lit up when he saw it, and he walked over quickly.

There are about a dozen new books, and they are very new. Although there are some traces of history, there is no problem in preservation, book cover, or other.

Open one.

"A Preliminary Understanding of Conjuration Witchcraft

Seeing these ten words on the first page, Yin Lai took a deep breath. It was knowledge that he didn't know before, what is this garbage, this is a treasure!

After flipping through a few pages, Yin Lai determined that this was new knowledge, and Yin Lai asked Paul to leave first.

Yin Lai began to read carefully again, and as time passed, he also learned and learned about the terrifying black witchcraft of curse witchcraft, and was even more pleasantly surprised.

According to the book, curse witchcraft is divided into main parts.

One is the target, but the medium, and the final price.

The target is well understood, that is, the person who needs to cast a spell, and the medium is the object related to the target. Of course, it is not only the object, but even information, such as the name, etc., but if you choose this medium, It is necessary to prepare for failure, of course, strength is another matter.

The final price is the most important to the caster.

In fact, to a certain extent, the conjuration system has a certain relationship with fate. If you pay, you will inevitably pay a price. Generally, black wizards will cultivate parasites in their bodies to offset the price, or other methods. Therefore, even if it is black. Wizard, also rarely used.

It is a real witchcraft that hurts the enemy and also hurts itself.

However, Yin Lai was still very happy. After all, it was new knowledge, and it was free. This could only happen if you pressed it for the second time. If you put it in the former wizarding world, no one would let it be thrown here.

Respect for knowledge is the education that every wizard has received.

In Sarin's notes, it was also emphasized many times that it also had an important impact on Yin Lai.

Just like that, Yin Lai went home with books.

two months later.

Yin Lai took a deep breath and put the last book of Cursing Witchcraft aside, feeling stronger again.

"Since you have learned it, you must practice it." Yin Lai thought to himself after pursing his lips.

But who should test the waters?

Yin Lai's eyes lit up, yes.

Yin Lai sat on the side, and suddenly, under the influence of spiritual power, runes appeared on the ground, large shadows also appeared, and all kinds of strange breaths were emitted.

"Darkness deeper than darkness, and weirder than poisonous... Today, I, Yin Lai Lucifer, at the cost of my one-year life force, curse Rolls Kling, I want him..."

Yin Lai closed his eyes and began to perform the spell. The price was that the curse was very valuable, but the life force that Yin Lai could use indefinitely was his price. As for the target, it was Rawls.

The curse has been established, and Yin Lai is over.

at the same time.

Rawls was standing in the potion field at this time, smiling at the large potion field in front of him. After learning, the output really increased a lot.

Just when he was about to leave, he stepped out, and suddenly, the ground in front of him collapsed directly.

"I..." Rolls stared, his body had already fallen in, and then the ground collapsed again, Rolls directly supported on all fours, just on the ground.

Rawls took a deep breath and looked into the depression. It turned out to be a snake nest, and a dozen or so poisonous snakes with zero rings neighed and intertwined with each other.

"It's dangerous!" Rawls felt cold sweat on his forehead, and there was actually a nest of devil snakes here.

Just when he was about to use his strength, suddenly above the sky, a huge bird was holding a wild boar in its hand. Suddenly, the wild boar struggled and slowly fell down, hitting the ground like a cannonball, making a sound.

"What?" Rawls looked at it slightly out of the corner of his eye, puzzled for a while.


Pig in the sky?

Rawls' eyes widened, but the wild boar had already arrived and smashed on Rawls's back. The damage was not great, but with this power, the soil layer in front of him changed again.

"Do not!

! "Rolls let out a whimper, and was led by the wild boar all the way into the snake's den. At the same time, the ground sank and buried it intimately.

Yin Lai was in the department when he saw Rawls again the next day.

Seeing that Rawls's front body was swollen and swollen, and there were several wounds all over his face, Yin Lai laughed.

"Kuh." Rawls said in a calm voice, but he couldn't say a normal word.

The snake with zero ring was originally nothing, but he was buried, seven or eight meters deep underground, even he has lost a lot of effort, especially those poisonous snakes, they really drill everywhere and bite .

Rawls still trembled when he thought of what happened yesterday.

Mental damage far outweighs physical damage.

"Rolls, this is my potion. It works very well and can be used." Yin Lai threw a potion.

Rawls stared, but he didn't expect Yin Lai to actually give him the medicine.

How could he be moved!

How do you feel that Yin Lai is a good person!

"Crab!" Rawls endured the pain and said.

"It's okay." Yin Lai left with a smirk, left the department, and laughed out loud, there was no way, he really wanted to laugh.

The effect of this curse and witchcraft is much better than Yin Lai imagined. It was only one year. If it were replaced by three years, five years, ten years, or even a hundred years.

Yin Lai sucked in a breath of cold air.

It feels like he may have really found a treasure.

Would you like to try it?

But looking at Rawls who left without work today, Yin Lai shook his head and turned to leave. It was really bad to hurt the fragile Rawls, so he turned and left.

While Rawls watched Yin Lai leave, the medicine he had just taken seemed to have begun to take effect. The swelling was rapidly decreasing, and the toxins were also melting. This medicine was estimated to be very precious.

"People are still good." Rawls commented.

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